Society for American Archaeology
No description specified.
Institution Members
16,251-16,300 (23,363 Records)
- Portals to the Past: Public Architecture and Storytelling Traditions in Hohokam Society (2019)
- Porte des Morts Lighthouse Ruins Excavation: The Study of a Mid-19th Century Lighthouse Site on the Great Lakes (2018)
- The Portrait of Professional Qualification Standards: Where Archaeologists Stand Regarding the Secretary of the Interior Standards (2024)
- The Position of Archaeology within the Academic Disciplines: Contemporary Views from Practicing Archaeologists (2023)
- Position of Ipiutak in Eskimo Culture (1954)
- The Possibilities of Sociopolitical Forms: An Archaeological Existentialism for Collectives (2024)
- Possible Antecedents of the Middle Mississippian Ceramic Complex in Northeastern Arkansas (1940)
- Possible Case of Cannibalism in the Early Woodland Period In Eastern Georgia (1964)
- Possible causes for mayor cultural change between Classic and Postclassic occupations in western Mexico (2015)
- Possible Evidence for Mimbres Integration into Jornada Mogollon Villages: Introducing the Eastern Mimbres San Andres Aspect in South-Central New Mexico (2019)
- Possible Evidence of Sloth Butchery: Results from a Faunal Analysis of Padre Nuestro Cavern, Dominican Republic (2016)
- Possible Functions of a Late Prehistoric Coarseware from the Estuary Zone of Eastern Soconusco (2015)
- Possible Images of Theobroma cacao in the Prehispanic American Southwest (2015)
- A Possible Mammoth Kill Site in Northeastern New Mexico (2016)
- Possible Maya Analogs and Antecedents for the Pyramid B Atlantid Columns, Tula (2018)
- A Possible New Paleoindian Area of the Hell Gap Site: The 2018 Shovel Test at Locality IV (2019)
- Possible Prehistoric Translocation of Non-human Primates to Remote Oceania (2019)
- A Possible Sculptural Tradition in Eastern Michoacán and Western State of México (2019)
- Post-AD 1600 Origins of the Ifugao Rice Terraces: Highland Responses to Spanish Colonial Aims in the Philippines (2015)
- A Post-Archaic Public Structure on the Middle St. Johns River, Florida? A First Look at the Evidence (2019)
- A Post-Chacoan Cylindrical Vessel from Northern Black Mesa, Arizona (2019)
- Post-Charring Bacterial Degradation of Archaeological Lentils by Bacterial Degradation (2019)
- Post-Chavín Political Developments in Ancash: Comparative Perspectives from the Nepeña and Pallasca Regions (2021)
- Post-Classic Canal Excavations at Yaxnohcah, Mexico (2019)
- Post-Collapse Change and Continuity in Bolivia’s Desaguadero Valley (2015)
- Post-contact Times in Southern Patagonia (2018)
- Post-depositional Processes and Their Impact of Inferences of Behavior at FxJj 34 (Koobi Fora Formation, Northern Kenya) (2019)
- Post-Depositional Ridge Rounding on Banded Ironstone and the Condition of the Fauresmith Artifacts at Bestwood, South Africa (2019)
- Post-Emancipation Ceramics and Housing in the British Caribbean: A Case Study from St. Kitts’ Southeast Peninsula (2024)
- Post-fire incising as a means of controlling esoteric knowledge in the Andean Formative (2019)
- Post-Fire Incisions on Wari Pottery (2018)
- A post-glacial relative sea level curve and paleoshoreline archaeological survey for the Prince Rupert Harbour, BC, Canada (2017)
- The Post-Medieval Settlements and Road Network of the Mani Peninsula, Greece (2016)
- A Post-Mortem Evaluation of the Degree of Mobility in an Individual with Severe Kyphoscoliosis Using Direct Digital Radiography (DR) and Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) (2015)
- Post-Mortem Interactions with Human Remains at the Covesea Caves in NE Scotland (2017)
- Post-Mortem Interval and Age-at-Death Estimation through Forensic Proteomics (2018)
- Post-mortem manipulation of the human skull in the Middle East during the Neolithic Period (2016)
- Post-Mortem Manipulation, Movement, and Memory in Copper Age Iberia (2017)
- Post-Tiwanaku Settlement Patterns in the Peaceful Coastal Osmore Valley and the Tense Upper Valleys (2015)
- A Post-Wari World: Late Intermediate Period Defensibility in the Huamanga and Huarpa Provinces of Peru (2018)
- Postcards in the Landscape: Considering Lower Pecos Pictographs as Nahua Pilgrimage Destinations (2019)
- Postclassic Chen Mul Fragments from the Cochuah Region, Quintana Roo, Mexico (2015)
- A Postclassic City with No Blade Workshops: How did the Calixtlahuacan’s get their Stone Tools? (2017)
- Postclassic Communities and Colonial Reconfigurations in the Eastern Lower Papaloapan Basin, Veracruz, Mexico (2019)
- Postclassic Firewood Management at Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico: Using Forest Surveys and GIS Modeling to Predict Charcoal Midden Composition (2021)
- Postclassic Huastec Art and the Cult of the Feathered Serpent (2019)
- A Postclassic Maya Midden at Colha, Belize (2024)
- Postclassic Murals of Mayapan as a Mirror of Cultural Transformation (2015)
- Postclassic Obsidian Trade at Arvin’s Landing, Belize: A pXRF Analysis (2017)
- Postclassic Peten Podophilia (2015)