City of San Diego
No description specified.
501-550 (852 Records)
- Mount Soledad Natural Park
- National Archaeological Data Base (NADB) Information Sheet Cultural Resources Contraints Analysis and Survey for the Del Mar Heights Road Alignment, San Diego California (1993)
- National Archaeology Data Base (NADB) Information Sheet East Mission Gorge Interceptor Pump Station and Force Main Project Cultural Resource Daa Recovery Report for CA SDI 9, 243 (1994)
- National Register Application for the San Diego Trust and Savings Building (1999)
- National Register of Historical Places City of San Diego Police Headquarters, Jails and Courts (1998)
- Naval Training Center Guidelines Draft Review Comment (2000)
- Naval Training Center Located on Barnett Street and Rosecrans Boulevard (1998)
- Naval Training Center Precise Plan / Local Coastal Program, Vesting Tentative Map, and Development Permits (2000)
- Naval Training Center San Diego Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Properties (2000)
- Negative Archaeological Survey Report (1995)
- Negative Archaeological Survey Report (1995)
- Negative Archaeological Survey Report (1995)
- Negative Archaeological Survey Report (1994)
- Negative Archaeological Survey Report, Widening of Roadbed on North Side of Roughe 778 Between Mileposts 20. 3-20. 5 (1984)
- Negative Decalartion for Myers Residence (2000)
- Negative Declaration and Notice to Public of Request for Release of Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) (1995)
- Negative Declaration Capeheart Off-Leash Dog Park (2001)
- Negative Declaration Draper Avenue Condominiums (1996)
- Negative Declaration Farguson Residence (2000)
- Negative Declaration for 644-648 Westbourne Villas (2000)
- Negative Declaration for 644-648 Westbourne Villas (2000)
- Negative Declaration for Blue Residence (1998)
- Negative Declaration for Casa Alicente (1998)
- Negative Declaration for Del Mar Heights Deuster Parcel (1998)
- Negative Declaration for Dmt Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Dmt Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Draper Avenue Condos (1996)
- Negative Declaration for Eckert Residence (2000)
- Negative Declaration for Esker Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Farguson Residence (2000)
- Negative Declaration for Ferguson Residence (2000)
- Negative Declaration for Freiberg Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Holmes Residence (1998)
- Negative Declaration for La Jolla Homes - Eads Avenue (2000)
- Negative Declaration for Las California Center (2002)
- Negative Declaration for Mast Boulevard (1996)
- Negative Declaration for Miramar Pipeline Phase II (1996)
- Negative Declaration for Morcos Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Riviera Townhomes (2000)
- Negative Declaration for Schultz Residence (1997)
- Negative Declaration for Taft Avenue Declaration (2001)
- Negative Declaration for the Cass Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Tonawanda Terrace (1997)
- Negative Declaration for West Arcade, Balboa Park, San Diego (2001)
- Negative Declaration for Whrenbrock Residence (2000)
- Negative Declaration Group Job No. 483 (1991)
- Negative Declaration Livingston Residence Renovation (1997)
- Negative Declaration Newcomer Residence (2001)
- Negative Declaration of the Beach Area Family Health Center (1994)
- Negative Declaration Turk Residence (1997)