Judy Berryman
No description specified.
1-42 (42 Records)
- Archaeological / Historical Survey for the Calvary Chapel Retreat (1990)
- Archaeological Assessment for the Proposed Home Depot Project, Encinitas, CA (1989)
- Archaeological Investigatioins at the Wallace Creek Site (FS 05-11-53-468):A Prehistoric Lithic Scatter Located On the Plumas National Forest, La Porte Ranger District, California (1987)
- Archaeological Investigations for the San Dieguito Wetland Restoration Project Eir / EIS (2000)
- Archaeological Mitigation Report for W-2029, a Late Archaic Rock Art Site Located in Poway California (1989)
- Archaeological Monitoring Results Report for Construction of Mission Bay Sewage Interceptor System, Phase 5, City of San Diego (1994)
- Archaeological Phase II Study on Seven Sites Located on the Halabu Parcel (1982)
- Archaeological Site Evaluations for the Famste Investment Company Propery- Poway (1989)
- Archaeological Survey and Evaluation Report for the Price Self Storage, Planned Development Permit (Ldr No. 40-0778) City of San Diego. (2001)
- Archaeological Survey and Testing Report for the U.S. Army, Strategic Defense Command's Proposed EDX Project Pacific Missile Range Facility, Barking Sands, Kaui, Hawai`i (1990)
- Archaeological Survey Report for the Laser Property 640 Acre Parcel in Jamul (1990)
- Archaeological Test Program for Sites SDI-5190, SDI-5191, and SDI-11053 Phase II Test Results (1988)
- Archaeological Test Report for the Impink Parcel (1990)
- Cultural Resource and Paleontological Assessment for the Evergreen Nusery Site (1989)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for 20+ Acre Parcel Along Winterwarm Road (1991)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for 45+ Acre Parcel Along Huntley Road (1991)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for 70+ Acre Parcel Along Huntley Road (1991)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for Lakeside Boukai Joint Venture (1990)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for Tentative Parcel Map #19750 (1991)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for the Agan Parcel (1991)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for the Carpenter Lot Split (1990)
- Cultural Resource Assessment for the San Luis Rey Venture (1991)
- Cultural Resource Assessment of 39+ Acres Overlooking MC Gonigle Canyon (1990)
- Cultural Resource Evaluations of the Springs and X-Mas Mine Sites (1983)
- Cultural Resource Monitoring Report for the San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plantexpansion, Oceanside, California (2001)
- Cultural Resource Survey of the Cleator Property 3047 Nichols Street, City of San Diego (2001)
- Cultural Resource Survey Report TM 4792 1654 Tavern Road, Alpine, California (1989)
- Cultural Resource Suvey of the Cleator Property, 3043 Nichols, Street, City of San Diego, CA. (2001)
- Cultural Resources Investigation and Significance Assessment Sdmm-W-2719 / SDI-8217 Merrill Tentative Parcel Map #P-02175-0 Pia 93035 Mountain Empire Subregion San Diego County, California (1993)
- Cultural Resources Survey for the Vanier Parcel (1988)
- Cultural Resources Survey of Sewer Pump Station 45, Task 19, City of San Diego (2000)
- Cultural Resources Survey Result Eternal Hill Cemetary Oceanside, California (1993)
- Draft Archaeological Investigations for the San Dieguito Wetlands Restoration Project Eir / EIS (1999)
- Historic Properties Eligibility Study of Pier 9, Naval Training Center, San Diego, San Diego County (1995)
- Historic Properties Eligibility Study of Pier 9, Naval Training Center, San Diego, San Diego County (1995)
- Historic Property Survey Report for the Honly Springs Road Bridge (1987)
- Open Space Boundary Test Determinations at CA-SDI-5094 and CA-SDI-11981 Black Mountain Ranch, City of San Diego, California (2000)
- Results of the Archaeological Survey and Testing Program Conducted Within the Ramona Airport District: Determination of Site "Uniqueness" for Thirty-Two Resource Areas (1990)
- Results of the Archaeological Survey and Testing Program Conducted Within the Ramona Airport Distrrict: Determination of Site "Uniqueness" for Thirty-Two Resource Areas. (1990)
- Survey, Significance Testing and Proposed Mitigation on a Portion of Sdmm-W-1 (SDI-39) and Historic Evaluation of Parcel #346-461-6, San Diego California (1993)
- Survey, Significance Testing and Proposed Mitigation on a Portion of Sdmm-W-12 (SDI-4669): The Eberlin Property, San Diego (1993)