K. Hull
No description specified.
1-6 (6 Records)
- Archaeologhical Evaluation of CA-CAL-726 / H, Stanislaus National Forest; Contract No.53-9A55-0-95 (1991)
- Archaeological Clearance Survey Form: Construct Wawona Water System and Phase II Sewer System, Yosemite National Park, California. YOSE85A, 018-86-Yose (1985)
- Archaeological Survey and Post-Fire Surface Evaluation of the Foresta, Big Meadow and McCauley Meadow Area, Yosemite National Park, CA (1991)
- Getting to the Point: the 1985 and 1986 Archaeological Investigations AlongGlacier Point Road. (1990)
- Preliminary Evaluation Report, Archaeological Site Subsurface Survey and Test Exacavtions for the Tuolumne Sewer Replacement Project in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, California. (1994)
- Preliminary Fieldwork Summary, 1984 Yosemite Valley Archaeological Project; Yosemite National Park (YOSE 84-C) (1984)