Illinois Archaeological Survey
No description specified.
1-27 (27 Records)
- Animal Resource Exploitation by Early Cahokia Populations on the Merrell Tract (1979)
- Anker Site: In: Chicago Area Archaeology (1961)
- Cahokia Palisade Sequence. in Investigations In Cahokia Archeolgoy (1973)
- Corn from Cahokia Sites. In: Explorations into Cahokia Archaeolgoy (1973)
- Excavations at Two Mississippian Hamlets in the Cairo Lowland of Southeast Missiouri (1982)
- Explorations into Cahokia Archaeology (1969)
- Formal Analysis of Cahokia Ceramics from the Powell Tract (1972)
- A Formal Analysis of Cahokia Ceramics from the Powell Tract (1972)
- Gifts of the Cayman: Some Thoughts On the Subsistence Basis of Chavin. in Variation In Anthropoology: Essays In Honor of John C. McGregor (1973)
- The Hill Creek homestead and the Late Mississippian settlement in the lower Illinois Valley (1985)
- Historic Period. in Illinois Archaeology (1959)
- Hopewell and Woodland Site Archaeology in Illinois (1968)
- Identification of Plant Remains Excavated By the University of Illinois at the Cahokia Site. In: Third Annual Report: American Bottoms Archaeology (1964)
- Identification of Plant Remains. In: Second Annual Report: American Bottoms Archaeology (1963)
- Illinois Archaeology, Volume 5(1-2) (1993)
- Knoebel Site, St. Clair County, Illinois (1976)
- Mississippian Stone Images in Illinois (1982)
- Oak Forest Site. In: Chicago Area Archaeology (1961)
- Perspectives in Cahokia Archaeology (1975)
- Plant Materials from the Kane Village Site (11MS0194), Madison County, Illinois. In: Late Woodland Site Archaeology in Illinois (1973)
- Ramey Incised Pottery (1981)
- Recent Investigations at Albany Mounds, Whiteside County, Illinois (1977)
- Sacred and the Secular in Prehistoric Ceramics. In Variation In Anthropology: Essays In Honor of John McGregor (1973)
- Two Mississippian Hamlets: Cairo Lowland, Missouri (1982)
- University of Illinois Projects. in Third Annual Report: American Bottom Archaeology (1964)
- Variation in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of John C. McGregor (1973)
- Washita River Focus of the Southern Plains. In: Variation in Anthropology (1973)