No description specified.
1-50 (1,281 Records)
- 39th Street in Groves: From SH 347 to Glazer Ave. (1975)
- 41WB23: IH-35: from the Missouri Pacific Railroad Underpass North of US 83, North 9.2 Miles (1981)
- 9 / 9 - Cultural Resources Assessment; US 67: At the Leon River, 3.0 Miles West of Proctor (1985)
- Additional Shovel Tests; US 281: From 1.65 Miles North of FM 3376 to the Live Oak County Line (1991)
- The Alex Justiss Site - A Caddoan Cemetery in Titus County, Texas (1981)
- Archaeological Component SH 36: From 1.5 Miles South of US 290 to the Austin County Line (1990)
- Archaeological Component, FM 230: Bridge Replacement at Tantabogue Creek, 2.4 Miles W. of Lovelady (1990)
- Archaeological Component: CR 270: at Village Creek (1991)
- Archaeological Component; County Road 134 (Mill Dam Road): Bridge Replacements at Millrace Diversion of the Guadalupe River and at the Main Channel of the Guadalupe River (1989)
- Archaeological Component; County Road 174 (Edge Falls Road): Bridge Replacement (1991)
- Archaeological Component; US 79: Trom 1.3 miles east of SH 75 to IH 45 in Buffalo (1990)
- Archaeological Component; US 87: From SH 46 (West), South to IH-10 (1990)
- Archaeological Excavation - IPE 011 - Justiss Site (41TT13) (1976)
- Archaeological Resources Survey Report; County Road 294 at Winters Bayou and Winters Bayou Relief (1992)
- An Archaeological Review on CR 128 at Big Creek in Wise County, Texas (1991)
- Archaeological Review: SH 70: Bridge Replacement at Kent Creek, Hall County (1990)
- Archaeological Review; CR 506: Bridge Replacement at Falls Creek (1991)
- Archaeological Review; CR 588: Bridge Replacement at Contrary Creek (1991)
- Archaeological Review; CR 588: Bridge Replacement at Tributary of Lake Granbury (1991)
- Archaeological Site 41HE255, FM 317: The Athens Loop. (1983)
- Archaeological Site 41KT4; FM 2320: From the Salt Fork of the Brazos River to 5.0 Mi. E. of FM 1081 (1986)
- An Archaeological Survey on Interstate Highway 10 (1973)
- Archaeological Surveys in Cherokee, Anderson, Gregg, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith Counties Between November 12-15, 1973 (1973)
- Archaeological Testing of Resources Within the Shafter Historic Mining District (1981)
- Archaeological Testing of Site 41BX679 Bexar County, Texas (1985)
- Archaeological Testing of Site 41CI30, Childress County, Texas (1988)
- Archaeological Testing of the Cave at 41BX22 Bexar County, Texas (1985)
- Archaic Lifeways in the Northern Part of the West Gulf Coastal Plain: Results of Excavations at Site 41BW422, Bowie County, Texas (2001)
- Archeolgical Testing of Site 41HR564 Harris County, Texas. (1985)
- Archeological Component: FM 3214: from South end of FM 3214, South and East to County Road 165 (1990)
- Archeological Component; SH 136: From Fritch to FM 1319. (1990)
- Archeological Resources Survey Report: FM 45 from FM 2126 Southward to US 190, Cultural Resources Assessment, Brown County (1991)
- Archeological Review; US 281: From 1.65 Miles North of FM 3376 to the Live Oak County Line (1991)
- Archeological Survey and Testing of Pipelines and Cultural ResourcesAssessment, MH 398: In San Antonio on Marbach Road from IH 410, West to Hunt Lane (1979)
- Archeological Survey FM 1162: From End of FM 1162, 13.0 Miles SE of El Campo S. to Matagorda County Line (1974)
- Archeological Survey, Loop 463: From Loop 175, 3.3 Miles Southwest of Telferner to US 59 SW of Victoria (1974)
- Archeological Testing at Site 41BP280, Bastrop County, Texas (1986)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41CW25 (1984)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41DW260, DeWitt County,Texas (1988)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41MD22 Midland County, Texas (1981)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41MX23 Morris County, Texas (1985)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41VV801 Val Verde County, Texas (1986)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41WL19 Waller County, Texas (1984)
- Archeological Testing of Site 41WN79 Wilson County, Texas (1991)
- Archeological Testing Report of Sites 41TG114, 41TG115, 41TG116 - US 277: From 5.5 Miles North of Christoval to 1.3 Miles South of Christoval, Tom Green County, Texas (1980)
- Archeological Testing, Sites 41RD11 Through 41RD15, IH 27: From the Swisher County Line, north to 13.0 Miles South of Amarillo (1981)
- Arkansas Street: From US 59, S. to Market Street (1975)
- Beals Creek Bridge - On Moss Lake Road at Beal s Creek, S. of IH-20 (1976)
- Beltway 8, Section II: From SH 255 to IH 45 (So uth), D-8E 845.712 F1126 3256-03-008 (1985)
- Beltway 8, Section III: From IH 10 West, South to US 59 South, D-8E 845.712 (1985)