Stanislaus National Forest
No description specified.
1-50 (646 Records)
- 05-16-2088 Short Form, Cultural Resource Management Report: Big Trees Prescribed Burn, Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras Ranger District. (1999)
- 05-16-2089, Short Form Cultural Resource Management Report, Beaver Creek Prescribed Underburn, Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras Ranger District. (1997)
- 1988 Groveland Site Prep Project, CRIR #05-16-289 (1989)
- 1988 Pilot Fire Salvage Sale, Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Crir # 05-16-297, Tuolumne County (1991)
- 1989 Testing at 05-16-51-573 (CA-TUO-2343 / H) Report of Activities and Results; Twomile Access Collector Project, Phase I (CRIR 05-16-299). (1989)
- 1989 Testing at 05-16-54-1068, Report of Activities and Results: Big Basin Fire Salvage Sale; Excavation of Site 54-1068. (1991)
- 1990 Insect / Drought Inventory Report CRIR #05-16-456 Tuolumne County, California: Project Name Dome II Insect Salvage Sale. (1990)
- 1991 Balmain Insect Salvage Timber Sale, Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-600, Tuolumne County, California. (1991)
- 1991 Bold Buck II Insect Salvage Timber Sale, Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-553, Tuolumne County, California. (1991)
- 1991 Diamondback Insect Salvage Timber Sale, Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-596, Tuolumne County, California. (1991)
- 1991 Groveland Deep Tilling Project, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-551, Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties (1994)
- 1991 Insect / Drought Salvage Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-552 Bamber Insect Salvage Timber Sale, Tuolumne County, California (1991)
- 1991 Insect / Drought Salvage Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-582 Sugar Island Insect Salvage Timber Sale, Tuolumne County, California (1991)
- 1991-1992 Groveland Plantation Manual Release Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0610 (1992)
- 1995 Granite Plantation Underburn, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4054, in Tuolumne County, California. (1995)
- 4N38 Hazard Tree Removal CRMR 05-16-2091, Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras Ranger District (1996)
- Addendum #1: Cultural Resource Inventory Report #281; Strip Insect Salvage Sale (05-16-281) (1989)
- Addendum Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report CRIR No. 05-16-295 Stanislaus Helicopter Fire Salvage Sale USOA Forest Service Stanislaus National Forest (1991)
- Additional Information, CRIR Stanislaus National Forest, Camp 17 Helicopter Fire Salvage Sale, Groveland R.D. (1991)
- Agency out of Compliance Documentation and Preliminary Damage Assessment, National Register of Historic Properties Eligible Site CA-CAL-718, Cultural Resource Management Report No. 05-16-522c, Calaveras Ranger District, Calaveras County, CA (1995)
- Anderson Compartment>><<Grizzly Unit, Archaeological Reonnaissance Report, Stanislaus National Forest, 2. (1976)
- Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of Mariposa Reservoir, Mariposa County, California, Stanislaus National Forest (1948)
- Archaeological and Historical Evaluation of CA-TUO-1901H. Camp Willer No.2 a Woods Camp of the Sugar Pine Railway (1994)
- Archaeological and Historical Resource Survey and Impact Assessment , a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvest Plan: Camp Hi-Sierra THP (1993)
- Archaeological and Historical Resource Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan: Star Canyon Emergency (1993)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvest Plan (1994)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvest Plan, California Department of Forestry, Bull Creek 4-94-36 / MAR-3 (1994)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvest Plan; Alcan: Red Cloud 4-94-1 / TUO-1 California Department of Forestry (1994)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan (1994)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan; Confidence 4-94-29 / TUO-5 California Department of Forestry (1994)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Project (1993)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment; a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan (1993)
- Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey Report and Impact Assessment-A Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvest Plan (1994)
- Archaeological Investigation at Six Sites On the Stanislaus National Forest, California: Testing of Sites 51-250, 262, 301, 303, 53-202 and 296. (1983)
- Archaeological Investigation of CalTrans Sign Installation, Stanislaus National Forest, Groveland Ranger District; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4068. (1995)
- Archaeological Investigation of Jones Point Drift Fence, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4076. (1996)
- Archaeological Investigations at Three Sites Within the Porath and Deer Flat Fire Salvage Timber Sales (1993)
- Archaeological Mitigation Excavation at Anderson Flat (Site 05-16-54-19, 106 & 108; Installation of Recreational Facility Romtec SST "Bill's Toilet". (1993)
- Archaeological Recconnaissance Report: Sardine Compartment (1983)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance in Stanislaus National Forest, California, Straw Timber Sale Tract. (1977)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance in Stanislaus National Forest, California: Duckwall Timber Sale. (1977)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance in Stanislaus National Forest, California: Lyons Timber Sale. (1977)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Catfish Compartment, Stanislaus National Forest, California. (1977)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report (Summary) Campoodle Timber Sale ARR Number 05-16-243 (1987)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report (Summary) North and South Chrome Timber Sales Dome Compartment Review (Napton, 1979) ARR Number 05-16-246 (1987)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report (Summary) North Niagara Timber Sale Ammendment to Upper Mill Timber Sale (Napton 1974) ARR Number 05-16-254 (1987)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report (Summary) Randall / Prather Timber Sale Highland / Beartrap Review (Napton 1975 & 1976) (1987)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report 05-16-108 CY77: Dry Meadow Timber Sale, Compartment No. 12. (1977)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report 05-16-223, Dudley Parcel, Groveland Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest (1984)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Report 1987 Looney Timber Sale ARR Number 05-16-250 (1987)