Robert L. Brooks
No description specified.
51-83 (83 Records)
- Intensive Archeological Survey of the Hope Sewage Project (1976)
- Intensive Archeological Survey of the Lamar Sewage Project (1977)
- Intensive Archeological Survey of the Magazine Sewage Project (1976)
- Intensive Archeological Survey of the Ozark Sewage Improvements (1977)
- Intensive Survey of Ten Exchange Tracts in the Ouachita National Forest, Perry County, Arkansas (1976)
- Last Prehistoric People: the Southern Plains Villagers (1989)
- Late Woodland in the Western Outer Bluegrass: Upland Subsistence Behavior at a Small Homestead (1982)
- New Smith, 34RM400: a Plains Village Mortuary Site In Western Oklahoma (1992)
- No Title (1997)
- No Title (1997)
- Oklahoma Archaeology: a 1981 Perspective of the State's Archeological Resources, Their Significance, Their Problems and Some Proposed Solutions (1983)
- Oklahoma Archeology: a 1981 Perspective of the State's Archeological Resources, Their Significance, Their Problems and Some P;Roposed Solutions (1983)
- The Old Bear Site (15Sh18): An Upland Camp in the Western Outer Bluegrass Region (1985)
- Old Bear Site (15Sh18): An Upland Camp in the Western Outer Bluegrass Region (1985)
- A Planning Program for the Management of Archaeological Resources in the Eastern Coal Field Region of Kentucky (1978)
- Prehistoric Farmers of the Washita River Valley: Settlement and Subsistence Patterns During the Plains Village Period (1985)
- Prehistoric Farmers of the Washita River Valley: Settlement and Subsistence Patterns During the Plains Village Period (1985)
- Prehistoric Spot Finds, Localities, and Archaeological Context: a Cautionary Note from Kentucky (1979)
- Preliminary Field Reconnaissance of the East Fork Cadron Creek Watershed Structure #E-4, Faulkner County, Arkansas (1976)
- Preliminary Field Study of One Floodwater Retarding Structure in the Little Mulberry Creek Watershed, Crawford County (1976)
- Preliminary Field Study of Three Floodwater Retarding Structures in the Cooper Creek Watershed, Lawrence County, Arkansas (1976)
- Preliminary Reconnaissance of the Carroll-Boone Water Supply and Transmission Project (1976)
- Responses To Risk and Uncertainty Among Southern Plains Villagers: the Washita River Phase (1990)
- A Review of Work Conducted by the Office of State Archaeology, Fiscal Year 1978-1979 (1979)
- Southern Plains Cultural Complexes (1994)
- Subdivision Project: An Analysis of Archaeological Resources in the South Lexington Vicinity, Fayette County, Kentucky (1981)
- Subsistence and Settlement Patterns in the Licking River Valley: New Insights into the Problem of Dichotomas Settlement (1979)
- System Is up and Running: Costs, Benefits, and Side-Effects of a State-Wide Archaeological Information System (1981)
- Talihina Project (1982)
- Talihina Project: Survey and Testing of the Proposed Talhina Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Leflore County, Oklahoma (1982)
- TX-71: a Late Prehistoric Bison Processing Station in the Oklahoma Panhandle (1987)
- TX-71: a Late Prehistoric Bison Processing Station in the Oklahoma Panhandle (1985)
- Warfare On the Southern Plains (1994)