No description specified.
Institution Members
1-50 (622 Records)
- 1. 25 Mile Boundary Fence at Fresno Reservoir (1996)
- 1042 Federal Well (1998)
- 1046 Federal Well (1998)
- 1069 Federal Well (1998)
- 12" Sewer Line Crossing Steinaker Service Canal (1996)
- 14 Uintah Indian Irrigation Canals (1996)
- 2 Trench & 4 Seismotect. Test Pit Sites in S. Cny. (1997)
- 211 Cabin Lease Sites Along Canyon Ferry Reservoir (1994)
- 40 Acre Tract in the Huntley Project Near Ballantine (1994)
- Access Perimeter Road Construction - Helena Regional Airport (1994)
- Access Road Alignment at Steinaker Reservoir (1996)
- Access Road Maintenance at Tiber Reservoir, Liberty County, Montana (1993)
- An Addendum to Fort Smith Buried Telephone Cable Route Cultural Resources Inventory (1996)
- Addendum To: Tongue River Basin Project Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Program, Tongue and Yellowstone Diversion Dam and Headworks: a Cultural Resource Inventory and Evaluation (1999)
- Additional Action, Como Dam Rehabilitation Project (1993)
- Administrative Site (1998)
- Alternative Road at Clark Canyon Reservoir (1994)
- Andrews Irrigation Project, Teton County, Montana, Class III Cultural Resource Survey Results (1998)
- Anita Dam and Reservoir (1993)
- An Archaeological Clearance for Possible Septic Tank Additions to Two Cabins at Clark Canyon Reservoir, Montana (1989)
- Archaeological Evaluation and Testing Site 41JD63, Phantom Lake Spring, Jeff Davis County, Texas. (1994)
- Archaeological Excavation at Sites 32Sh110 and 32We107, Sheridan and Wells Counties, North Dakota (1986)
- Archaeological Inventory Survey Proposed Wild Horse 69Kv Electrical Transmission Line, Options 1 and 2 Totalin 38. 2 Miles of Li Near Corridor, Hill County Electrical Cooperarive, Hill County, Montana (1996)
- Archaeological Monitor of Construction Activities of Williston Basin - Interstate Pipeline Company 1047 Federal Well (1999)
- Archaeological Monitor of Construction Activities of Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company 1041 Federak Well, Phillips Couoonty, MT (2000)
- Archaeological Monitor of Construction Activities of Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company, 1040 Federal Well in Phillips County (1999)
- Archaeological Monitor of Construction of Pipeline and Access Road of Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company 1040 Federal Well, Phillips County, Montana (1999)
- Archaeological Monitor of Construction of Pipeline and Access Road of Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company 1047 Federal Well, Phillips County, Montana (1999)
- Archaeological Monitor of the Construction of the Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company 1044 Federal Well, Phillips County MT (2001)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of the South End of Canyon Ferry Reservoir Drawdown Zone, Broadwater County, Montana (1997)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resoources At the Louisiana Land and Exploration Propoed Seismic Lines 91-05 and 06 In Custer County, Oklahoma (1990)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources At ALLTEL Telephone Cable Installation Site In Section 22 In Custer County, Oklahoma (1994)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources At Foss Lake, Road and Parking Lot, In Custer County, Oklahoma (1991)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources At Sante Fe Energy Proposed Oil Well #1-20 Big Foss In Custer County, Oklahoma (1992)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources At the Proposed Louisana Land and Exploration Seismic Line, Haliburton Geophysical, At Foss Reservoir In Custer County, Oklahoma (1990)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources At the Western Geophysical Proposed Seismic Line 89-26 Beacon Prospect In Section 27 In Custer County, Oklahoma (1989)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources, Teledyne Corporation Seismic Line, In Custer County, Oklahoma (1988)
- Archaeological Survey For Cultural Resources, Western Geophysical Proposed Seismic Line 91-10, In Sections 35 and 26 In Custer County, Oklahoma (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed ARKLA Pipeline, W.C. Austin Project, Jackson County, Oklahoma (1990)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Land Exchange East of Bitter Creek, W.C. Austin Project, Jackson County, Oklahoma (1998)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Waterline, Sac and Fox Nation To the City of Stroud In Lincoln County, Oklahoma (1994)
- Archaeological Survey of Foss Reservoir Comfort Station Waterline In Custer County, Oklahoma (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Canal Work, Altus-Lugert Irrigation Project, Jackson County, Oklahoma (1990)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Dike Construction, Mountain Park Project, Located In Kiowa County, Oklahoma (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Recreational Facilities, W.C. Austin Project, Located In Kiowa County, Oklahoma (1993)
- Archaeological Survey of Shell Western Proposed Seismic Line 6136 In Sections 30-32, 25, and 9 In Custer County, Oklahoma (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of Sonat Exploration Proposed Flow-Line To Well #35-2 Vignal In Custer County, Oklahoma (1992)
- Archaeological Survey of Sonat Exploration Proposed Oil Well #35-2 Vignal In Custer County, Oklahoma (1992)
- Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Burn, Wildlife Management, W.C. Austin Project, Located In Kiowa County, Oklahoma (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Martha Drainage Project, Jackson County, Oklahoma (1989)