Harry M. Piper
No description specified.
1-50 (93 Records)
- 1980: An Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Impact Corridor for the Proposed (1980)
- Archaeological and Historic Survey of the Country Village Retirement Community Property (1981)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of One Acre Parcel, Addendum To Brewster Lonesome Mine DRI Supplement, Hillsborough County, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Agrico Chemical Company Property in Northwest Hardee County, Florida (1981)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Brandon Town Center Property in Hillsborough County, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Cooper Creek Property in Manatee County, Florida (1984)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Impact Corridor for the Proposed Lakeland Reuse Line, Polk County, Florida (1980)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Melbourne Square Property (1981)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Northern and Central Tracts of the Hopewell Land Corporation Property in Hillsborough County, Florida (1980)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Northwest Half of Block 90, Plat Book of the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida (1981)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Proposed Tara Development Property in Manatee County, Florida (1979)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Proposed Taylor Road Landfill Expansion Property in Hillsborough County, Florida (1979)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Proposed W. C. MacInnes Station Site and Transmission Line Corridors in Hillsborough and Manatee Counties, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Propowed W. C. MacInnes Station Site and Transmission Line Corridors in Hillsborough and Manatee Counties, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Seminole Electric Cooperative, Incorporated Plant Site in Taylor County, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Two Brewster Lonesome Mine DRI Supplement Tracts, Hillsborugh County, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Williston Airport Land Application Site for the City of Williston, Florida (1983)
- Archaeological and Historical Survey of Three Expansion Tracts for Brewster Phosphates' Lonesome Mine, Hillsborough County, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Excavations at the Quad Block Site, 8HI998 Located At the Site of the Old Fort Brooke Municipal Parking Garage, Tampa, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Excavations at the Quad Block Site, 8HI998, Located At the Site of the Old Fort Brooke Municipal Parking Garage, Tampa, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Excavations at the Quad Block Site, 9HI998 (1982)
- Archaeological Investigations at Riverview Landings Subdivision, Manatee County, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Site Testing and Evaluation of the Gas Plant Site, 8-PI-741, St. Petersburg, Florida (1983)
- Archaeological Survey and Historical Review of the Paragon Plaza II Development Site, Block 78, Plat Book of the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida (1983)
- Archaeological Survey in the Corridor of the Tampa Crosstown Expressway, Eastern Section (1981)
- Archaeological Survey in the Corridor of the Tampa Crosstown Expressway, Eastern Section (1981)
- Archaeological Survey in the Corridor of the Tampa South Crosstown Expressway, Eastern Extension: Morgan Street To Nebraska Avenue, Hillsborough County, Florida (1981)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 5 Acres Parcel of Land in the Ventura Development (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximatley 5 Acre Parcel of Land Contained in the Ventura Development and Abutting Lake Fredrica (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of Designated Areas Withiin the Proposed MacDill Air Force Base 18 Hole Golf Course, Hillsborough County, Florida (1983)
- Archaeological Survey of Designated Areas Within the Proposed MacDill Air Force Base 18 Hole Golf Course, Hillsborough County, Florida (1983)
- Archaeological Survey of Hart Hammock (Kinsinger Tract) and Strand Hammock (Hampton Tract), Green Swamp Flood Detention Area (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of Hart Hammock (Kissinger Ttract) and Strand Hammock (Hampton Tract), Green Swamp Flood (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of Parcels of Land To Be Impacted By the Bridge Over Roser Park (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of Parcels of Land To Be Impacted By the Bridge Over Roser Park, Connecting 8th Street and 9th Street, South (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of Parcels of Land To Be Impacted By the Bridge Over Roser Park, Connecting 8th Street and 9th Street, St. Petersburg, Florida (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of the Central Florida - Kathleen 500KV Transmission Line Right-Of-Way, Sumter and Polk Counties, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Survey of the Central Florida - Kathleen 500Kv Transmission Line Right-of-Way, Sumter and Polk Counties, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Survey of the Central Florida-Kathleen 500KV Transmission Line Right-Of-Way, Sumter and Polk Counties, Florida (1982)
- Archaeological Survey of the Corridor of the Proposed Levee for the Green Swamp Flood Control Detention Area, Polk, Lake and Sumter Counties, Florida (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of the Levee Corridors of the Proposed Green Swamp Flood Detention Area, Polk, Sumter, and Lake Counties, Florida (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of the Northwest Hillsborough 201 Project, Hillsborough County, Florida (1981)
- Archaeological Survey of the Pierce Parks Villas Condominium Housing Project, Clearwater, Florida (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the Pinellas County Solid Water Resource Recovery Facility, Pinellas County, Florida (1979)
- Archaeological Survey of the Tampa South Crosstown Expressway, Eastern Extension: Morgan Street To Nebraska Avenue, Hillsborough County, Florida (1981)
- Archaeological Survey of the Urban Redevelopment Areas of the City of St. Petersburg, Florida (1978)
- Archaeological Survey of the Urban Redevelopment Program Areas of the City of St. Petersburg (1978)
- Archaeological Testing and Assessment of Five Sites Located On International Mineral and Chemical Corporation's North Clear Springs Mine Property (1985)
- Archaeological Testing and Evaluation of 8BY138 On Tyndall Air Force Base, Bay County, Florida (1981)
- Archaeological Testing and Evaluation of 8BY138 on Tyndall Air Force Base, Bay County, Florida (1981)