Historic (Culture Keyword)

11,476-11,500 (12,390 Records)

Site Photographs, 44ST998, Quantico (2002)
IMAGE John Milner Associates, Inc..

Survey photographs of site 44ST998, located at Marine Corps Base, Quantico.

Site Photographs, 44ST999, Quantico (2002)
IMAGE John Milner Associates, Inc..

Survey photographs of site 44ST999, located at Marine Corps Base, Quantico.

Site Photographs, Sites 18ST792, 18STX80, and 18STX81, Point Lookout (2003)
IMAGE Geo-Marine, Inc..

This record contains an both artifact and site photographs for phase I investigations of sites 18STX80, 18STX81, and 18ST792, Point Lookout State Park, Maryland. This collection and related documents are currently being held by the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab located in St. Leonard, MD. For further information contact the Federal Curator, Sara Rivers-Cofield

Site plan
IMAGE Uploaded by: Amanda Sacks

This is a plan of the England's Woods site.

Site Plan, 41BX1044 Extension, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE Gregg C. Cestaro.

Sketch map of site 41BX1044's extension, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries, some noted artifacts, and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1045, Camp Bullis, Texas (1994)
IMAGE Tom Dureka.

Sketch map of site 41BX1045, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries, some noted artifacts, and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1283, Camp Bullis, Texas (1998)
IMAGE Ann M. Scott.

Sketch map of 41BX1283, a historic gun emplacement at Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the site location, boundaries, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1326, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE Gregg C. Cestaro.

Sketch map of site 41BX1326, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the site location, boundaries, cultural deposits, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1335, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE Gregg C. Cestaro.

Two detailed sketch maps of site 41BX1335, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the site location, boundaries, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1345 Historic Component, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Map of historic component at 41BX1345, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the location, boundaries, shovel test locations, and some archaeological and topographical features. Also included is an inset photograph of Feature 1.

Site Plan, 41BX1345, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Site plan of 41BX1345, which includes a historic WWII-era encampment at Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the site location, boundaries, shovel test locations, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1354, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE W. Hammond.

Site plan of 41BX1354, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries, shovel test locations, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1365, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE Jonathan Grant.

Site plan of 41BX1365, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1366, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE W. Hammond.

Site plan of 41BX1366, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1368, Camp Bullis, Texas (1999)
IMAGE G. Centaro.

Site plan of 41BX1368, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries, noted artifacts, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1388, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
IMAGE Dennis Glinn.

Site plan of 41BX1388, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1404, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Site plan of 41BX1404, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are site boundaries and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1435, Camp Bullis, Texas (2001)
IMAGE Dennis Glinn.

Site plan of 41BX1435, a historic incinerator at Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the site location, boundaries, and some architectural, archaeological, and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1438, Camp Bullis, Texas (2001)
IMAGE Dennis Glinn.

Site plan of 41BX1438, Camp Bullis, Texas. Included is the site location, boundaries, and some archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1445, Camp Bullis, Texas (2001)
IMAGE C. Salls.

Site plan of 41BX1445, the location of a German Tank at Camp Bullis, Texas. Included are the site boundaries and some topographical features.

Site Plan, 41BX1473, Camp Bullis, Texas (2001)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Sketch map of 41BX1473, a cave at Camp Bullis, Texas. The drawing details some archaeological information.

Site Plan, 41BX822, Camp Bullis, Texas (1989)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

General data form with sketch map of site 41BX822, concrete grenade bunkers at Camp Bullis, Texas. Detailed is the site, the structures, and surrounding archaeological and topographical features.

Site Plan, 41cm95 House Detail, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Sketch map of the house area within site 41cm95, Camp Bullis, Texas. The drawing details archaeological elements and relocated features within the site.

Site Plan, 41cm95 Rock Pen, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
IMAGE Janee Taylor. Ann M. Scott.

Sketch map of the pen east of the house area within site 41cm95, Camp Bullis, Texas. The drawing details archaeological elements, noted artifacts, and some topographical features within the site.

Site Plan, 41cm95, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Sketch map of 41cm95, Camp Bullis, Texas. The drawing details site location, boundaries and the many archaeological and topographical features within the site.