Richard W. Jefferies
No description specified.
1-50 (50 Records)
- The 1982 Excavations at the Cahokia Interpretive Center Tract, St. Clair County, Illinois (1983)
- Archaeological Investigations at 15Gp14, Northeastern Kentucky (1985)
- Archaeological Investigations at Area 2 of the Croley-Evans Site: a Mississippian Mound Center in Southeastern Kentucky (2000)
- Archaeological Investigations of a Mission Period Shell Midden 9MC23, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2009)
- Archaeological Investigations of a Mission Period Shell Midden 9MC23, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2009)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of Structures 1, 2, 3, 33, 51, 58 and 60, Grove River Watershed, Jackson and Banks Counties, Georgia (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Lookout Valley, Georgia (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Lookout Valley, Georgia - Volumes I & II (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Road Construction Sites, Stephens County, Georgia (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Sewage Processing Facilities, Social Circle, Georgia (1991)
- Archaeological Survey of Proposed Sewage Treatment Facility Sites, Cochran, Georgia (1977)
- Archaeological Survey of Structures 1, 2, 3, 33, 51, 58, and 60, Grove River Watershed, Jackson and Banks Counties, Georgia - Vol 1 & 2 (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Structures 1, 2, 3, 33, 51, and 60, Grove River Watershed, Jackson and Banks Counties, Georgia (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Structures 1,2,3,33,51,58, and 60 Grove River Watershed, Jackson and Banks Counties, Georgia (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Structures 6, 10, 14, 16 and 17, Little Sandy Creek and Trail Creek Watershed, Clarke, Jackson, and Madison Counties, Georgia (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of Structures 6, 10, 14, 16, and 17, Little Sandy Creek and Trail Creek Watershed, Clarke, Jackson and Madison Counties, Georgia (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of the Peabody Coal Company Camp #2 Air-Man Shaft Tract, Henderson County, Kentucky (1983)
- Archaeological Survey of the Sandy Creek-Trail Creek Watershed (1975)
- Archaeological Testing of the Pine Fork Site (15Fd47), Floyd County, Kentucky (1988)
- The Archaeology of Carrier Mills: 10,000 Years in the Saline Valley of Illinois (1987)
- Archaic Period in Kentucky: Past Accomplishments and Future Directions (1986)
- Archaic Period in Kentucky: Past Accomplishments and Future Directions (1988)
- The Camargo Mound and Earthworks: Preliminary Findings (1991)
- The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois, Volume Two (1982)
- The Carrier Mills Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois, Volume One (1982)
- Cultural Overview of Historic Period Occupation at the Greater Cincinnati International Airport, Boone Co. Kentucky (1986)
- Cultural Resource Assessment of a Five Acre Housing Development in Nelson County, Kentucky (1984)
- Cultural Resource Assessment of an Eight Acre Park, Fayette County, Kentucky (1986)
- Cultural Resource Assessment of the DeGaris Site, 15Sc154, Scott County, Kentucky (1986)
- Data Recovery Plan for Archaeological Investigations at sites 15Be310 and 15Be311, Cincinnati International Airport, Boone County, Kentucky (1986)
- The Emergence of Long-Distance Exchange Networks in the Southeastern United States (1996)
- In Search of Mission San Joseph de Sapala: Mission Period Archaeological Research on Sapelo Island, Georgia 2003-2007 (2009)
- Intersite Variability As Revealed Through Technological Analysis of Lithic Debitage (1977)
- Investigation of Two Stone Mound Localities Monroe County, Georgia (1978)
- Investigations of Two Stone Mound Localities, Monroe County, Georgia (1978)
- Kentucky Adena Mounds in Retrospect: New Insights from Old Collections (1991)
- Lookout Valley Research Project (1975)
- Mound Construction, Mortuary Practices, and Paleodemography: a Reexamination of an Adena Mound in Kentucky (1986)
- Overview of Historic Settlement Along Upper Gunpowder Creek, Boone County, Kentucky (1987)
- Preliminary Report: Excavation of the Tunacunnhee Site (9DB25) June-August 1973 (1973)
- A Reevaluation of the WPA Excavation of the Robbins Mound (15Be3) in Boone County, Kentucky (1988)
- Sapelo Island: Mapping and Geophysical Survey North of Shell Ring II (2010)
- Sapelo Island: Preliminary Report on the 2006 Field Season (2006)
- Site Plan at Cold Springs, 9GE10 (1983)
- Technologicla and Functional Analysis of Middle Archaic Hafted Endscrapers from the Black Earth Site, Saline County, Illinois (1990)
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of Flaked and Ground Stone Artifacts in Kentucky Adena Mounds (1991)
- The Tunacunnhee Site: Evidence of Hopewell Interaction in Northwest Georgia (1976)
- Tunacunnhee: a Hopewellian Burial Complex in Northwest Georgia (1975)
- Woodland Settlement System in Lookout Valley, Georgia (1975)