N. B. Nelson
No description specified.
51-100 (228 Records)
- Borrow Pit a Nmshd Project St-F-036-1(203) (1986)
- Borrow Pit a North of Springer, NM For Nmshd Proj #Ir-025-6(59)412 (1988)
- Borrow Pit a Sp-Etf-019-1(204) For NM State Highway Department (1986)
- Borrow Pit At Mesita Trementina For Nmshd Dist 4 (1992)
- Borrow Pit B For Nmshd Proj #Ir-025-2(48)76 (1989)
- Borrow Pit B In La Jara Wash For New Mexico State Highway Department (1985)
- Borrow Pit B SE Coal Mine Wash For Nmshd Proj #St-(F)-036-1(201),F-036-1(3) (1987)
- Borrow Pit Near Cuates School off Sr 370 For Nmshd Dist 4 (1992)
- Borrow Pit San Juan Co NM For J D Dutton (1982)
- Borrow Pits a & B For Nmshd Proj #Wipp-F-022-2(21) (1989)
- Borrow Pits a & B Near 4 Mile Draw For Nmshd Proj #Wipp-(F)-023-1(21) (1989)
- Borrow Pits a & C For Nmshd Proj #Wipp-F-022(22) (1989)
- Borrow Pits A&B & I-40 R.O.W. From Guadalupe-Quay County Line For Nmshd (1985)
- Borrow Pits A,B,C & Surface Pit 85-4-S For Nmshd Proj #Wipp-023-3(6) (1985)
- Borrow Pits A,B,C US 54 Santa Rosa & Vaughn For Nmshd Proj #Wipp-S-020-3(6) (1988)
- Borrow Pits C & E Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mine For Nmshd Proj #St-F-036-1(201) (1988)
- Bridge 1817 On Piedra Lumbre Drainage For Nmshd Proj #F-Brf-050-1(15) (1990)
- Bridge 1840 North of Fort Stanton, NM For Nmshd Proj #Br-O-2217(1) (1992)
- Bridge 242 Sr 63 Across Pecos River For Nmshd Proj #Br-0-1417(7) (1992)
- Bridge 2547 On Independence Ave In Las Vegas, NM For Nmshd Proj #Br-0-7647(5) (1990)
- Bridge 3806 US 64 East of Tres Piedras, NM For Nmshd Proj #Br-064-6(22)224 (1992)
- Bridge 5297 & I-40 R / W At Puerco River F0R Nmshd Proj #Ir-040-3(87)141 (1988)
- Bridge 5456 Rio San Jose In Milan-Grants Area For Nmshd Proj #Br-0-7606(1) (1991)
- Bridge 5843 On US 70 Across Rio Ruidoso For Nmshd Proj #Brf-021-1(28) (1992)
- Bridge 7842 Near Artesia, NM For Nmshd Proj #Br-O-7515(3) (1989)
- Bridge Replacement On Arrey Canal For Nmshd Project Bro-7551(3) (1987)
- Bridge Replacement On Sr 18 For Nmshd (1986)
- By-Pass In Silver City For Nmshd (1985)
- Cathodic Protection Line R / W For Robert Witter & Associates (1983)
- Charles Hosh #1E Well Pad & Access Road For Arapahoe Drilling Company (1981)
- Clovis Railroad Overpass Proj For Nmshd Proj #Sp-(F)-024-2(205) (1987)
- Construction Maintenance Easement On Us60 For Nmshd Proj #Sp-Of-027-2(205) Etc (1993)
- County Road R At US 60 West of Clovis, NM For Nmshd Proj #Sp-(F)-027-3(214)380 (1992)
- Cultural Resource Evaluation of 5 Structures In Bloomfield, NM (1991)
- Defiance Bridge Project # Br-O-7531(5) For Nmshd (1986)
- Dike For Water Erosion Control For Texas New Mexico Pipeline Company (1982)
- Drainage System At Ou Lady of Light Church In Canoncito For Nmshtd District 5 (1988)
- Drainage System At Our Lady of Light Church Canoncito, NM For Dist 5 (1987)
- East of I-25 In Raton Pass For Slide Repair Work For Nmshd Proj #Im-025-6(66)460 (1992)
- Existing US 80 R / W & Realignment At Rodeo, NM For Nmshd Proj #F-014-1(1) (1988)
- Extension of Borrow Pit B Nmshd Proj.# F-033--2(28) (1986)
- Extension Sixshooter Canyon Borrow Pit For New Mexico State Highway Dept (1985)
- Fencing Project On US 84 North of I-40 For Nmshd Project Sp-4-87(651) (1986)
- Fencing Project On US 84 South of Santa Rosa For Nmshd Project Sp-4-87(650) (1986)
- First 5 Miles of Sr 264 For Nmshd (1986)
- Four I-40 Bridge Replacements No Ir-040-1(72)29 For Nmshd (1986)
- From San Ildefonso Pueblo Grant East Boundary To Us285 & Sr 4 For Nmshd (1985)
- Frontage Road East of I-25 & South of University Ave Las Cruces, NM For Nmshd (1991)
- Frontage Road North of Vado Interchange & East of I-10 For Nmshd (1991)
- Gobernador Cathodic Protection Lines For Jemez Mountains Electric Cop / 82(II)015F (1982)