Stanislaus National Forest
No description specified.
351-400 (646 Records)
- Historic Structure Report and National Register Evaluation for Site No. 05-16-53-699, Cabin No. 11, Deadman Summer Home Tract, Tuolumne County, California, Stanislaus National Forest (Cultural Resource Management Report No. 05-16-3068). (1996)
- Historic Structure Report and National Register Evaluation for Site No. 05-16-53-724, Cabin No. 355, Pinecrest Lake, Tuolumne County, California, Stanislaus National Forest (Cultural Resource Management Report No. 05-16-3088). (1997)
- Historic Structure Report and National Register Evaluation for Site No. 05-16-53-725, Cabin No. 45, Pinecrest Lake, Tuolumne County, California, Stanislaus National Forest (Cultural Resource Management Report No. 05-16-3089). (1997)
- Historic Structure Report and National Register Evaluation for Site No. 212 Sugarpine, Tuolumne County, California, Stanislaus National Forest (Cultural Resource Management Report No. 05-16-3096). (1998)
- Historical Survey Report and Summary of Findings, Bellview Oaks Subdivision, Unit 2 (Appendix D). (1980)
- History and Evaluation of the Yosemite Lumber and Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Company With a Framework for Evaluation and Management of the Historic Archaeological Properties of the Logging Railroad System (1989)
- Hort Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report CRIR #05-16-369: Project Name West Ring Green Salvage Timber Sale. (1989)
- Hudson Fire Salvage Timber Sale, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-342, Volume One (Confidential Appendices in Volume Two), Tuolumne County, California. (1991)
- Hulls Meadow Exchange Cultural Resource Report, CRIR No. 05-16-282. (1988)
- Insect / Drought Salvage CRIR-Doggone Salvage II (1989)
- Insect / Drought Salvage CRIR-Dogtown Road Salvage Sale (1989)
- Insect / Drought Salvage Cultural Resource Inventory Report, CRIR #05-16-418 (1990)
- Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of the Wrights Creek Thinning I Timber Sale, Miwok Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resource Management Report 05-16-26, Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Basin Timber Sale, Mi-Wok RangerDistrict, Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County, California, CRIR 05-16-496. (1991)
- Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Crandall Timber Sale, Volumes 1 and 2, Archaeological Survey Report and Archaeological Site Location Maps and Records, Mi-Wok Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County, CA (1991)
- Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Hells Mountain Insect Salvage Sale, Miwok Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County, California; Volume One: Survey Report. (1991)
- Kennedy Trail Survey; Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-3005; Volume I (Confidential Appendices in Volume II); Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Looney Windthrow Sale: Archaeologist Reconnaissance Report. (1984)
- Loop Insect Salvage, Stanislaus National Forest, Sonora, California (1989)
- Mi-Wok Prehistoric Trail Archaeological Reconnaissance Report Summit RangerDistrict, Stanislaus National Forest ARR 05-16-145 (1997)
- Mi-Wok Prehistoric Trail, Archaeological Reconnaissance Report, Summit Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest. (1979)
- Mid-Sierran Archaeology: a Survey of 14 Compartments in the Stanislaus National Forest, California; Appendix 10, Cultural Resource Inventory Data:Walton Cabin Compartment. (1981)
- Mid-Sierran Archaeology: a Survey of 14 Compartments in the Stanislaus National Forest, California; Appendix 11, Cultural Resources Inventory Data: Matsen Ranch Compartment. (1981)
- Mid-Sierran Archaeology: a Survey of 14 Compartments in the Stanislaus National Forest, California; Appendix 13, Cultural Resource Inventory Data,Ferretti Compartment. (1981)
- Mill Timber Sale (Amendment to ARR 05-16D) Archaeological Reconnaissance Report, Stanislaus National Forest (1984)
- Mt. Knight Spring Rehabilitation, Archaeological Reconnaissance Report, Miwok Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest. (1979)
- National Register Evaluation of FS 05-16-54-1561, Historic Trail (Supplement to Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4079, Ackerson-Rogge Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project in Tuolumne County, California). (1997)
- National Register Evaluation of Kinsley Station, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4142, Groveland District, Stanislaus National Forest. (2000)
- National Register Evaluation of Prehistoric Site FS 05-16-54-1131 Supple- Ment to Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4079, Ackerson-Rogge Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project in Tuolumne County, California (1997)
- National Register Evaluation of Prehistoric Site FS 05-16-54-1131, Supplement to Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4079, Ackerson-Rogge Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project in Tuolumne County, California. (1997)
- National Register Evaluation of Sites CA-MRP-863 / H and CA-MRP-1383H and Determination of Effect for the Proposed Law Enforcement Shooting Range Stanislaus National Forest, Groveland Ranger District, CRMR 05-16-4105. (1998)
- National Register Evaluation of the Jordan Creek / Bower Cave Historic District (FS 05-16-54-1661), Groveland Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest, CRMR 05-16-4188. (2001)
- National Register Evaluations of Carlon Station CA-TUO-1567H, FS 05-16-64-655 and Jawbone Station CA-TUO-2354H, FS 05-16-54-58, CRMR 05-16-4186. (2001)
- National Register Evaluations of the Jordan Creek Barn 05-16-54-1207 and Jordan Creek Ranch House 05-16-54-1338 Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4178. (2001)
- Niagara Creek ORV Tie-Through Trail CRIR #293. (1989)
- North Mountain Lookout, Stanislaus National Forest, Photographs, Written, Historical and Descriptive Data. Stanislaus National Forest. (1988)
- Notification of Cultural Resource / Section 106 Clearance for No Effect Projects: Kitty Green Insect Salvage Timber Sale, Project No. 05-16-480. (1990)
- Notification of Heritage Resource / Section 106 Compliance For No Effect Projects; Pigeon Flat Pole Fence Construction 05-16-4024 (1993)
- Pacific Valley Road Project; Cultural Resource Inventory Report #525; Alpine County, California (1991)
- Piglet Insect Salvage, Stanislaus National Forest, Sonora California (1989)
- Pinecrest Lakebed Survey, Cultural Resource Inventory Report (CRIR #05-16-521), Tuolumne County, California. (1991)
- Preliminary Environmental Assessment Sites 1, 2, and 3 Groveland Ranger District, Stanislaus National Forest (1989)
- Relief Trail Restoration Survey, Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-3006, Volume I. (1993)
- Report of the Gobi Timber Compartment Archaeological Reconnaissance, ARR No05-16-135. (1979)
- Report of the Gobi Timber Compartment, ARR No. 05-16-134. (1969)
- Request for Determination of Eligibility for Inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, Rainbow Pool Bridge Across South Fork of the Tuolumne River, Tuolumne County, California. CRMR 4033. (1994)
- Reynolds Windthrow Sale; Archaeologist Reconnaissance Report. (1984)
- Scattergun and Hull Creek Biomass Thins (1987)
- Shoofly Timber Sale, Stanislaus National Forest, Sonora, California (1989)
- Short Form 1989 Insect / Drought Salvage Cultural Resource Inventory Report #05-16-312, Ferretti Insect Salvage. (1989)