Belize (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

3,826-3,850 (4,066 Records)

Upstairs, Downstairs: Excavations of a Throne Room and Kitchen in the Kuche Palace, Kiuic, Yucatán (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George Bey. Rossana May. Tomas Gallareta Negron. Kyle Winters. Magill Grunfeld.

This is an abstract from the "The Bolonchen Regional Archaeological Project: 25 Years of Research in the Puuc" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Beginning around AD 800 the Puuc region experienced a major construction boom of monumental architecture, including large palace complexes. At Kiuic, in the Bolonchen region of the Puuc, the early Yaxché Palace (AD 550–800) was replaced by a much larger complex of structures, still under construction at the...

Urban Carnivores, Rural Vegetarians? Faunal discrepancies over time and space at Mayapan (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marilyn Masson.

A usually predictable attribute of Postclassic Maya settlements (in Belize and Yucatan) is the abundance of faunal remains relative to preceding Classic Period contexts. This discrepancy is not attributable to taphonomy or bone age, given the recovery of human bone from both periods and the abundance of fauna in even earlier Preclassic deposits. Robust forest environments, balanced human predation levels, and variable animal husbandry practices represent the best explanations for the wealth of...

Urban Commoner Households: (In)Equality and Daily Life at Aventura (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zachary Nissen.

This is an abstract from the "Households at Aventura: Life and Community Longevity at an Ancient Maya City" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cities are locations of diverse human interaction where persons from different families and social affiliations can gather, exchange goods, and participate in community events. However, the management of these diverse interactions and activities requires social and political systems that do not value the...

Urban Form and Social Dimension at the Classic Maya City of Palenque (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arianna Campiani.

This is an abstract from the "The Urban Question: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Investigating the Ancient Mesoamerican City" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper I will explore the extent of planning and its social dimension at the ancient Maya city of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Between the seventh and ninth centuries, during the Classic period, the plateau where Palenque is located was extensively modified resulting in a prosperous,...

The Urban Grid: Connecting Water Management and City Organization in Nixtun-Ch'ich' (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriela Zygadlo Vera.

This is an abstract from the "Hydro-Ecological System of the Maya in Petén, Guatemala" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Nixtun-Ch'ich', a Middle Preclasssic settlement along Lake Peten Itza is known for its city organization. Nixtun-Ch'ich' has been surveyed in a variety of ways including a theodolite with an electronic distance measurement (EDM), total station, lidar, and photogrammetry. These various maps of Nixtun-Ch'ich' show how the central...

Urban Reworking as Political Action at the Ancient Maya City of Actuncan, Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Mixter.

This paper begins with a question: What does it mean to live amongst ruins? The literature on ancient Maya urbanism focuses to a large extent on how urban spaces are arranged and what this says about social and political organization. However, the long occupations of many Maya centers resulted in urban centers that reflect a palimpsest of decision-making over centuries rather than a single grand plan. Indeed, evidence at many Maya sites suggests that urban plans were reworked as buildings were...

Urbanization in Ancient Tonga: The Tongatapu Low-Density Urban System (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Phillip Parton. Geoffrey Clark.

This is an abstract from the "Theorizing Prehistoric Large Low-Density Settlements beyond Urbanism and Other Conventional Classificatory Conventions" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The concept of low-density urbanization has been an important development in recognizing the diversity of past human settlements. However, the key challenge to studying low density urbanization with archaeological data, particularly in tropical zones, has been the...

Urbanization, Minor Temple Construction, and Local Community Formation at Ceibal, Guatemala (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melissa Burham.

This is an abstract from the "Preclassic Maya Social Transformations along the Usumacinta: Views from Ceibal and Aguada Fénix" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Excavations and geospatial analyses of outlying residential settlement at Ceibal, Guatemala, shed light on the relationships between ritual and urbanization during the Preclassic period. The site epicenter, which consists of an E-Group assemblage carved out of bedrock, was established around...

Us and Them: Regional Integration and Social Differentiation during the Terminal Preclassic at Ucanha, Yucatán, Mexico (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Barry Kidder. Jacob Welch. Scott Hutson. Shannon Plank.

Often overshadowed by the splendor of massive monumentality to the south, Late Preclassic life in the Northern Maya Lowlands is a period of material and social experimentation, a balancing act between emerging social differentiation and an ideology of communal integration. During the latter half of this period, the secondary site of Ucanha in Yucatán was physically integrated into a micropolity via an 18-km long sacbe and experienced the creation of integrative civic spaces, a population apogee,...

Usability of LiDAR data for archaeological survey in the Uaxactun area, North Peten, Guatemala. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tibor Lieskovsky. Milan Kovac. Tomas Drapela.

The paper deals with validation and quality estimation of spatial data acquired in the focus area of the project "Proyecto arquelogico regional – Uaxactun" as a part of a LIDAR project supported by the PACUNAM. The project has 2 high-quality 3D models of the pre-classical city of Uaxactun and the site of Dos Torres acquired by detailed topographical survey of the focus area at its disposal. The DEMs serve as basis for the evaluation of spatial accuracy of the LiDAR DSM and an etalon for...

The Usage of Levels of Detail in LiDAR Survey to Increase the Digital Applications on Maya Archaeology. (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cristina Gonzalez Esteban. James Bacon. Angel Morales Sanchez.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The advantages of LiDAR survey applied to the identification of Archaeology under forested areas has been evident since the early 21st century. Most LiDAR studies have been done by placing the laser devices on aircraft, and in more recent years, drones. However, this is still quite an expensive endeavour that relies on several variables to succeed (forest...

Use and Symbolism of Copper Axes in Tarascan Society during the Late Post-Classic Period in modern day Michoacán, México (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marcelo Ibarra López.

The cultural core of the Tarascan society settled in the region of what is now Michoacán, western Mexico. For the Tarascans, gathering firewood was a sacred activity, and the maintenance of a never-ending fire within their temples or "cues" was an essential part of their religion. This sacred element was an offering for their most venerated god, Curicaueri. Collecting wood was an activity so sacred that even the tools used to retrieve it were transformed into consecrated objects sharing the same...

The Use of Forensic Anthropology Methods in Historic Cases (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Britney Radford. Kirsten Green. Keith Biddle. Meradeth Snow. Elena Hughes.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. "Historic" is a term commonly used in archaeology and bioarcheology but is not typically associated with forensic anthropology. However, historic cases have been brought to forensic anthropology labs, where biological profiles are built using forensic anthropological methods. These osteological methods used within forensic anthropology can be applied to...

The Use of Geospatial Technology to Identify Patterns in the Distribution of Artifacts at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicaela Cartagena. Sheldon Skaggs. Terry Powis.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The archaeological site of Pacbitun is located in west central Belize between the ecozones of the Belize River Valley and the Mountain Pine Ridge. The ancient Maya occupied the site from the beginning of the Middle Preclassic (900 – 300 BC) and continuing through the Terminal Classic (AD 800-900). The use of geographic information systems (GIS) is becoming...

The Use of Primary Sources in Plantation Archaeology: the Case Study of Hacienda La Esperanza. (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nydia Ponton.

This is an abstract from the "Primary Sources and the Design of Research Projects" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Research at Hacienda La Esperanza, a nineteenth century sugar plantation in the municipality of Manatí, Puerto Rico, was conducted to study the material culture of its enslaved population and document their unwritten experiences. The use of primary sources proved indispensable during the early research design stages of the project....

Uses of Different Species of Animals from Vista Alegre: A Zooarchaeological Analysis (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Ojeda Rodríguez. Jeffrey B. Glover.

Previous zooarcheological research has focused on knowing the patterns of wildlife exploitation in the different archaeological sites of the Maya area. In this sense, the present work intends to approach the different uses of the different species of animals in activities carried out by the pre-Hispanic Maya people located at the site of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Mexico. The simple has c. 23,000 remains of fauna, coming from three architectural constructions: Structure 9 (Operation 3A),...

Using Ancient Plant Macroremains to Understand Resource Consumption in the Past and Present (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lana Martin.

Many people recognize the need for markedly different mode of living amid a growing body of scientific evidence that the current world population is environmentally unsustainable. Exploring ancient foodways and landscape management techniques may improve our ability to imagine highly productive modes of food production and resource consumption dissimilar to that of our current global reality. Here, I show how a reconstruction of macrobotanical and faunal remains builds a narrative of...

Using Architectural Sculpture to Think about Center and Periphery in the Puuc Region (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Meghan Rubenstein.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Puuc region of Yucatán is distinguished by its architectural style, composed primarily of low, range-type structures with limestone veneers. These building surfaces, elaborately carved with iconographic content, also served as backdrops for stucco and stone sculptures, which were placed in niches, on projecting platforms, and incorporated directly into the...

Using Bayesian Radiocarbon Chronologies in Conjunction with Artifact Inventories to Reconstruct the Timing and Formation of Peri-abandonment Deposits at Baking Pot, Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julie Hoggarth. J. Britt Davis. Christophe Helmke. Jaime Awe.

A variety of functions have been proposed for ‘problematic deposits’ across the Maya lowlands. All of the explanations have archaeological and temporal implications that have rarely been operationalized together to gain better insights into the nature of these deposits. In this presentation, we describe these features as ‘peri-abandonment deposits’, as all proposed explanations imply that the events that led to the formation of the deposits occurred around the time (or after) ceremonial centers...

Using Digitized Archaeological Literature as Big Data: Lessons from Using Open-Source Software to Text Mine Archaeological Site Numbers and Citation Information from JSTOR across the United States and Canada for the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua J. Wells. Mackenzie Edmonds. Eric Kansa. Sarah Kansa. David Anderson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) now contains citations to professional journal articles which mention specific archaeological sites in tens of thousands of instances across the United States and Canada. DINAA researchers have developed methods to identify Smithsonian Trinomial (USA) and Borden Grid (Canada) archaeological site...

Using Event History Methods to Analyze the Diffusion of Dynastic Rituals in Classic Maya Society (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Scholnick. Viviana Amati. Jessica Munson.

This is an abstract from the "Novel Statistical Techniques in Archaeology I (QUANTARCH I)" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Diffusion of innovation describes the way novel cultural traits or information spread in a population. Understanding the specific factors that account for the spread of these innovations calls for a multivariate approach. Event history analysis provides a set of statistical methods to explain and predict the occurrence of...

Using Geophysics for Cemetery Delineation on DOD Installations: Practical Advice, Pitfalls, and Project Examples (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Lowry. Gabriel Griffin.

This is an abstract from the "Application of Geophysical Techniques to Military Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cemeteries and burial grounds are a common feature of the historic landscape, and mapping cemeteries is a consistent and pressing land management need for DOD cultural resource managers. When a cemetery is involved, stakeholders may be diverse and the results can be emotionally charged. Land managers and the public may...

Using Landscape to Unbuild Binaries: Human-Environment Relationships at Aventura, Belize (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kacey Grauer.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Dividing the landscape into the categories of natural and cultural clouds an understanding of the relationship between humans and their ecological environment. Humans are not separate from or above the landscape they inhabit, and landscape archaeology is well-situated to address arbitrary binaries that reinforce problematic notions about human-environment...

Using LiDAR and Environmental Suitability Models to Predict Probable Locations of Ancient Settlements in Manabí, Ecuador (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Terance Winemiller. J.J. Ortiz-Aguilú. María Isabel Silva-Iturralde. Jaime Andrés Velázquez-Mora.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In recent years, LIDAR has gained popularity among archaeological researchers for its capability to reveal ancient settlement features hidden beneath dense vegetation coverage in heavily forested areas. More often, these studies have revealed undocumented monumental architecture and in some cases modified landscapes such as agricultural terraces, canals, and...

Using LiDAR and Ground Survey to Understand Regional Settlement Patterns in Terminal Classic Central Yucatan (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Travis Stanton. Aline Magnoni. Jessica Wheeler. Nicolas Barth.

The first research performed by the Proyecto de Interaccion Politica del Centro de Yucatan centered on understanding the impact of Chichen Itza in the region to the southwest of this Terminal Classic city. Working in an area of roughly 500 square kilometers around the site of Yaxuna we performed traditional ground reconnaissance and mapping at numerous centers in the region from 2007 to 2013 to better understand regional settlement patterns and how they changed with the establishment and growth...