Environmental Research Center, University of Nevada
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Environmental Research Center, Unlv , Environmental Research Center, Univer. of Nevada, Las Vegas , Environmental Research Center, University of Nevada, Las Veg , Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas - Environmental Research Center , Unlv Environmental Research Center , Environmental Research Center, Las Vegas, NV , Unlv - Environmental Research Center
1-26 (26 Records)
- Addendum: a Cultural Resource Inventory of Mineral Resource Exploration Area, Near the Castle Mountains, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
- Addition To Erc / Das Report 5-11-9: a Cultural Resources Survey of the Palmetto Mountain Transmission Line Corridor in Esmeralda County, Nevada (1983)
- Class II Cultural Resource Inventory of the Shadow Valley Mine Property in San Bernardino County, California for Resources Exploration Company, Incorporated of Las Vegas Nevada (1986)
- A Cultural Resource Inventory for Sierra Delta Corporation of a 2450 X 500 Foot BLM Easement Between the Needles Highway and the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, San Bernardino County, California (1991)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of 75 Drill Hole Locations and Access Roads in the Bullion Mountains, Near Ludlow, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of a Mineral Resource Exploration Area, Near the Castle Mountains, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Access Road from the Colosseum Mine To Old Ivanpah, Clark Mountain, San Bernardino, California, With Addendum for Project 2 (1986)
- A Cultural Resource Inventory of an 80 Acre Proposed Dump Location at the Colosseum Mine, Clark Mountains, San Bernardino, California (1988)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Drill Hole Locations and an Access Road in the Mountain Pass Region, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Five and One Half Acres for a Proposed Bridge Construction On County Road in Inyo County, 0.2 Miles West of Tecopa, California (1986)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Four Drill Areas and Two Access Roads in the Ivanpah Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1986)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Six Drill Hole Locations and Four Access Road Segments Near Nipton, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Agnes-Wilson Quarry Expansion Area in the Riverside Mountains, Riverside County, California (1986)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Mogul Meadows Housing Project for Centex Homes Corporation of Reno, Nevada: Das Report No.: 5-82-1 (1985)
- A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Utah Tie Line System in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada (1986)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Two Drill Areas and a Proposed Road Right-Of-Way in the Vicinity of Clark Mountain, San Bernardino County, California (1986)
- A Cultural Resource Inventory of Two Well Drill Areas on The Desert National Wildlife Range Clark County, Nevada (1987)
- Cultural Resource Investigation of a Proposed Postal Service Facility in Beatty, Nye County, Nevada (1986)
- Cultural Resource Investigation of Bearcat Mining Claims, Pinto Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
- Cultural Resources Investigation of a Desert Land Entry Act Application, Fish Lake Valley, Esmeralda County, Nevada (1984)
- Cultural Resources Investigation of the Santa Fe Mining, Inc. Pyramid Butte Project, San Bernardino Co., California (1984)
- Cultural Resources Investigation of Three Desert Land Entry Act Applications, Fish Lake Valley, Esmeralda County, Nevada (1984)
- Cultural Resources Rerecordation and Reassessment Program in the Colosseum Mine Region, Clark Mountains, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Palmetto Mountain Transmission Line Corridor in Esmeralda County, Nevada (1983)
- Final Report: Archaeological Mitigation at Sites CA-Sbr-4889, -5300, -5303; Colossium Mine Project, Clark Mountains, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
- Range 65 Tank Training Facility (1987)