Stanislaus National Forest
No description specified.
601-646 (646 Records)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmtic Agreement Project Certification, Wet Hill Salvage Timber Sale, 05-16-1185. (1999)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmtic Agreement Project Certification, Zuengel Family Small Tracts Act Land Sale. Report #05-16-1179. (1999)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, 1999 OHV Trail Work, Deer Creek Area. Report #05-16-1183. (1999)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, 1999 Paper Reforestation Implmentation Report #05-16-1174. (1999)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, Little Peak Prescribed Burn Report No. 05-16-1171. (1999)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Programmatic Agreement Project Certification Form, Project Name: Schimke Timber Sale. (1996)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Programmatic Agreement Project Certification Form: Interface Timber Sale. (1996)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, Project Name: 1999 Frasier Planting. (1999)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, Project: 1997 Range Cattle Guards, Report No. 05-16-4093. (1997)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, Project: Abernathy Meadow Restoration Project, Report No. 05-16-4074. (1998)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, Sands Pre-Commercial Thinning. (1997)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources, 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification, Sourgrass / Wildriver Campground (Hummingbird Spring), Report #05-16-522e. (1997)
- Stanislaus National Forest, Heritage Resources1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Certification:Installation of Guide Signs Cultural Resource Management Report #:05-16-4136 (2000)
- Stanislaus National Forest,Heritage Resources 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification: Prather Fire,Insect and Blowdown Salvage Sale; Report #05-16-2130. (1998)
- Stanislaus National Forest,Heritage Resources 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Project Certification: Jawbone Creek Low-Water Crossing Cultural Management Report#: 05-16-4143 (2000)
- Stanislaus NationalForest, Heritage Resources 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Project Certification:Ackerson-Rogge Fire Salvage and Reforestatioon Project, FY 2000 Supplement Cultural Resource Management Report 05-16-4079d (2000)
- Stanislaus Natonal Forest, Heritage Resources 1996 Sierra Nevada Programmatic Agreement Certification FY2000 ERFO Road Repairs: Road 1N01 and Road 2N14 Cultural Resource Management Report#:05-16-4147 (2000)
- State of Significance, A.F.P.C. 2 Land Exchange. (1986)
- The Sugar Pine Railway; History of a Sierran Logging Railroad. (1997)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory of the Hunter Fire Salvage (1990)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-265, Murphy Peak FireSalvage. (1989)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report Crockpot Fire Salvage Sale Crir #05-16-290 (1991)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report of the Miwok Site Prep / Round Crushing (1980)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report Stanislaus National Forest Burnout Fire Salvage CRIR #05-16-268 (1991)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report Stanislaus National Forest Mariposa County, Title of Undertaking: Jackass Fire Salvage Timber Sale (1992)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report Stanislaus National Forest Tuolumne and Mariposa Counties Title of Undertaking: Buck Meadows Fire Salvage Timber Sale (Crir # 05-16-270) (1991)
- Summary Form Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forest Matsen Fire Salvage Sale (1989)
- Summary Form Two Mile Access Collector Project, Phase I (1989)
- Summary Form, Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forest, Paper Fire Salvage Sale. (1989)
- Summary Form, Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forest: Colfax Fire Salvage Sale. (1990)
- Summary Form, Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forest: Cottonwood Fire Salvage Sale. (1988)
- Summary Form, Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forest: Walton Fire Salvage, CRIR #05-16-266 (Addendum Form attached). (1990)
- Summary Form, Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forestbull Creek Watershed Stabilization Project. Crir # 05-16-319 (1989)
- Summary Form: CRIR Stanislaus National Forest, Camp 17 Helicopter Fire Salvage Sale, Groveland Ranger District (1990)
- Summary Form: Cultural Resource Inventory Report, Stanislaus National Forest Roast Pigeon Fire Sale (1988)
- Summary Form; CRI Report Stanislaus National Forest. Kennedy Meadow Proposed Trailhead (1989)
- Summit Meadow Trail Restoration Survey, Cultural Resource Management Report05-16-3002, Volume I (Confidential Appendices in Volume II), Tuolumne County, California (1993)
- Technical Work Plan; Limited Archaeological Data Recovery CA-TUO-1402 (1984)
- Test Excavation of Archeological Site 05-16-52-414, Tuolumne County, California (1982)
- Toiyabe National Forest Cultural Resource Narrative Report; Crystal Springs and Silver Creek Campground Maintenance Project (1994)
- Union Water Company Dam and Ditch Near Sourgrass on the North Fork of the Stanislaus River, Calaveras County, 05-16-52-716 and 05-16-52-717. (1991)
- USDA Forest Service, Short Form 1990 Insect / Drought Salvage Cultural Resource Inventory Report 05-16-440: Cheesecake / Squeezecake Insect Salvage Timber Sale (1996)
- West Side Lumber Company Historical Archaeological Investigations and Evaluation Project, Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County, California, Volumes I and II. (1990)
- White Oak Land Exchange Cultural Resources Inventory; Archeological Reconnaissance Report No. 05-16-181. (1983)
- White Pines Logging Museum Cultural Resources Survey Report and Evaluation of Site 05-16-52-935. Cultural Resources Management Report 05-16-2041. (1995)
- Woodchuck Basin Access Trail; Cultural Resource Inventory Report #524; Alpine County, California (1991)