GT (ISO Country Code) (Geographic Keyword)

176-199 (199 Records)

Stop and Go Traffic: Power, Movement, and Emplacement in the Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan Kingdoms (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Dobereiner. Andrew K. Scherer. Charles Golden. Whittaker Schroder.

This paper explores the many sides of the natural and supernatural landscape surrounding the Classic period Maya kingdoms of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan with a particular focus on how the rulers of these polities struggled with one another for control of movement across the broken terrain of hills, cliffs, valleys, swamps, and rivers that define the Middle Usumacinta River basin. The standard image of a rather homogenous landscape in the Maya lowlands is quickly dispensed with in the Middle...

Through a Smoke Cloud Darkly: The Possible Social Significance of Candeleros in Terminal Classic Naco Valley Society (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Patricia Urban. Edward Schortman. Jacob Griffith-Rosenberger. Reagan Neviska. Chelsea Katzeman.

Candeleros, fired clay artifacts with one to over 20 chambers, are widely distributed across Terminal Classic (AD 800-1000) contexts in the Naco valley of northwestern Honduras. Though reported from other parts of Mesoamerica, little is known about the varied ways this distinctive artifact figured in tasks engaged in by people of diverse ranks and might have been used in negotiating interpersonal transactions. This presentation provides initial responses to these queries based on a functional...

PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 1227-1228, 11445-11451, 11482-11484, 11201-11205, 10619-10721

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Ruins of Tikal" (with border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Ruins of Tikal" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Bejucal Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Camp Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Corriental Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Encanto Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Great Plaza Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "North Zone Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Perdido Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Temple IV Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Temple of the Inscriptions Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala (1961)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert F. Carr. James E. Hazard.

In 1956 The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, under contract from the Guatemalan government, began what would be a fifteen-year project of archaeological and biological research, site restoration and touristic development at the ancient Maya site of Tikal, Guatemala. As one of its first efforts, the Penn Project produced a series of paper maps of the site. Edwin M. Shook, field director, reports that much of the first two seasons (1956, 1957) was devoted to building camp, digging...

Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala and Georeferenced Versions of the Maps Therein
PROJECT Uploaded by: Christopher Carr

This archive is in two parts. The first part is Tikal Report 11, published in 1961, which presents the ten maps produced by the Tikal Project of The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. The second part is georeferenced versions of the ten maps for use with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software. The georeferencing was based on field data collected in 2010 by the Tikal Project of the University of Cincinnati. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates show constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala (2007)
DOCUMENT Citation Only H. Stanley Loten.

A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates include constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala: Companion CD-ROM (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text H. Stanley Loten.

The material included here is from a companion CD-ROM included with Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala, Tikal Report 34A, by H. Stanley Loten. 112 color plates include constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a rationale for the sequences illustrated and an interpretation of ancient Maya intentions in...

Tikal Report 37: Historical Archaeology at Tikal, Guatemala
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

The pre-Columbian city we call Tikal was abandoned by its Maya residents during the tenth century A.D. and succumbed to the Guatemalan rain forest. It was not until 1848 that it was brought to the attention of the outside world. For the next century Tikal, remote and isolated, received a surprisingly large number of visitors. Public officials, explorers, academics, military personnel, settlers, petroleum engineers, chicle gatherers, and archaeologists came and went, sometimes leaving behind...

Tikal Report 37: Historical Archaeology at Tikal, Guatemala (2012)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hattula Moholy-Nagy.

The pre-Columbian city we call Tikal was abandoned by its Maya residents during the tenth century A.D. and succumbed to the Guatemalan rain forest. It was not until 1848 that it was brought to the attention of the outside world. For the next century Tikal, remote and isolated, received a surprisingly large number of visitors. Public officials, explorers, academics, military personnel, settlers, petroleum engineers, chicle gatherers, and archaeologists came and went, sometimes leaving behind...

Turquoise Sources and Source Analysis: Mesoamerica and the Southwestern U.S.A. (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Phil C. Weigand. Garman Harbottle. Edward V. Sayre.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Wearing Culture: Dress and Regalia in Early Mesoamerica and Central America (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Wearing Culture connects scholars of divergent geographical areas and academic fields-from archaeologists and anthropologists to art historians-to show the significance of articles of regalia and of dressing and ornamenting people and objects among the Formative period cultures of ancient Mesoamerica and Central America. Documenting the elaborate practices of costume, adornment, and body modification in Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Oaxaca, the Soconusco region of southern...

PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 1360-1414