BLM, Battle Mountain, NV
No description specified.
1-50 (633 Records)
- Addendum #1 To Cr Report BLM 6-102(P): Texaco Oil Well #24-4 (1977)
- Addendum #1 To Cr Report BLM 6-3 (P): Wildcat Canyon Spring and Pipeline #4405 (1977)
- Addendum #1 To Cultural Resource Report #6-100: North Sixmile Gap Fences, Pipeline & Through (1977)
- Addendum #1 To Cultural Resource Report BLM 6-115 (P) (1978)
- Addendum #2 To Cr Report 04-127 (N): Texaco Oil Well Drill Pad and Access Road Munson Ranch #4 (1977)
- Addendum #2 To Cr Report 6-100: Sixmile Canyon Fence (1977)
- Addendum #2 To Cr Report 6-70: Pyramid Oil Gravel Pit (1977)
- Addendum #2 To Cr Report BLM 06-102: Texaco Proposed Oil Well Locations Munson Ranch 14-1 & 14-2 (1977)
- Addendum #2 To Cr Report BLM 6-3 (P): Wildcat Canyon Pipeline #4405 (1977)
- Addendum #2 To Cultural Resource Report #BLM 6-57 (P): NW Pipeline Gravel Pit (1977)
- Addendum #3 To Cr Report BLM 6-58 (P): Chadco Oil Company: Well Locations #24-3, 24-4, 24-5 (1977)
- Addendum #4 To Cr Report BLM 6-57 (P): Northwest Pipeline Well Location #11 (1977)
- Addendum #5 To Cr Report BLM 6-57 (P): Northwest Pipeline Locations # 16, #17 & #19 (1977)
- Addendum #6 To Cr Report BLM 6-57 (P): Northwest Pipeline Well Location # 15 (1977)
- Addendum and Appendix B: Cultural Resources Survey, Segments of Seismic Lines "Ko-1", "An-1", "An-2", "Ko-2" and "Ko-4", Eureka and Lander Counties, Nevada (1980)
- Addendum Cultural Resources Report: Blackbird Pipeline Through and Reservoir (1978)
- Addendum No. 2: Cr Report BLM 6-9: Highway Well Wild Horse Holding Corral (1977)
- Addendum To an Arch Survey in Western Railroad Valley (1978)
- Addendum To BLM 6-80 (N): Spring Valley Canyon Fenceline Extension (1977)
- Addendum To BLM 6-81 (N) (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-39 (P): Carl Haas Pipeline N-12835 (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-57: NW Pipeline Drill Pads and Access Roads, Railroad Valley, Drill Pad #8 (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-58 (P): Zuspann Well Loc. 24-1 (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-68: Geophysical Exploration: Railroad Valley (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-68: Geophysical Exploration: Railroad Valley (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-69: Sierra Pacific Power Co., Case No. N-12841 (1977)
- Addendum To Cr Report 6-70 (P): Access Road & Drill Pad #33-3, Pyramid Oil Co. & Gravel Pit (1977)
- Addendum To Cultural Resources Report # BLM 6-27(P): the Proposed Installation of Approximately Nine (9) Miles of 60 K.V. of Electric Service Line To Serve a Mining Operation of the Silver King Mining Co. Located in Tybo, Nevada (1976)
- Addendum To Cultural Resources Report #6-26(P): Harry Canyon Fence, N 6R-4409 (1977)
- Addendum To Cultural Resources Report 6-58(P): Chadco Oil Exploration: Drill Pad #2 and Gravel Pit (1977)
- Addendum To Cultural Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance at the Chevron Geothermal Drill Area At the Beowawe Geysers (Nsm Contract 1094, Project 18-63 -- Addendum To Nsm Project 8-15) (1979)
- Addendum To Report Entitled "Cultural Resource Inventory of Proposed Geothermal Temperature Gradient Drill Locations and Access Roads in the New Pass Range Locality of Lander County, Nevada." (1981)
- Addendum: Marvel Land Exchange Cr Report (1978)
- Addendun #3 To Cr Report #6-57: NW Pipeline Drill Pad #7 and Access Road (1977)
- Appendix III: Cultural Resources Report: Big George Spring (1980)
- Archaeological Data Recovery Associated With the MT. Hope Project, Eureka County, Nevada (1985)
- Archaeological Evaluations of Proposed Chaining and Seeding Developments in Little Fish Lake Valley (1975)
- Archaeological Evaluations of Soil Study Plots, and Gravel Pits in the Battle Mountain District, Nevada, Bureau of Land Management (1974)
- Archaeological Investigation of a Seismic Grid for Hunt Oil Company in Diamond Valley, Nevada (1981)
- Archaeological Investigations of Seismic Exploration Lines in Big Smoky Valley, Nye County, Nevada, for Seisdata Services, Inc (1982)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Final Report: Continental Oil Company Seismic Lines in Grass Valley, Nevada (Nsm Project #18-32, Contract #1045) (1978)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of 39 Proposed Shallow Temperature Gradient Hole Locations and Access in Big Smoky Valley, Nye County, Nevada for Microgeophysics Corporation (1981)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of 43 Proposed Shallow Temperature Gradient Hole Locations and Accesses in Smith Creek Valley , Lander County, Nevada for Microgeophysics Corporation (Imr Project #380) (1981)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of 44 Proposed Shallow Temperature Gradient Hole Locations and Access in Big Smokey Valley, Nye County, Nevada for Microgeophysics Corporation (Imr Project #374A) (1981)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Proposed Fenceline On the Gund Ranch, Grass Valley, Nevada (1982)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Seismic Test Line in Reese River Valley, Lander County, Nevada (Imr Job #425D; BLM Cr #6-448) (1982)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of One Intermediate Depth Temperature Gradient Well Location and Access in Big Smoky Valley, Lander County, Nevada, for Microgeophysics Corporation (Imr Project #392) (1981)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of One Proposed Deep Temperature Hole Location in Big Smoky Valley, Lander County, Nevada, for Microgeophysics Corporation (1981)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Temperature Gradient Hole Locations in Buffalo and Reese River Valleys, Lander County, Nevada (Imr Project #353) (1980)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of Seismic Exploration Lines in Pine Valley, Eureka County, Nevada (1982)