Ainu (Culture Keyword)
1-25 (103 Records)
Translation of the report on the 2007 fieldwork into Russian. Contains GPS point, so contact PI for permission to access the file.
Ainu Bay 1 and 2 Maps (2006)
Field sketches and GPS data-based maps.
Ainu Bay 1 Artifact Photographs (2008)
Artifact photographs from Ainu Bay 1.
Ainu Bay 1 Site Photographs from 2008 visit (Fitzhugh) (2008)
Ainu Bay 1 Site Photographs from 2008 visit (Fitzhugh). Annotations are in the "Previous filename" field.
Ainu Creek Artifact Photographs (2006)
Artifact Photos from the 2006 excavation at Ainu Creek.
Ainu Creek Site Photographs (2007)
Ainu Creek Site Photographs
Ainu Double Foreshaft Toggle Harpoon and Western North America (1942)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Alekhina1 Artifact Photographs (2006)
Artifact photos from Alekhina 1 site.
Baikova 1 Artifact Photographs (2006)
Artifact photos from Baikova 1.
Baikova 1 Maps (2006)
Field sketches and GPS data-based maps.
Berezovka 1 Artifact Photos (2006)
Artifact photos from Berezovka site.
Berezovka 1 Maps (2006)
Field sketches and GPS data-based maps.
Bolshoye 1 Artifact Photographs (2006)
Artifact photos from Bolshoye 1
Bolshoye 1 Maps (2006)
Field sketches and GPS data-based maps.
Bukhta Zakat Artifact Photographs (2008)
Artifact photos from 2008 testing at Bukhta Zakat (Makanrushi Island)
Bukhta Zakat Site Photographs (2008)
Bukhta Zakat Site Photographs (some stitched from several photos).
Danilova 2 Artifact Photographs (2006)
Artifact photos from Danilova 2.
Drobnyye 1 Artifact Photographs (2006)
Artifact photos from Drobnyye 1
Drobnyye 1 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh) Part 1 (2007)
Drobnyye 1 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh). Part 1
Drobnyye 1 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh) Part 2 (2007)
Drobnyye 1 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh) Part 2.
Dushnaya 1 Site Photographs (Taylor) (2006)
Dushnaya 1 Site Photographs (Taylor)
Ekarma 1 Test Excavation 2008 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh) (2008)
Ekarma 1 Test Excavation 2008 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh). Some photos incorrectly labeled Ekarma 3 (see report for explanation).
Ekarma 2 Artifact Photographs (2008)
Ekarma 2 Artifact Photographs (pottery).
Ekarma 2 Test Excavation 2008 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh) (2008)
Ekarma 2 Test Excavation 2008 Site Photographs (Fitzhugh).
Ekarma 2 Test Excavation 2008 Site Photographs (Gjesfjeld) (2008)
Ekarma 2 Test Excavation 2008 Site Photographs (Gjesfjeld). Annotations are in the "Preserved Filename" Field.