Pueblo I - II Fieldhouse (Culture Keyword)
1-1 (1 Record)
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-032: Excavations at Casa Roca (Site 5Mt2203), a Pueblo I / Pueblo II Field House (1982)
Casa Roca, Site 5MT2203, is a small, seasonal use, single-component site located in southwestern Colorado. The site was excavated in 1979 by the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.) as part of a representative sample of sites, by site type and temporal period, from the borrow areas of the Dolores Project, a Bureau of Reclamation water storage project. Casa Roca is assigned to the McPhee Phase (A.D. 850-970) as defined by the D.A.P. temporal system. This corresponds to the late Pueblo I and...