W. B. Workman
No description specified.
1-16 (16 Records)
- 1974 Archaeological Excavations at Cottonwood Creek (Sel-030). Report on Kachemak Bay Under State of Alaska Permit 1974-9 for Division of Parks, Office of History and Archeology (1974)
- Ahtna Archeology: A Preliminary Statement, Presented at 9th Annual Conference of the University of Calgary Archaeology Association, Clagary (1976)
- Beyond the Southern Frontier: The Norton Culture and the Western Kenai Peninsula, from Arctic Anthropology Vol.19, No.2, 1982 (1982)
- Current Research: Far North: Northwest Alaska (1980)
- Current Research: Far North: Northwest Alaska (1981)
- First Dated Traces of Early Holocene Man in the Southwest Yukon Territory, Canada (1974)
- The First of the Last: Pioneer Human Settlers on the Last Frontier, from Alaska Geographic Vol.21, No.4, 1994 (1994)
- Holocene Peopling of the New World: Implications of the Arctic and Subarctic Data (1978)
- Human Colonizations of the Cook Inlet Basin Before 3000 Years Ago, Presented at 20th Annual Meeting, Alaska Anthropological Association, Anchorage (1993)
- Introduction from Alaska Native Culture and History (1980)
- A Late Prehistoric Ahtna Site Near Gulkana, Alaska. 1975 Salvage Excavations on the Ringling Property (Gul-077) Sponsored by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. for Alaska Anthropological Assoc. Third Annual Meeting (1976)
- Preliminary Report on 1971 Archaeological Survey Work in the Middle of the Copper River Country, Alaska (1971)
- Report on an Archaeological Survey of the Southern Part of the Route of the Proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline System: Valdez to Hogan`S Hill (1970)
- Review of a Summary of Archaeology in the Katmai Region, Southwestern Alaska by D.E. Dumond (1971)
- The Southward Dispersal of the Arctic Small Tool Tradition: Dates and Data from the Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral Alaska (1996)
- The Yukon Island Bluff Site (49 Sel 041): A New Manifestation of Late Kachemak Bay Prehistory, Part Two: Fauna (1979)