Hettie L. Ballweber
No description specified.
101-108 (108 Records)
- Preliminary Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Welsh Property, Charles County, Maryland (1990)
- Preliminary Archaeological Survey of Carroll Park Golf Course Expansion and Phase II Testing of Site 18BC34, Baltimore, Maryland (1991)
- Preliminary Archaeological Survey of the Graham Property, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1992)
- Preliminary Archaeological Survey, McCathran Hall Addition, Town of Washington Grove, Montgomery County, Maryland (1992)
- Ceramic Artifact Photographs, Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed Pennsylvania Route 166 Bridge 1993 (2013)
- Glass Artifact Photographs, Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed Pennsylvania Route 166 Bridge 1993 (2013)
- Mineral Artifact Photographs, Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed Pennsylvania Route 166 Bridge 1993 (2013)