Timothy R. Pauketat
No description specified.
1-7 (7 Records)
- The Ascent of Chiefs: Cahokia and Mississippian Politics in Native North America (1994)
- The Holdener Site (11-S-685): Late Woodland, Emergent Mississippian, and Mississippian Occupations in the American Bottom Uplands (1994)
- In the Best of Health? Disease and Trauma among the Mississippian Elite (1992)
- The Lohmann Site (11-S-49): An Early Mississippian Center in the American Bottom (1992)
- Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America (1992)
- Monitoring Miasissippian Homestead Occupation Span and Economy Using Ceramic Refuse (1989)
- Temples for Cahokia Lords: Preston Holder's 1955-1956 Excavations of Kunnemann Mound (1993)