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151-175 (199 Records)

DOCUMENT Citation Only Emiliano Melgar.

After the defeat of Azcapotzalco in AD 1428, the rulers of Tenochtitlan employed different strategies to recreate and reinforce their identity during the Triple Alliance. One of them was the regional request of master artisans, called tolteca, for working at the Aztec capital. Some of these craftsmen and their workshops were located inside the palaces of the tlatoque. Among them were the jewelers that crafted sacred objects for the gods and prestige goods for the elites. The technological...

PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 10739-11000, 12174-12233, 11165-11188, 11001-11165, 11666

The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Geopolitics in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

Neighbors of the better-known Itza in the central Petén lakes region of Guatemala, the Kowoj Maya have been studied for little more than a decade. The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Geopolitics in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala summarizes the results of recent research into this ethno-political group conducted by Prudence Rice, Don Rice, and their colleagues. Chapters in The Kowoj address the question "Who are the Kowoj?" from varied viewpoints: archaeological, archival, linguistic,...

Kukulkcan's Realm: Urban Life at Ancient Mayapan (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marilyn A. Masson. Carlos Peraza Lope.

Kukulcan's Realm chronicles the fabric of socioeconomic relationships and religious practice that bound the Postclassic Maya city of Mayapán's urban residents together for nearly three centuries. Presenting results of ten years of household archaeology at the city, including field research and laboratory analysis, the book discusses the social, political, economic, and ideological makeup of this complex urban center. Masson and Peraza Lope's detailed overview provides evidence of a vibrant...

Lake Atitlan
PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 1488-1491

Learning heritage while teaching archaeology at Tahcabo, Yucatán: archaeologists’ perspectives on the opportunities and risks of local community engagement (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ivan Batun-Alpuche. Sarah Rowe. Patricia McAnany. Maia Dedrick.

While a great deal of archaeological research in the Maya area has been conducted with the interests of the academic community and tourism industry in mind, there are fewer examples of archaeology conducted with the needs of local "publics" foregrounded. We propose greater dialogue between archaeologists and the people who live near (and within) places where archaeologists conduct research, and consider the dissemination of archaeological information to communities involved in archaeological...

Maya Daykeeping: Three Calendars from Highland Guatemala (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John M. Weeks. Sachse Franke. Christian M. Prager.

In Maya Daykeeping, three divinatory calendars from highland Guatemala - examples of a Mayan literary tradition that includes the Popul Vuh, Annals of the Cakchiquels, and the Titles of the Lords of Totonicapan - dating to 1685, 1722, and 1855, are transcribed in K'iche or Kaqchikel side-by-side with English translations. Calendars such as these continue to be the basis for prognostication, determining everything from the time for planting and harvest to foreshadowing illness and death. Good,...

The Maya Vase Conservation Project
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

Museum goers are always fascinated by behind-the-schemes glimpses of the way museum professionals prepare artifacts and works of art for exhibit and study. In this richly illustrated, step-by-step presentation, Grant describes the problems of conserving and preserving the only provenienced collection of a group of 19 important Maya vases excavated early in the twentieth century in Chama, Guatemala, by Robert Burkitt, an early investigator for the University Museum. This polychrome pottery was...

The Maya Vase Conservation Project: Supplementary Material (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lynn A. Grant.

Supplementary CD-ROM that accompanies The Maya Vase Conservation Project. This document includes 280 full-color images, and illustrates each of the vessels with color photographs of their initial condition, treatment, and final appearance. Detailed information on each vessel's provenience, dimensions, and iconography is also found on this CD

The Maya Vase Consevation Project (2006)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynn A. Grant.

Museum goers are always fascinated by behind-the-schemes glimpses of the way museum professionals prepare artifacts and works of art for exhibit and study. In this richly illustrated, step-by-step presentation, Grant describes the problems of conserving and preserving the only provenienced collection of a group of 19 important Maya vases excavated early in the twentieth century in Chama, Guatemala, by Robert Burkitt, an early investigator for the University Museum. This polychrome pottery was...

Mixco Viejo
PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 2853-2862

Note on the Aboriginal Races of the North-Western Provinces of South America (1884)
DOCUMENT Full-Text R White.

This 1884 article by White refers to a strip of country about 600 miles in length and 250 miles in width on the west of the pacific ocean. The author describes his interpretation of the cultures and provides regional/locational differences. He also describes past and present burial rituals and techniques.

Obsidian Reflections: Symbolic Dimensions of Obsidian in Mesoamerica (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Departing from the political economy perspective taken by the vast majority of volumes devoted to Mesoamerican obsidian, Obsidian Reflections is an examination of obsidian's sociocultural dimensions—particularly in regard to Mesoamerican world view, religion, and belief systems. Exploring the materiality of this volcanic glass rather than only its functionality, this book considers the interplay among people, obsidian, and meaning and how these relationships shaped patterns of procurement,...

Part 3: Quiriguá Wider Periphery, Additional Illustrations and Tables (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Wendy Ashmore.

This CD-ROM accompanies Settlement Archaeology at Quiriguá, Guatemala by Wendy Ashmore. Included here are additional plates, tables and figures from Parts 1 and 2. Additionally, the CD-ROm includes Part 3: Quiriguá Wider Periphery. Part 3 presents descriptive summaries for each of the Quiriguá Wider Periphery sites encountered by the Site Periphery Program.

Piedras Negras
PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 10729-10733

A Prehistory of South America: Ancient Cultural Diversity on the Least Known Continent (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerry Moore.

A Prehistory of South America is an overview of the ancient and historic native cultures of the entire continent of South America based on the most recent archaeological investigations. This accessible, clearly written text is designed to engage undergraduate and beginning graduate students in anthropology. For more than 12,000 years, South American cultures ranged from mobile hunters and gatherers to rulers and residents of colossal cities. In the process, native South American societies...

Proyecto Salinas de los Nueve Cerros
PROJECT Uploaded by: Brent Woodfill

Archaeology, ethnohistory, ethnography, geology, and community development at the largest Precolumbian saltworks in the Maya world. Salinas de los Nueve Cerros was a Maya city located at the highland-lowland transition along the Chixoy River that produced up to 24,000 tons of salt/year during the Late Classic period (AD 600-850). It was occupied from at least 800 BC through the Classic collapse, and continued to be occupied throughout the Postclassic and colonial periods, with salt production...

Putting Archaeobotany Under the Microscope: A Case Study for Increased Use of Starch-Grain and Residue Analyses on the North Coast of Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa Rosales-Tham. Victor Vásquez-Sanchez. Guy Duke.

Due to the arid environment and subsequent excellent preservation on the north coast of Peru, evidence obtained from macrobotanical remains here has been the primary sources of information on plant use. However, despite the richness of the macrobotanical record, the combination of arid conditions and the nature of many plants, such as potatoes and beans – which are consumed in their entirety – macrobotanical remains can only tell us so much. In this paper, we discuss some methodological issues...

Putting Archaeobotany Under the Microscope: A Case Study for Increased Use of Starch-Grain and Residue Analyses on the North Coast of Peru
PROJECT Uploaded by: Guy Duke

Due to the arid environment and subsequent excellent preservation on the north coast of Peru, evidence obtained from macrobotanical remains here has been the primary sources of information on plant use. However, despite the richness of the macrobotanical record, the combination of arid conditions and the nature of many plants, such as potatoes and beans – which are consumed in their entirety – macrobotanical remains can only tell us so much. In this paper, we discuss some methodological issues...

Research on a Dog Burial from Rio Muerto, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ellen Lofaro. Michael Wylde. Susan deFrance. Paul Goldstein.

This poster presentation examines the place of the dog in the ancient Andean society of Tiwanaku. The mummified remains of a small dog were recovered from a domestic context at the Rio Muerto site, located in the Osmore River drainage of far southern Peru. Although dog burials in Peru are not unusual, they appear mostly in high-status contexts in art and in mortuary practice. Offerings of young camelids and dogs have been found buried beneath floors and entryways of houses at Rio Muerto M43 and...

Rethinking Deodoro Roca Rockshelter (Ongamira, Córdoba, Argentina). Seventy years of archaeological ideas (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only ANDRES DARIO IZETA. Roxana Cattaneo.

The hunter-gatherer archaeology of the Ongamira Valley has been a landmark in the archaeology of Argentina’s Central Region. The cultural sequence built in the 1950s is still used by many archaeologists to interpret regional peopling, subsistence, land use and mobility. However we believe it is time to review the use of rockshelter-generated data under a new approach that embraces landscape archaeology. Stable isotope-based paleo-environmental reconstructions create a baseline and permit...

A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands over the Holocene (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Stephen Reichardt

In the Maya Lowlands of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala two main types of wetlands have played important roles in human history: bajos or intermittently wet environments of the upland, interior Yucatán and perennial wetlands of the coastal plains. Many of the most important Maya sites encircle the bajos, though our growing evidence for human-wetland interactions is still sparse. The deposits of these wetlands record two main eras of slope instability and wetland aggradation: the...

Settlement Archaeology at Quiriguá, Guatemala
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

This monograph reports the results of the Quiriguá Project Site Periphery Program, five seasons (1975-1979) of archaeological survey and excavation in the 96 square kilometers immediately adjoining the classic Maya site of Quiriguá. Ashmore identifies and helps us understand where and how the people of Quiriguá lived. She presents detailed material evidence in two data catalogues, for the floodplain settlement adjoining Quiriguá and for sites in the wider periphery. The work situates Quiriguá...

Settlement Archaeology at Quiriguá, Guatemala (2007)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Wendy Ashmore.

This monograph reports the results of the Quiriguá Project Site Periphery Program, five seasons (1975-1979) of archaeological survey and excavation in the 96 square kilometers immediately adjoining the classic Maya site of Quiriguá. Ashmore identifies and helps us understand where and how the people of Quiriguá lived. She presents detailed material evidence in two data catalogues, for the floodplain settlement adjoining Quiriguá and for sites in the wider periphery. The work situates Quiriguá...

Stephen Kowalewski, su vida y obra: a life of regional survey and looking at the big picture (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Verenice Heredia Espinoza. Thomas Pluckhahn. Veronica Perez Rodriguez.

In this opening paper for the session in honor of Stephen Kowalewski we talk about Steve’s life and background, his experience in Southwestern and Mesoamerican archaeology, and about a life of teaching and mentoring in the classroom and in the field. We discuss Stephen Kowalewski’s work in archaeology and the rich regional datasets that we now enjoy as a result of his teachings and labors. This presentation also reflects on the theoretical and methodological approaches that Steve has employed...