Alaska (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

10,376-10,400 (10,660 Records)

USFS Level I Cultural Resources Inventory of the First Rockpit on the 8576 Road Chichagof Island, Project No. 92-104 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only M. G. Gilman.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level I Cultural Resources Inventory of the Kennel Creek 1991 Large Wood Debris (Lwd) Enhancement Project, Project No. 92-087 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only M. G. Gilman.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level II and III Surveys. an Archaeological Clearance for Four Independent Timber Sales on Tuxecan Island, Southeast Alaska. Report 1993-05-21 (1993)
DOCUMENT Citation Only A. Young.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level II. an Archaeological Clearance for the North Sea Otter Sound A-Frame Independent Timber Sale, Scott and Orr Islands, Southeast Alaska Report 1993-05-23 (1993)
DOCUMENT Citation Only A. Young.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level II. an Archaeological Clearance for the Roi Roberts Boardwalk and Fishviewing Platform, Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska (1993)
DOCUMENT Citation Only D. M. Foskin.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level III Cultural Resource Inventory of a Sub-Surface Power Line for the National Park Service Storage Facility in Yakutat, Alaska. Project # 92-067 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. E. Myron.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level III Cultural Resource Inventory of Dave Duncan and Son Outfitting and Guiding Camp in Rakovoi Bay Baranof Island, Alaska Project 93-081 (1993)
DOCUMENT Citation Only D. R. Muenster.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level III Cultural Resource Inventory of the North Beach Shelikof Cabin and Atv Access Trail Construction, Shelikof Bay, Kruzof Island, Alaska, Project # 93-012 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. E. Myron.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level III Cultural Resource Inventory of the Ray Sensmeier Special Use Permit Knight Island, Yakutat Bay, Alaska (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. E. Myron.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Level III Cultural Resources Inventyory for Donald Smith Special Use Permit Renewal and for a Forest Service Cabin Greentop Harbor, Yakobi Island, Alska , Project # 92-103 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Brown.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Levell III Cultural Resource Inventory of Juneau Youth Services Tent Platform Camp Expansion Shelter Island, Alaska. Project 92-016 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. E. Myron. K. S. Iwamoto.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Little Hamilton Boat Ramp Kupreanof Island, Southeast Alaska, Project No #96-02-029-a (1996)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. L. Smith.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Little Home Cabin Site (Pet-165)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. D. Roberts.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Long Lake New Trail Construction, Project No #FY97-04-37 (1997)
DOCUMENT Citation Only M. Gilliam.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Maid of Mexico Mine (Pet-237)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. D. Roberts.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Memo and Maps Sent to Greg Dixon (1980)
DOCUMENT Citation Only C. Rabich.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Misty Fiords Nat'l Monument, Cultural Resources Project Clearance, 2001-10-05 Ketchikan-05, Cleveland Peninsula Pit Inventory and Monitoring Program (2001)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. Autrey. M. Stanford.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Misty Fiords Nat'l Monument, Cultural Resources Project Clearance, 2001-10-05 Ketchikan-07, Foggy Bay Inventory and Monitoring Pit Program (2001)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. Autrey. M. Stanford.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Monitoring of Bruhn-Ray Mine Complex Buildings (Sew-197) Flagging, Project No #96-04-4-Rgd (1996)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. G. Dixon.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Montague Ridge Trail Easement, Project No #FY97-04-18 (1998)
DOCUMENT Citation Only S. L. Ludwig.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS No Name Bay, Kuiu Island (1998)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. L. Smith.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS North Kenai Timber Salvage Archaeological Survey Report Stand 58 FY95-04-81 (1995)
DOCUMENT Citation Only D. Vinson. G. Dixon.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Old Seward Highway / Snow River Oil Spill Test, Project No #96-04-3-Rqd (1995)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. G. Dixon.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Olympia Mining Company Residences (Pet-248)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L. D. Roberts.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

USFS Palutat Cave Reburial #3, Assistance to Cac for Nagpra Reburial Sew-048, Project No #FY97-04-43 (1998)
DOCUMENT Citation Only S. L. Ludwig.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at