Bonita Brown
No description specified.
1-21 (21 Records)
- Analysis of Certain Lithic Specimens from CA-Nev-407 (1982)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Supply Pipeline Corridor and Power Plant Site for the Hooper Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, Lamoille Valley, Elko County, Nevada (1982)
- Archaeological Resources Addendum: Addendum To Nevada State Museum, Archaeological Services Report Entitled: Cultural Resources Inventory and Assessment: Carson Wastewater Project (Nsm Project #18-87; Contract #1143) (1980)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Addendum To Nevada State Museum Report #14-71: Archaeological Reconnaissance of Two (2) Geothermal Drill Locations in Grass Valley, Nevada, Pershing Co., for Sunoco Energy Development Company (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Addendum To Nevada State Museum Short Report # 12-150, Contract #1113 (AL Aquitaine Drill Location, Gabbs Valley, Dated: September 10, 1979): Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Proposed Geothermal Drill (1980)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: An Archaeological Reconnaissance for Proposed Access Road For Hunt Oil Company Well Location, in Diamond Valley, Eureka County (Nsm Project #6-36, Contract #1140) (1980)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Two Mineral Lease Properties (#N-16869 and N-16870) for Foote Mineral Company, Silver Peak, in the Clayton Valley (1980)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance at the Max Riggs Construction Company Inc. Materials Site Northeast of Winnemucca, Nevada (Nsm Project #7-85; Contract #1101) (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance for Amselco Minerals, Inc., Electric Distribution Line Right-Of-Way from Eureka To Mine Site, Alligator Ridge (Nsm Contract #1138, Project #18-83) (1980)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance for Republic Geothermal, Inc. in Gabbs Valley (Nsm Contract #1111; Project #18-65). Six Temperature Gradient Test Holes (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance for the Alligator Mine Road, For Amselco in Long Valley. (Nsm Contract #1112;Project # 17-179) (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance of Oil Drill Location, Eureka County, for Cabana Oil Company, Lr Company (Nsm Contract # 1125: Nsm Project # 6-34) (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Jungo Road Realignment (Nsm Project #7-14; Contract #1100) (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance: Lemarie / Chilton Engineering Materials Borrow Site, Battle Mountain, Lander County (Nsm Contract #1126,Project #8-38) (1979)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Archaeological Resources Investigation for Proposed Gravel Pit / Chimney Creek Dam Road (Nsm Project #7-71, Contract #1066) (1978)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: Northwest Exploration Proposed Oil Well Drill Sites and Access Roads Known As Currant #2,3, and 4 (Nsm Project #12-146, Contract #1089) (1978)
- Archaeological Resources Short Report: the Archaeological Reconnaissance of Housing Locations for the Te-Moak Western Shoshone Housing Authority in Battle Mountain, South Fork, Elko and Wells, Nevada (Nsm Contract #1127; Nsm Project #18-67) (1979)
- Archeological Reconnaissance of a Supply Pipeline Corridor and Power Plant Site for the Hooper Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, Lamoille Valley, Elko County, Nevada (1982)
- Cultural Resources Short Report - Addendum #1: Texaco Proposed Well Sites and Access Roads, Munson Ranch, Railroad Valley, Nevada. Addendum #1. Eight Oil Drill Locations and Nine Access Routes: Texaco #7-13, 7-24, 12-44, 13-41, 13-44, 18-11 (1978)
- XI. Artifacts from the Loft. in Archaeological and Historical Studies at Ninth and Amherst, Lovelock, Nevada, Edited By Eugene M. Hattori, M.K. Rusco, and D.R. Tuohy (1979)
- XIII. the Laundry at Ninth and Amherst. in Archaeological and Historical Studies At Ninth and Amherst, Lovelock, Nevada, Edited By Eugene M. Hattori, M.K. Rusco, and D.R. Tuohy (1979)