Belize (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

3,601-3,625 (4,066 Records)

Tales of Extinction: Natives in the Narratives of Early Colonial Panama, Historical Representations, and Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ana Navas.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Previous historical and archaeological narratives on colonial Panama emphasize the annihilation of indigenous communities after European conquest. Although the Spanish occupation in Panama had devastating consequences on the local population through epidemic diseases, war, and slavery, the documentary evidence provides insights on different ways local...

Taming the Maya Jungle: Decauville Railroads in 19th and Early 20th Century Yucatán (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Mathews.

Starting in the nineteenth century, industries like henequen, chicle, hardwoods and sugarcane required the installation of narrow-gauge railroads across the Yucatán Peninsula. Mules, horses or people pulled low and flat, four-wheeled wooden carts along these rails, which connected haciendas, ports, and remote jungle camps. These rails brought supplies from "civilization" or commodities out of the forest for distribution. This paper will explore the role that railroads played during this period....

The Tamtoc Scroll Style: Assessing the Relationship Between the Huasteca and Classic Veracruz (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kim Richter.

What were the Huastec region’s interregional relations during the Pre-Columbian period? This is one of the pressing questions about the Huasteca that archaeologists, linguists, and art historians have tried to tackle since the nineteenth century. Scholars have identified cultural relations with the southeastern United States, central Veracruz, central Mexico, west Mexico, and the Maya region. Yet, the archaeological data supporting these identifications are sparse because few scientific...

Tan Tun: The Enduring Role of Cozumel in the Maya World (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leslie Perkins. Travis Stanton.

The island of Cozumel has long been known to have been a quintessential place in Late Postclassic Maya culture as the home to the shrine of Ix Chel, the lunar goddess of childbirth and fertility. Maya women of this period were expected to make the pilgrimage to the shrine at least once in their lives, which would have transformed the island into one of the most dynamic and multicultural social contexts throughout the late Maya world. Added to the fact that the island is the easternmost part of...

Tangled Web: Political Pragmatics in the Mopan River Valley (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisa LeCount. Jason Yaeger. Bernadette Cap. Borislava Simova.

This is an abstract from the "Regimes of the Ancient Maya" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We explore the pragmatics of Classic Maya politics in the Mopan River valley of western Belize during the Classic period. Drawing on Okoshi-Harada’s (2012) reconstruction of sixteenth-century Maya political dynamics and Inomata’s (2006) view of polities created through the interaction among social agents in specific historical and spatial contexts, we see...

Taphonomy and Chronology of Mounds A and B at the Quapaw Village of Osotouy (Menard-Hodges Site; 3AR4) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tyler Donaldson. William Monaghan. Timothy Schilling.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Menard-Hodges (3AR4), also known as the Quapaw village of Osotouy, is a Mississippian site along the Arkansas River in southeastern Arkansas. Professional excavations have yielded French trade goods and various diagnostic artifacts that supports a predominantly Mississippian-to-protohistoric origin. The site also includes several mounds, the largest of which,...

Teaching Climate Change in Red States (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander Rivas. Brent Woodfill.

Although scientific consensus was reached on the issue of human-made climate change earlier this century, it continues to be a controversial subject in the public sphere. Archaeologists, as scientists interested in a longue durée approach to human society and the environment, have thus been thrust into another ideological battlefield as hard-fought as the theory of evolution by natural selection, but with perhaps graver consequences. As we move fully into the Capitalocene, it is of the utmost...

The Team for the New Age: Naranjo and Holmul under Kaanul’s Sway (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexandre Tokovinine. Francisco Estrada Belli.

This is an abstract from the "New Light on Dzibanché and on the Rise of the Snake Kingdom’s Hegemony in the Maya Lowlands" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The paper presents the results of the last decade of archeological and epigraphic research that clarify the history of the reigns of Holmul and Naranjo during the expansion of the Dzibanché dynasty in eastern Petén in the second half of the sixth century and the first half of the seventh century...

Technological analysis of bone bloodletting instruments from the offerings of The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Norma Valentin. Gilberto Pérez Roldán. Erika Lucero Robles. Israel Elizalde Méndez.

In the seventh season of excavation at the Templo Mayor Project (2007-2014), 25 bone awls were recovered from offerings found in front of the staircase of the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan. We were able to determine that the bone awls were elaborated from bones of birds and mammals, such as eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), jaguar (Panthera onca), mountain lion (Puma concolor), wolf (Canis lupus) and whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). The bone awls were recovered from five offerings (120, 121,...

Technological and Archaeometric Analysis of Obsidian from Cerro Magoni (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sean Carr. Alma Gabriela López Rivera.

This study addresses one of the fundamental goals of the TRIMP - to contextualize local processes with broader patterns on regional scales - by combining formal technological and geochemical source analysis of obsidian recovered from recent archaeological excavations at Cerro Magoni, a hilltop Epiclassic site in Tula, Hidalgo. Archaeologists can use a variety of archaeometric techniques to better understand ancient interaction networks. Obsidian is a chemically homogeneous volcanic glass that...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Sibeli Viana. Maria Gluchy.

We’ll present reflections about the technological variability of two regions of Brazil, the Central Plateau and the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Both are dated from the ancient Holocene and the results comes from techno-functional analysis applied in lithic materials evidenced in sites of these regions. The Central Plateau is characterized by the Itaparica Techno-complex, composed of instruments with silhouette easily identifiable. The technical design allows a standardized hafting and...

Technologies and the State: analyzing the impact of economic growth through archaeological science (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sandra Lopez Varela.

Mexico’s government attempts to eradicate poverty through infrastructure building and welfare policies have changed the social dimension of griddle and basket making at Cuentepec, in the State of Morelos Mexico. For generations, the house embodied the knowledge of making griddles and baskets, evoking people to remember fragments of the social practices of distant pasts and collectively lived histories. The act of remembrance is compromised with the building of welfare landscapes. Memory is...

Technologies of Clay: Pottery, Architecture, and the Transformation of Mud in the Atacama Desert (South-Central Andes) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Estefanía Vidal-Montero. Itací Correa. Liz Vilches. Francisco Gallardo. Mauricio Uribe.

In the Atacama Desert, pottery is one of the main technological changes of the Formative Period (ca. 2700 BP). The initial industry (LCA type) is characterized by a stylistic homogeneity coupled with a wide geographical distribution. Compositional analyses, however, have shown a significant regularity in pastes, suggesting the use of localized sources of raw materials and/or specific production centers—indicative of a well-defined recipe and style. Provenance studies have identified a locus of...

Technologies of replication in Maya figurines (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Miller.

Among the class of Late Classic Maya figurines generally considered to be from the Island of Jaina, molds were used to form entire objects as well as individual body parts. Molds may also have been taken of one finished figurine in order to generate a new object that would be slightly larger than the original, sometimes resulting in cascading generations of related works. Production techniques of the ceramic mold may also have been deployed for individual body parts, particularly the human...

Technologies of Surveillance, Technologies of Care? Colonial Census, Biopolitics, and Networks of Surveillance in Southern Guatemala (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Guido Pezzarossi. Paige Emerson.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeologies of Surveillance: Seeing and Power in the Material World" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Technologies of surveillance are a common element of diverse forms of extractive early modern colonial projects as a method of effectively extracting value from humans/non-humans. The forms surveillance takes vary widely, frequently blurring into technologies of “care” for laboring bodies to ensure their continued...

Technology transfer, Variability, and Adaptation of Glass Production in Colonial Mexico: Preliminary Results from a Local and Global Perspective (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karime Castillo-Cardenas.

Glass arrived in the Americas as a fully developed technology and glass workshops appeared in New Spain soon after the establishment of the colonial regime. Little is known about the way this technology was adapted to the local resources and conditions, the variety of products made, and how this technology changed and assimilated within the viceregal world and the Spanish Empire at large. Through a multiscalar and multidisciplinary approach incorporating archaeology, history, ethnography and...

Tecnología lítica y movilidad durante el poblamiento temprano del Desierto de Atacama Meridional (Chile) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rodrigo Loyola. Isabel Cartajena. Lautaro Núñez.

Actualmente se reconoce que los grupos humanos que colonizaron el Desierto Meridional de Atacama (22-25°S) desde la transición Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno temprano (12.6-10.2 ka AP) accedían a la amplia diversidad de ambientes disponibles en este árido paisaje. Desde los oasis de borde de salar, los paleohumedales y quebradas de la precordillera, hasta los paleolagos de la alta puna, estos espacios fueron articulados a través de circuitos de movilidad estacional. Por otro lado, la colonización...

The Teeth Tell All: Dentition, Demography, and Paleopathology at Early Classical Mayan Site of Tulix Muul, Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Delande Justinvil. Jessica Leonard. Hannah Plumer. Thomas Harold Guderjan. Colleen Hanratty.

In 2013 a rescue mission to salvage and preserve details of the shrine complex at Tulix Muul, a Classic Maya site in northwestern Belize, yielded a Maya mural. While the arrangement of the mural at the shrine echoes notions of nobility, this rare landmark discovery lies in contrast to what we can infer about the social status of exhumed remains from the Tulix Muul archaeological site. This poster will address the multifaceted insights we can glean from certain aspects of the past life histories...

The Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque: Improving Architectural Analysis, Conservation Assessment, and Public Dissemination via Terrestrial LiDAR and 3-D Mapping (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arianna Campiani. Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo. Nicola Lercari.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Temple of the Inscriptions—K’inich Janab Pakal’s funerary building—is an outstanding evidence of Palenque elite’s grandiose architectural programs in the 7th century AD. Are terrestrial LiDAR and drone-based 3-D mapping viable techniques to inform a new architectural analysis on the construction of this iconic temple? Can digital monitoring based on...

Temporal Persistence of Spear-Thrower Use in Uruguay: Evidence from the Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rafael Suárez.

This is an abstract from the "The Global “Impact” of Projectile Technologies: Updating Methods and Regional Overviews of the Invention and Transmission of the Spear-Thrower and the Bow and Arrow" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The plains of Uruguay are an appropriate place to investigate different aspects of lithic projectile technology used with spear-thrower and bow and arrow. During the initial settlement, we have recorded an interesting...

“Temporal, temporal, allá viene el temporal”: Memory, Disaster, and Change in Puerto Rico (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isabel Rivera-Collazo.

This is an abstract from the "Living Landscapes: Disaster, Memory, and Change in Dynamic Environments " session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As one of the oldest colonies in the world, Puerto Rico has developed diverse strategies to transfer knowledge about disasters and to stimulate community ties for social resilience. The impact of disasters and the memory of response are present in intangible heritage. An example of this is the song “Temporal”...

Temporalities of Disaster Taphonomy: A Contemporary Archaeological Case Study in Southern Puerto Rico (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caroline Watson.

This is an abstract from the "Taphonomy in Focus: Current Approaches to Site Formation and Social Stratigraphy" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Disaster landscapes dominate Puerto Rico’s Anthropocene, past and present. Yet, since the devastating 2017 hurricane season, climate change and coloniality have materialized unprecedentedly as roofless homes, shifting coastlines, and abandoned lots. As recovery practices become a part of everyday life in...

Ten Years of DINAA: Lessons for Archaeological Methods, Practice, and Ethics from a Decade of Experience Compiling, Organizing, and Publishing Data with the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua J. Wells. David Anderson. Eric Kansa. Sarah Whitcher Kansa. Kelsey Noack Myers.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. On November 13, 2013, the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) published its first set of completely free and open scientific and cultural data for about 86,000 archaeological sites. Ten years later, DINAA provides information for almost one million archaeological sites. This includes vast holdings of primary scientific and cultural data,...

Tenochtitlan: A Cultural History of Water (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Lopez.

Located today in Chicago’s Newberry Library, the 1524 Nuremberg Map, representing the pre-Hispanic city of Tenochtitlan on the eve of its conquest to Hernán Cortés, is an ink-and-watercolor image on paper, measuring 47.30 x 30.16 cm. Produced by an anonymous author in an unknown workshop in the German city of Nuremberg, it first appeared in the Latin edition of Cortés’ Second Letter to the Spanish monarch Charles V. It is the earliest printed map of a New World city and although it is a highly...

Teotihuacan at Night: Lighting a Prehispanic City (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Randolph Widmer. Rebecca Storey.

Teotihuacan was a large and populous city at its height with an estimated population of 100,000 people. Since it lies in an arid landscape with neither domesticated animals as a source of dung for fuel nor oils from tree seeds these fuel sources could not have been used for cooking, lighting and to a lesser degree heating. Only wood from trees and shrubs and other plant materials could have been used for fuel. These have been identified in charcoal from archaeological deposits at Teotihuacan,...