Delaware Division of Historical & Cultural Affairs, Dover,DE
No description specified.
101-150 (156 Records)
- Phase I and Phase II Cultural Resource Survey at Woodland Run Subdivision Along Christina River, White Clay Creek Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware (1997)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Three Sections of the Force Main of the West Rehoboth Expansion of the Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District, Delaware Route 1 from Route 24 to Five Points, Sussex County, Delaware (1991)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey: Tybouts Corner Landfill, New Castle County, Delaware (1991)
- Phase I: Slaughter Creek Comprehensive Survey (1979)
- Phase II: Slaughter Creek Comprehensive Survey (1979)
- Prehistoric Lithic Exchange Systems in the Middle Atlantic Region, Monograph No. 3 (1984)
- Preservation Primer, Bulletin No. 2: Delaware Valley Threatened Resources Survey (1997)
- Priorities for Documenting Historic Resources in Delaware (1992)
- Quaker Hill: City Historic District Design Guidelines (1997)
- Reconnaissance and Location Survey of the Christina River and White Clay Creeks, Delaware, from Churchman's Marsh West to the Delaware State Line, with a Focus on the Period 1630-1730 (1994)
- Reconnaissance Survey of Assawoman Bay Area, Southeastern Delaware (1991)
- Reconnaissance Survey Update of West Dover Hundred, Kent County, Delaware (1997)
- Reconnaissance-Level Architectural Survey: Pencader Hundred Update, New Castle County, Delaware (1994)
- Reconnaissance-Level Survey for the Proposed Athletic Field Extension at Caesar Rodney High School, Town of Camden, North Murderkill Hundred, Kent County, Delaware (1993)
- Red Clay Valley Historic Resources Planning Study (1989)
- Report of Background for Phase II Cultural Resource Survey in Connection with Proposed Improvements on the Red Clay Creek Interceptor Sewer (1997)
- Report of Cultural Resources Investigations Near Redden in Connection with Widening of Route 113 North of Georgetown, Delaware (1993)
- Report of Phase I Cultural Resources Survey at the Dorothy Burton Property in Belltown, Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware (1994)
- Report of Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Concerning a Proposed Fire Training Facility at Dover Air Force Base, East Dover Hundred, Kent County, Delaware (1995)
- Report of Phase II Archaeological and Historical Investigations at Hyde Run Woollen Mill Site on the Grounds of Emily P. Bissell Hospital, Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware (1997)
- Report of Phase II Cultural Resource Survey in Connection with a Proposed Improvement to the Hyde Run Interceptor Sewer Near the Site of Brandywine Springs Amusement Park (1999)
- Report of Phase II Cultural Resources Investigations on Lot 15 in Ellendale (1993)
- Report on Archaeological Research Activities During FY 1980-1981 by the Department of Anthropology, University of Delaware (1981)
- Report on Phase IA Cultural Resource Survey in Connection with Proposed Improvements on the Red Clay and Little Mill Creek Interceptor Relief (1997)
- Report on Phase II Cultural Resource Survey in connection with Proposed Improvements on the Little Mill Creek Interceptor Relief (1997)
- Report on Prehistoric Archaeological Research in Delaware FY 1979-1980 (1981)
- Report on the Intensive Level Survey of the Town of Camden, Kent County, Delaware (1990)
- Report on the Phase I Cultural Resource Survey in Connectionwith Proposed Imprvement to the Hyde Run Interceptor Sewer Above the Mouth of Coffee Run (1999)
- Report on Threatened Archaeological Site Research FY1995 (1995)
- Report on Threatened Archaeological Site Research FY1997 (1997)
- Report on Threatened Archaeological Site Research, FY1996 (1996)
- Research Guide: How to Research the History of Your Home (1995)
- Review of Existing Historic Preservation Planning Policy and Related Planning Documents (1989)
- Seaford Hundred Survey (1985)
- Selected Archaeological Data Recovery at the Bay Vista Site, 7S-G-26, Locus 10 Historic Occupation (MAI-D-50H) (1999)
- Site Observation: Fourth and Church Streets (1988)
- Southwest Analysis Area (Draft Report) (1987)
- Stability, Storage and Culture Change in Prehistoric Delaware: the Woodland I Period (3000 B.C.-A.D. 1000) (1994)
- Standard Chlorine of Delaware, Inc., Phase IB Cultural Resources Assessment Final Report (1994)
- Submerged Cultural Resources Investigation, Delaware Atlantic Coast from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island (1995)
- Survey Report: Town of Elsmere (1987)
- Teaching Historical Archaeology in Delaware (1998)
- Technical Report: Underwater Cultural Resources Background Study and Field Survey for the Development of Wilmington Harbor, Delaware, Extended Part of the South Disposal Area Project (1985)
- Ted Harvey Conservation Area Impoundment Site, Buckaloo Tract Mitigation Plan (1995)
- Threatened Buildings Documented in Delaware, 1997-1998 (1998)
- Threatened Buildings Documented in Delaware, 1998-1999 (2000)
- Threatened Buildings Documented in Delaware, 1999-2000 (2000)
- Threatened Resources Documented in Delaware, 1993-1994 (includes Delaware Threatened Buildings Survey: Needs Assessment for Kenton and Indian River Hundreds) (1994)
- Threatened Resources Documented in Delaware, 1994-1995 (1995)
- Threatened Resources Documented in Delaware, 1995-1996 (1996)