City of San Diego
No description specified.
301-350 (852 Records)
- Environmental Impact Report: Pacific Highlands Ranch Subarea Plan in the North City Future Urbanizing Area (1998)
- Environmental Impact Secondary Study for Gaslamp Squre, Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, California (1998)
- Environmental Impact Secondary Study for the El Cortez Hotel Block, the Villas at Cortez Hill, the Lofts at Cortez Hill (1995)
- Environmental Impact Statement Marina / Columbia Residential Development (1979)
- Environmental Inpact Report for Holy Cross Cemetery (1992)
- Environmental Secondary Study for Rosario Hall Relocation (2001)
- Errata for Draft Tiered EIR for Black Mountain Ranch Subarea I Plan in the North City Future Urbanizing Area (1998)
- Extended Initial Study Oakcrest Moblie Home Park (1980)
- Fairbanks Highlands Vesting Tentative Map Planned Residential Development, Resource Protection Overlay Zone, and Interim Habitat Loss Permits. (1995)
- The Federal Building Balboa Park, San Diego Hall of Champions (1995)
- Final Eir for State Route 56 Between SR 56 West and SR 56 East (1998)
- Final EIR for the Navy Broadway Complex Project San Diego, California (1990)
- Final Environmental Impact Report for State Route 56 Between SR 56 West and SR56 East (1998)
- Final Environmental Impact Report for the East Mission Gorge Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project, San Diego, CA (1995)
- Final Environmental Impact Report for the Piedras Pintadas Cultural Resource Managment and Intrepretive Plans (1995)
- Final Environmental Impact Report for the San Diego Air Commerce Center at Brown Field Airport Mater Plan (2000)
- Final Finding of Effect for the Mission Beach Boardwalk Expansion San Diego, CA (1998)
- Finding to the Pacific Highland Ranch Subarea Plan Master Eir (2001)
- Findings to a Master Eir-Hollywood & Vine (2001)
- Findings to a Master Environmental Impact Report for Pacific Highlands Ranch Community, Subarea III, of the North City Future Urbanizing Area (Ncfua), Ldr No. 96-7918 (2001)
- Fisher Residence, Coastal Development Permit Ldr No. 99-1264 (2000)
- Formation of Underground Utility Districts: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (2002)
- Fred Jarboe House Located at 2150 Sunset Boulevard, San Diego, California 92103 (2000)
- Goodbody's Ivy Chapel Mortuary or First Church of Christ Scientist
- Grace Lutheran Church, Parsonage and Sunday School Buildings
- The Hale - Naedau House 3341 Brant Street Uptown San Diego, California (2000)
- Hidden Trails, Draft Environmental Impact Report (1995)
- The Hille House (1999)
- Histoircal Site Board Agenda of October 28, 1999, Action Item #6 Mitchell House (1999)
- Historic & Archaeological Analysis for the Village at Euclid Propoerty the 1925-1932 Rice Homesite (2000)
- Historic American Building Survey for Casa De Manana (1998)
- Historic Properties Inventory for Secondary Treatment Clean Water Program for Greater San Diego: Confidential Appendices (1990)
- Historic Properties Inventory for the Proposed Highland Park Estates Trunk Sewer Project, San Diego, California (1993)
- Historic Properties Inventory for the Proposed Montclair Canyon Sewer Project (1993)
- Historic Properties Inventory Report for the Mission Valley Water Reclamation Project, San Diego California (1990)
- Historic Property Survey Report for the Georgia Street Bridge and Retaining Walls San Diego, California (1998)
- Historic Property Survey Report for the Replacment of Fisherman's Channel Bridge, Mission Bay Park, San Diego, CA (1985)
- Historic Site Board Agenda of March 24, 1999, Action Item #5-Ballpark Site Buildings-Bayside / East Village (1999)
- Historic Site Designation checklist for 911 Sixth Avenue (1999)
- Historical / Archaeological Survey: Test Report for North City Future Urbanizing Area Subarea 3, San Diego (1993)
- Historical American Building Survey (HABS) Level I & II Photographic Documentation (2001)
- Historical and Architectural Report for 1765 Hornblend Street, San Diego, California 92109. (1999)
- Historical Assessment and Historical Assessment Addendum 1406 Plumosa Way San Diego, California 92103 (2001)
- Historical Assessment for the Miller House 2020 Orizaba Avenue, San Diego, California 92103 (2001)
- Historical Assessment of the 12817 Via Latina Residence San Diego, California (2000)
- Historical Assessment of the 12817 Via Latina Residence San Diego, California 92014 (2000)
- Historical Assessment of the 420-422 & 424 Brookes Avenue Buildings (2001)
- Historical Assessment of the 5832 Camino De La Costa Residence, LA Jolla (2000)
- Historical Assessment of the 733 Jamaica Court Residence (2001)
- Historical Assessment of the Buildings Located at 640 and 648 Genter Street La Jolla, CA 92037 Ldr No. 98-0555 LA Jolla Genter (1998)