Cline Subphase (Culture Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
Investigations at Ridge Line Camp, Site 5MT2242, were undertaken during the 1979 field season of the Dolores Archaeological Program. The site is located in the Sagehen Flats Locality. Two firepits were discovered at the site, and flaked lithic, nonflaked lithic, and ceramic artifacts were recovered. The results of artifact analyses and a radiocarbon date of 3710 +- 90 years B.P. indicate that the site was occupied during the Archaic and Anasazi (Pueblo I, Pueblo II, and Pueblo Ill) time periods....
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-058: Fieldwork and Systematics (1983)
The University of Colorado and its subcontractor, Washington State University, completed the third year of Dolores Archaeological Program fieldwork in 1980. During the first three seasons of work, the research approach was adapted to meet the changing requirements of a program with a large and complex database, and modifications of the approach were documented in a series of program reports. Also during this period, program systematics (the spatial and temporal systems and the site typology)...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-061: Environmental Studies Report (1980)
The Environmental Studies Group has completed laboratory and field studies that serve as a comparisons for projections back in time. These include maps that inventory the present day bedrock geology, landforms, soils stream orders, and present and potential-natural vegetation. Two experimental gardens provide case studies of the potential of subsistence agriculture in the Dolores Archaeological Project area under present day conditions. Analysis to date of geological, faunal, and floral...