Huntington County (County) (Geographic Keyword)
1-25 (154 Records)
This resource contains one of two sets of Huntington Reservoir aerial images. This particular set of images was produced in beige and purple ink. For each beige and purple map (Scanned Asset 1039-0002), there is a duplicate map. Thus, there are nine unique maps, but eighteen total copies. The beige maps have a map publication number along with a handwritten number in the upper right corner of each map numbering from two to nine. The legible map publication numbers include 18069-272-55,...
Aerial Map x-272-11-R, Salamonie Reservoir N.D. (2012)
This resource contains an aerial image of the township and range of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-12L, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial image of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-12R, Salamonie Reservoir N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial image of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-13L, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial image of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-13R, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-33-L, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-33-R, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-34-L, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 18069-272-34-R, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 181-272-7-A, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Aerial Map 8169-272-7B, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
This resource contains an aerial map of the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana, printed in February 1981. This map is part of the Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D collection that consists of oversized maps of the Salamonie Reservoir within the Huntington and Wabash Counties, Indiana. The collection was received without any association to a particular investigation. The date of this image was not recorded. This is likely due to the documents’ large size and cartographic contents.
Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of the Huntington Reservoir Area, Wabash River (1963)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of the Huntington Reservoir Area, Wabash River, Indiana (1964)
The proposed report by James H. Kellar, the Appraisal of the Archeological Resource of the Huntington Reservoir Area, Wabash River Indiana, was submitted to the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, under the terms of Purchase Order No. 29-737. The following reports the results of an archaeological surface survey in the area to be inundated by the construction of the Huntington reservoir in the upper Wabash River Valley, Indiana. Much of the work was accomplished by John...
Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir 1982-1983
A pedestrian reconnaissance survey led by William Wepler and Donald Cochran was conducted at the Huntington Reservoir between the fall of 1982 and winter of 1983. This survey took place along the Upper Wabash drainage in Huntington and Well counties. The survey was performed in two parts; first as an in-field survey above the level of the summer pool, which was oriented toward the cultivated areas, and second as a shoreline survey oriented towards the eroded areas. The investigation was...
Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir: Identification, Prediction, Impact (1983)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
An Archaeological Assessment of Huntington Reservoir: Identification, Prediction, Impact (1983)
An archaeological survey of Huntington Reservoir was conducted under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology with matching funds supplied by Ball State University. The goals of the project were: to identify the archaeological resources within the Huntington Reservoir area, to determine the impact of the reservoir on those resources, and to...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance and Intensive Assessment at State Recreation Areas 1979
The archaeological field reconnaissance and intensive assessment at State Recreation Areas were initiated with a request from Boyd E. Phelps, Inc. to Ball State University under the direction of Ronald Hicks. The request entailed an initial archaeological records search for four Department of Natural Resources construction projects (E15-702C, E15-702G, E15-702H, and E15-702J) near the Mississinewa and Huntington Reservoirs in Wabash and Huntington Counties, Indiana. Projects E15-702C, E15-702G,...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance at Dora-New Holland Recreation Area 1979
Ball State University conducted an archaeological field reconnaissance for six Department of Natural Resources’ projects on the Mississinewa, Salamonie, and Huntington Reservoirs in Miami, Wabash and Huntington Counties, Indiana. The objective was to identify archaeological sites through a surface survey of each project area. The six projects included E- 15-702-B (Francis Slocum State Recreation Area), E-15-702C (Hogback Ridge), E-15-702D (Miami), E-15-702F (Dora-New Holland), E-15-702G (Little...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance at Miami County Recreation Area 1979
As requested by Boyd E. Phelps, Inc., an archaeological field reconnaissance was completed for six Department of Natural Resources projects on the Mississinewa, Salamonie, and Huntington Reservoirs in Miami, Wabash, and Huntington Counties, Indiana. The projects include locations at Francis Slocum State Recreation Area (E15-702B), Hogback Ridge (E15-702C), and Miami (E15-702D) on the Mississinewa Reservoir, at Dora-New Holland (E15-702F) on the Salamonie Reservoir, and at Little Turtle...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Salamonie Reservoir Visitor’s Center 1980
An archeological field reconnaissance led by Ronald Hicks from Ball State University was carried out for the proposed Visitor’s Center at Lost Bridge State Recreation area on the Salamonie Reservoir, Indiana. No significant cultural remains were found during the surface and subsurface survey or as a result of shovel probe tests. Thus, it was recommended that the project be allowed to proceed without further archaeological assessment (Wepler 1980). The digital materials in this collection were...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Salamonie Reservoir Wildlife Ponds 1979
An archaeological field reconnaissance and literature search was completed for seven proposed wildlife ponds near the Salmonie Reservoir, Wabash County, Indiana by Ball State University for the Department of Natural Resources. The project was located on the north side of the Salamonie Reservoir approximately three miles south of the Salamonie dam. Two of the seven ponds were already present, but without water. The field reconnaissance was led by Ronald Hicks and conducted on June 14, 1979 to...
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Salamonie Reservoir Wildlife Ponds Wabash County, Indiana (1979)
Following a request from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, an archaeological field reconnaissance and literature search have been completed for seven proposed wildlife ponds near the Salamonie Reservoir, Wabash County, Indiana (Fig. 1). The project, located near the midpoint of Section 17, Township 27 North, Range 8 East, as shown on the USGS 7.5-minute Lagro Quadrangle (Fig. 2), will involve approximately five acres of land in the construction of the proposed ponds (Fig.J).
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance, Andrews Water Works Project, Huntington County, Indiana (1980)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
Archaeological Field Reconnaissance, Huntington HUD Grant, Huntington County, Indiana (1980)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].