Roman Empire (Culture Keyword)

1-11 (11 Records)

Apportioned pottery assemblages from Roman Britain (long form) (2023)
DATASET Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in: Ortman, Scott, Olivia Bulik, Rob Wiseman, José Lobo, Luis Bettencourt and Lisa Lodwick (2023) Transport Costs and Economic Change in Roman Britain. European Journal of Archaeology:1-24 AND Wiseman, Rob, Olivia Bulik, José Lobo, Lisa Lodwick and Scott G. Ortman (2023) The Impact of Transportation on Pottery Industries in Roman Britain. Open Archaeology 9(1).

Apportioned pottery assemblages from Roman Britain (wide form) (2023)
DATASET Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in: Ortman, Scott, Olivia Bulik, Rob Wiseman, José Lobo, Luis Bettencourt and Lisa Lodwick (2023) Transport Costs and Economic Change in Roman Britain. European Journal of Archaeology:1-24 AND Wiseman, Rob, Olivia Bulik, José Lobo, Lisa Lodwick and Scott G. Ortman (2023) The Impact of Transportation on Pottery Industries in Roman Britain. Open Archaeology 9(1).

Celtic Gold (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Peter J. Reynolds.

The conventional view of the lron Age is that it was a subsistence society, eking out a basic existence until the arrival of civilising Romans. As Dr Peter Reynolds of the Butser Ancient Farm reveals, nothing could be further from the truth. Britain was the bread basket of Western Europe and a major supplier of grain to the Roman Empire.

Data on professional diversity in ancient Roman cities (2017)
DATASET John Hanson.

Data on professional diversity in Roman cities of the Imperial period analyzed in Hanson, et al. "Settlement Scaling and the Division of Labor in the Roman Empire," Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

Housing data for Romano-British settlements (2024)
DATASET Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

A key question in economic history is the degree to which preindustrial economies could generate sustained increases in per capita productivity. Previous studies suggest that, in many preindustrial contexts, growth was primarily a consequence of agglomeration. Here, we examine evidence for three different socioeconomic rates that are available from the archaeological record for Roman Britain. We find that all three measures show increasing returns to scale with settlement population, with a...

Population, area, and infrastructural measures for Roman cities of the Imperial period (2019)
DATASET John Hanson. Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in: Hanson, John W., Scott G. Ortman, Luis M. A. Bettencourt, and Liam C. Mazur (2019). Urban form, infrastructure, and spatial organization in the Roman Empire. Antiquity 93(368).

Pottery assemblage data from Roman Britain (2023)
DATASET Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in: Ortman, Scott, Olivia Bulik, Rob Wiseman, José Lobo, Luis Bettencourt and Lisa Lodwick (2023) Transport Costs and Economic Change in Roman Britain. European Journal of Archaeology:1-24 AND Wiseman, Rob, Olivia Bulik, José Lobo, Lisa Lodwick and Scott G. Ortman (2023) The Impact of Transportation on Pottery Industries in Roman Britain. Open Archaeology 9(1).

Settlement data from the 1960-1975 Basin of Mexico Surveys (2014)
DATASET Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in Ortman, S. G., A. H. F. Cabaniss, J. Sturm, and L. M. A. Bettencourt, The Pre-History of Urban Scaling, PLOS ONE (Feb. 2014).

Settlement Scaling and Increasing Returns in an Ancient Society (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Ortman.

Main text and SI of published paper in PDF format. The SI includes a series of datasets derived from the Basin of Mexico surveys that are analyzed in the main text.

Social Reactors Project datasets
PROJECT Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

Datasets from various publications of the Social Reactors Project

Summary data for Romano-British settlements (2024)
DATASET Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

A key question in economic history is the degree to which preindustrial economies could generate sustained increases in per capita productivity. Previous studies suggest that, in many preindustrial contexts, growth was primarily a consequence of agglomeration. Here, we examine evidence for three different socioeconomic rates that are available from the archaeological record for Roman Britain. We find that all three measures show increasing returns to scale with settlement population, with a...