Sagehill Subphase (Culture Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-025: Excavation at Tres Bobos Hamlet, (Site 5Mt4545), a Basketmaker III Habitation (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joel M. Brisbin.

Tres Bobos, Site 5MT4545, is a small Basketmaker III habitation in extreme southwestern Colorado, near the present town of Dolores. Excavations discovered one pithouse, 14 noncontiguous surface rooms, and numerous ancillary features. The number and spatial distribution of the surface rooms in two discreet areas around the single pithouse indicate that there were two occupations centered around the pithouse. The differential spatial configuration of these room sets and the well-developed...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-058: Fieldwork and Systematics (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen E. Kane.

The University of Colorado and its subcontractor, Washington State University, completed the third year of Dolores Archaeological Program fieldwork in 1980. During the first three seasons of work, the research approach was adapted to meet the changing requirements of a program with a large and complex database, and modifications of the approach were documented in a series of program reports. Also during this period, program systematics (the spatial and temporal systems and the site typology)...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-061: Environmental Studies Report (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce F. Benz. Vickie L. Clay.

The Environmental Studies Group has completed laboratory and field studies that serve as a comparisons for projections back in time. These include maps that inventory the present day bedrock geology, landforms, soils stream orders, and present and potential-natural vegetation. Two experimental gardens provide case studies of the potential of subsistence agriculture in the Dolores Archaeological Project area under present day conditions. Analysis to date of geological, faunal, and floral...