Stanislaus National Forest
No description specified.
251-300 (646 Records)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Gardner Road Obliteration Project;Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0785 in Tuolumne County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Garrotte Insect Salvage Timber Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0763 in Tuolumne County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Girl Hand Release Tuolumne County, California, Cultural Resource Management Report # 05-16-633 (1991)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Granite Burn Mechanical Plantation Release in Tuolumne County, California (1989)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Green Mechanical Release CRMR# 05-16-766 in Tuolumne County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Gritty Insect Salvage CRMR 05-16-0666 in Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed H2O Source for Pumpkin Hollow, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2111, in Calaveras County, California. (1996)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Hackit Brush Removal Project in Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties, California; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2011 (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Halls Insect Salvage Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4000 in Mariposa County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Highway 108 Hazard Tree Removal, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-3059. (1996)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Highway 4 Snow-Park, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2057 (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Horizontal Wells Wildlife Habitat Improvement Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0426 in Mariposa County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Hot Dog Hazard Tree Removal, Tuolumne County, California (1991)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Irish Timber Sale and an Evaluation of Three Historic Road Segments, CRMR #05-16-2097, in Calaveras County, California. (1996)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Jawbone Fire Salvage Timber Sale and the Corral Helicopter Fire Salvage Timber Sale Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0294 in Tuolumne County, California. (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Knight Creek Plantation Sale, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0780, in Tuolumne County, California. (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Lake Alpine Resort Improvement Project, CRMR 05-16-2048 in Alpine County, California. (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Lake Alpine Sno Park Expansion; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2017 in Alpine County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Mattley Insect Salvage Timber Sale CRMR 05-16-2006 in Calaveras County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed McKays Ridge Biomass Sale. CRMR 05-16-2071 (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Merrill Springs Insect Salvage Timber Sale in Tuolumne County, California. Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-646. (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Middle Fork of the Stanislaus River Fuelbreak (Phase 1), Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-1083 in Tuolumne County, California (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Milk Ranch Creek Enclosure Fence Project CRMR 05-16-2003 in Alpine County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Mt. Knight Ridge Mine #1 Project Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-1046 in Tuolumne County California (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Murphy Insect Salvage Sale CRMR # 05-16-685 in Tuolumne County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Nile River Hazard Tree Removal andFive Mile Hazard Tree Removal in Tuolumne County, California. CRMR 05-16- 0673. (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed North Fork Mokelumne / Highland Lakes Water Restoration Project in Alpine County, California (Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-503) (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed O'Manuel Timber Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2096 in Calaveras County, California (1996)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Overflow Insect Salvage Sale CRMR 05-16-494 in Alpine County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Overlook 155 in Tuolumne County, California CRMR 05-16-584 (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed P.G.& E. Weather Modification Stations. CRMR 05-16-2052 (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Pinecrest Water Tanks Project, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0479, in Tuolumne County, California. (1990)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Progeny Insect Salvage Sale in Tuolumne County, California, CRMR #05-16-585 (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Recluse Insect Salvage Timber Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2007 in Calaveras County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Red Blood Insect Salvage Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0446 in Calaveras and Alpine Counties, CA (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Red Blood Insect Salvage Timber Sale Add On, CRMR 05-16-2026 in Alpine and Calaveras Counties. (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Redwood Land Exchange, CRMR Number 05-16-2039 in Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Reynolds Insect Salvage Sale CRMR #05-16-0598 in Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed River Hazard Tree Removal in Tuoilumne County, California (1991)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Road Hazard Tree Removal, Sales (Armstrong, C-02,Ore,Gem, Swamp,Winton Road) CRMR 05-16-2000 in Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties,California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Rover / Rodriquez Add-On Insect Salvage Timber Sales; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0567 in Mariposa County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Ruby Hill Fuelwood Timber Sale in Tuolumne County, California; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-659 (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Ruby Reforestation Project, CRMR #05-16-1112, in Tuolumne County, California. (1996)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Sand Flat and Moore Creek Campground Rehabilitation Projects, CRMR 05-16-2021 in Calaveras County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Schaeffer Reforestation Project Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-1022 in Tuolumne County, California (1994)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Scout Insect Salvage Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0623 in Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Segale's Wildlife Burn CRMR 05-16-0792 in Tuolumne County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Shaft Insect Salvage Timber Sale; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0568 in Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Soil Mapping Pits Project; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-0796 in Alpine and Calaveras County, California (1992)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Spicer Boat Ramp Day Use; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-2016 in Tuolumne County, California (1993)