USFS Gallatin NF
No description specified.
1-50 (518 Records)
- #1 Bridger Creek (1979)
- 1)Frogpond Products Small Timber Sale 2) Mill Creek Community Post and Pole Sale, 3)Hourglass Small Timber Sale (1986)
- 24Ln1110, Libby Concrete Core Wall Earth Filled Dam (1994)
- 320 Ranch Access Road (1979)
- 44Kv Powerline West Yellowstone to Red Canyon (1981)
- 6 Mile Allotment Spring and Pipeline; Gold Run Spring (1985)
- 6 Mile Trailhead (1988)
- 63 Dude Ranch National Register Historic Site (Determination of No Adverse Effect) (1985)
- Additional Cultural Resource Evaluations in the East Boulder and Placer Basin Areas of Sweetgrass County, Montana (See Also Lahren, 1989) (1990)
- Alber Placer Claims (1982)
- Alexander Allotment; Spring Construction (1988)
- Alice E. Lode Access Road (1982)
- Appaloosa Timber Sale (1994)
- Archaeological Investigation of Selected Areas on the Gallatin National Forest (Sheep Creek Road and Mile Creek Road) (1976)
- Archaeological Testing and Evaluation of Alice Creek Site, 24LC1015 and Willow Creek Site, 24LC1023 in Lewis and Clark County, Montana (2002)
- Archaeological Testing, 24GA160: Proposed Gravel Pit, Taylor Fork Site (1979)
- Arrastra Creek Mining Claim (1987)
- Arrow Peak Road (1983)
- Ash Mountain and Red Mountain Stock Driveways (1979)
- Aspen Campground Rehabilitation (1989)
- Aspen Campground Wildlife Timber Sale (1981)
- Aspen Planting Project (1995)
- Astra Minerals Mining Operations (1981)
- ATC / USFS Land Exchange (1996)
- Bakershole Campground Powerline (1988)
- Bald Mountain Timber Sale (1982)
- Baldy Burn Timber Sale (in Zz- 1- 18893 Gallatin National Forest: Report on Heritage Resources FY96) (1997)
- Bangtail Supplement Cost Share Road (1987)
- Bar Placer Mining Claim (Ann Samuelson's March 6, 1984 Report Entitled Cultural Resource Report on Sites 24PA428H and 24PA432H) (1985)
- Basin Creek Spring Development (1983)
- Basin Guard Station Recordation and Evaluation (1987)
- Basin Range Allotment (1980)
- Basin Station Maintenance (1994)
- Battle Overstory Removal Small Sale (1987)
- Battle Ridge Timber Sale (1989)
- Battle Ridge: Cooper Special Use Road Project (1993)
- Bear Creek Campground Tree Removal and Firewood Sale (1982)
- Bear Creek Junction Firewood Sale (1982)
- Bear Loop Recreational Trail and Goose Creek Road Construction / Reconstruction (1986)
- Beehive Basin Trailhead Construction (1992)
- Big Pine Basin Spring Construction Project (1984)
- Big Sky Snowmobile Trail Construction (1992)
- Big Timber Canyon Timber Sale (1981)
- Big Timber Canyon Trail Reconstruction (1987)
- Big Timber Horse Pasture (1981)
- Bison Facility (in Zz- 1- 18893 Gallatin National Forest: Report on Heritage Resources FY96) (1997)
- Black Butte Fire (1994)
- Boulder Blowdown Timber Sale (1988)
- Boundary Spring (1982)
- Box Beetle Timber Salvage (1994)