Eastham (Geographic Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Archeological Investigation for the Eastham Unit Development, Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Francis McManamon. Christopher Borstel.

From October to December, 1980, the Division of Cultural Resources, North Atlantic Region, examined potential impacts on cultural resources of proposed visitor use facilities of the Eastham unit, Cape Cod National Seashore. Of five areas studied, two, the Three Sisters of Nauset and Doane Rock development, lacked cultural resources. Two additional areas, the Nauset Light and Little Creek Staging Area, had cultural resources but these seem not to be eligible for the...

The Archeological Survey of Cape Cod National Seashore
PROJECT Francis McManamon. National Park Service. Cape Cod National Seashore.

This project contains documents, images, and data about the archaeological resources in and around the Cape Cod National Seashore on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In particular these relate to what is known as the "outer Cape," that is, from the vicinity of Chatham, Orleans, and Eastham north to the the Provincelands. Much of the archaeological work covered here is from investigations done by or for the Cape Cod National Seashore. The historic time period, as well as ancient times are covered by...

Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, III: The Historic Period and Historic Period Archeology (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Francis McManamon

Contains three parts: "Research on the Historic Period and Historic Period Archaeology" by FP McManamon (pp 1-16); "Changes in the Coastal Wilderness: Historic Land Use Patterns on Outer Cape Cod, 17th-19th Centuries" by Patricia E. Rubertone (pp 17-124); "Historic and Land Use and Settlement on Outer Cape Cod: An Exploratory Analysis of Archeological Data" by Francis P. McManamon and S. Terry Childs (pp 125-156). Historical information and archeological data are used to describe historic...

Cultural Landscape Report for Fort Hill, Cape Cod National Seashore (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lynn Kneedler-Schad. Katharine Lacy. Larry Lowenthal.

The subject of this report is a tract of land in the Town of Eastham, Barnstable County. on the outer part of lower Cape Cod. It encompasses about 100 acres of salt marsh aod upland located south of Hemenway Road, west of Nauset Harbor, northwest afthe Town Cove, and east of U.S. Route 6. This report refers to the entire tract as Fort Hill after its most prominent feature. However, the subject area of the report extends well beyond Fort Hill proper; e.g., it includes part of nearby Skiff Hill,...

Final Report for Faunal Reconnaissance of Selected Sites and Corridors, Eastham Area, Cape Cod National Seashore (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert L. Prescott.

Faunal inventory created for selected sites and corridors of the Eastham Area, Cape Cod National Seashore. The inventory was conducted over an extended period of time encompassing all seasons of the year. The area of possible impact exceeds the study area and calculates at about 274 acres. The dispersed nature of the proposed development over a large area creates many habitat islands and produces extensive edge. Insularity and edge effects are profound in many cases, especially uplands, and may...