David F. Overstreet
No description specified.
1-50 (250 Records)
- Additional Investigations at the Proposed Franklin- Northeast Interceptor Route (1983)
- Additional Literature and Archives Investigations at the Proposed Kk-2 and Kk-3 & 4 Systems, Near Surface Collector Systems - Kinnickinnic Basin (1983)
- Apostle Islands Project: Summary Report, Inventory and Evaluation of Cultural Resources Within the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore - Wisconsin (1976)
- Archaeological / Historical Records & Literature Search of Solids Landfill and Agricultural Storage Sites (1982)
- Archaeological / Historical Records & Literature Search of Solids Landfill and Agricultural Storage Sites (1982)
- Archaeological / Historical Records and Literature Search of Solids Landfill and Agricultural Storage Sites (1982)
- Archaeological Evaluation of 47 Je 127, Town of Oakland Sanitary District No. 1, Jefferson County, Wisconsin (1983)
- Archaeological Evaluation of the Proposed Madison Area Technical College at the Burke Site, Madison, Wisconsin (1979)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation (and Supplemental Letter): Brillion, Wisconsin, Wastewater Treatment Facilities (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation at Exxon Minerals Company, Crandon Project Site in Forest and Langlade Counties, Wisconsin (1982)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation at Exxon Minerals Company, Crandon Project Site in Forest and Langlade Counties, Wisconsin ( 2 Vols.) (1982)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation at Exxon Minerals Company, Crandon Project Site in Forest and Langlade Counties, Wisconsin - Addendum-May, 1982 (1982)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation at Exxon Minerals Company, Crandon Project Site in Forest County. Addendum - June, 1983: Proposed Water Discharge Pipeline Corridor (1983)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation of Butte Des Morts Utility District, Menasha (West) (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation of the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities at Campbellsport, Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin (1978)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation of the Sheboygan Falls and Kohler Forcemain Routes (1976)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation of the Weston-Unit 3 Power Plant Site (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation, Walworth County Metropolitan Sewage District (1976)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation: Brillion, Wisconsin, Wastewater Treatment Facilities (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory and Evaluation: the Proposed Waukesha County Technical Institute Expansion Project (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory of a Proposed Building Site--Wausau Industrial Park, Marathon County, Wisconsin (1982)
- Archaeological Inventory of a Proposed Development Site at the Intersection of US Highways 41 and 10 Near Appleton, Wisconsin (1980)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Proposed Interceptor Sewer Between the Village of Kekoskee and the City of Mayville, Dodge County, Wisconsin (1980)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Proposed Stabiliztion Ponds, Lift Station, and Interceptor Route, Mellen, Wisconsin (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Faciities, Village of Belgium. Addendum - November, 1982 (1982)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities for the Town of Oakland Sanitary District No. 1, Jefferson County, Wisconsin (April 1983 Addendum To G.L.A.R.C. Reports of Investigations No. 46) (1983)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Proposed Winneconne District #3 Facilities, Winnebago County, Wiscosnin (1982)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Sand Hill Estates and Hillside Homes Community, Oneida, Outagamie County, Wisconsin (1977)
- Archaeological Inventory of the Sanitary Sewer Collection System and Waste Disposal Treatment Facility: Town of Salem Utility District No. 2, Kenosha County (1976)
- Archaeological Inventory: Proposed Oshkosh Area Sanitary Sewer System (1979)
- Archaeological Investigations at 47 Wk 363, Proposed Waukesha Avenue Project, Sussex, Wisconsin (1983)
- Archaeological Investigations at Jim Falls, Chippewa County, Wisconsin (Plus Addendum, May, 1981) (1980)
- Archaeological Investigations at Near Surface Collector Systems in the Milwaukee River, Lake Michigan, Lincoln Creek and Kinnickinnic River Basins (1983)
- Archaeological Investigations at Red Oak Island, Lake Onalaska, La Crosse County, Wisconsin (1986)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Grant River Public Use Area (2 Volumes) (1984)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Grant River Public Use Area (Volumes 1 and 2) (1984)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Hatch and Wolfe Permit Application Areas, Juneau County, Wisconsin (1985)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Hatch and Wolfe Permit Application Sites, Juneau County, Wisconsin (1985)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds - Ct1-E (1983)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Port Washington Clean Energy Site, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin (1985)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Proposed Caledonia Fly Ash Disposal Site, Racine County, Wisconsin (1985)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Proposed Site of NS-4 Alternative Location - Inventory and Evaluation of 47-MI-83. Addendum-November 1983 (1983)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Town of Poygan Sanitary District No. 1, Winnebago County, Wisconsin (1986)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Wisconsin Rapids Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2256), Wood County, Wisconsin (1990)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Wisconsin River Division Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2590), Portage County, Wisconsin (1990)
- Archaeological Investigations at the Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company Reservoir System, Gogebic County, Mich- Igan, and Vilas, Oneida, Lincoln, Forest and Marathon Counties, WI Vol. 1 Great Lakes Arch. Res. Center Milwaukee (1989)
- Archaeological Investigations At the Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company Reservoir System, Gogebic County, Michigan and Vilas, Oneida, Lincoln, Forest, and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin (1990)
- Archaeological Investigations In the Sheboygan River Watershed, 1990-1993 (1993)
- Archaeological Investigations of 25 Parcels Related to the Reconstruction of USH 151 from W. Mound Road to CTH HH in Grant and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin (2001)
- Archaeological Investigations, Navigation Pool 11, Upper Mississippi River Basin (1985)