Dennis Jones
No description specified.
1-18 (18 Records)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana (1986)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana - Volume 1 (1986)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana - Volume 4 (1989)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana - Volume VI - Acadia, Lafayette, and St. Landry Parishes (1991)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana: Vol II - Ascension, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, St. James and West Feliciana (1987)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana: Volume II - Ascension, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, St. James and West Feliciana (1987)
- Archaeological Atlas and Report of Prehistoric Indian Mounds in Louisiana: Volume III - Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington (1988)
- Atlas and Report On Prehistoric Aboriginal Mound Sites in Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes (1988)
- Cultural Resources Survey of a Pipeline Right-Of-Way in Lafayette and Acadia Parishes, Louisiana (1987)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Arlington Revetment and LSU Berm Improvement Item, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana (1993)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Arlington Revetment and LSU Berm Levee Improvement Item, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana (1990)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Fort Adams Reach Revetment, Mile 312.2 To 306.0-L, Mississippi River, Wilkinson County, Mississippi (1993)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Greenwood Bend and Iowa Point Revetments, Mississippi River M-293 To 280-L (1993)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Mile 306.3 To 293.4-R On the Mississippi River (1989)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Mile 306.3 To 293.4-R On the Mississippi River, Concordia, Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes, Louisiana (1993)
- Investigation of Two Archaeological Sites (16WF48 and 16WF49) in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana (1985)
- Investigations into Prehistoric Occupation of Pimple Mounds in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana (1988)
- The Kleinpeter Site (16EBR5): the History and Archaeology of a Multicomponent Site in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana (1994)