Sally T. Greiser
No description specified.
1-39 (39 Records)
- Addendum to Report of a Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Access Road to Drill Site in the Marias Pass Area (1985)
- Addendum to Report of a Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Access Road to Drill Site in the Marias Pass Area (Final Report) (1985)
- Addendum to Report of a Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Drill Site on Rock Lake (1985)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Marshall Pass Area, Colorado (1977)
- Archaeological Survey for Superior Oil Company Well Locations #34-31, #34-22, #34-33, Tank Battery (1978)
- Archaeological Survey Report for Natomas-North America, Inc (1978)
- Artifact Collections From Ten Sites At Canyon Ferry Reservoir (1986)
- Big Bend of the Milk River (1986)
- Blackfoot Culture, Religion, and Traditional Practices in the Badger-Two Medicine Area and Surrounding Mountains (1993)
- Class II Cultural Resource Inventory In the Big Bend of the Milk River, Montana (1986)
- Class III Cultural and Paleontological Resource Inventory at Canyon Ferry Reservoir Near Helena, Montana. USDI / Historical Research Associates, Missoula, Montana (1983)
- Cultural Resource Inventory Wastewater Treatment Plant, Columbia Falls, Montana (1980)
- Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Libby Wildlife Lands (Draft Report) (1980)
- Cultural Resource Survey of Approximatley 1, 250 Acres in the Vicinity of Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana (Duplicate Record See CA-6-2085) (1988)
- Cultural Resources Archaeological Investigations at the West Rosebud Archaeological Site - 24st651 (1981)
- Cx Ranch Project (1980)
- Environmental Setting (1985)
- Indian Creek Material Culture: the Paleoindian Flaked Stone Assesmblage (1983)
- Indian Creek Paleoindians: Early Occupation of the Elkhorn Mountains' Southeast Flank, West Central Montana (In: Ice Age Hunters of the Rockies) (1992)
- Late Prehistoric Cultures On the Montana Plains (1988)
- Lost Terrace Avonlea Material Culture. In Avonlea Yesterday and Today: Archaeology and Prehistory (L.B. Davis Editor), PP. 119-128 (1988)
- McNeill Land Exchange Cultural Resource Inventory: Musselshell County, Montana (1985)
- Middle Prehistoric Period Adaptations and Paleoenvironment In the Northwestern Plains: the Sun River Site (1985)
- Montane Paleoindian Occupation of the Barton Gulch Site, Ruby Valley, Southwestern Montana (1989)
- Paleoindians In Transmontane Southwestern Montana: the Barton Gulch Occupations, Ruby River Drainage (1988)
- Pitch Uranium Archaeological Survey (1976)
- Pitch Uranium Project Archaeological Survey (1976)
- Prehistoric Lifeways In the Tongue River Valley (1981)
- Prehistory of the Study Region: Central and Southcentral Alaska. in Phase I Report: Background Research and Predictive Model for Cultural Resources Located Along the Susitna Hydroelectric Project's Li Near Features, Volume I (1985)
- Projectile Point Chronologies of Southwestern Montana (1984)
- Research Design for Field Testing the Model (1985)
- Spring Cleanup At a Folsom Campsite In the Northern Rockies (1987)
- Summary and Future Research Considerations (1985)
- Summary of Available Information Concerning the Archaeological and Historic Resources of Adams, Arapaho, Morgan, and Washington Counties, Colorado (1977)
- A Summary of Available Information Concerning the Archaeological and Historical Resources in the Vicinity of Hauser Reservoir (1980)
- A Summary of Available Information Concerning the Archaeological and Historical Resources in the Vicinity of Ryan Reservoir (1980)
- Sun River (23CA74): a Stratified Pelican Lake and Oxbow Occupation Site Near Great Falls, Montana (1983)
- Sun River (24Ca74): a Stratified Pelican Lake and Oxbow Occupation Site Near Great Falls, Montana (1983)
- Use-Wear Analysis of Paleoindian Unifaces From the Initial Late-Glacial Occupation At the Indian Creek Site (1985)