Republic of Honduras (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,651-1,675 (1,869 Records)

Technologies of Clay: Pottery, Architecture, and the Transformation of Mud in the Atacama Desert (South-Central Andes) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Estefanía Vidal-Montero. Itací Correa. Liz Vilches. Francisco Gallardo. Mauricio Uribe.

In the Atacama Desert, pottery is one of the main technological changes of the Formative Period (ca. 2700 BP). The initial industry (LCA type) is characterized by a stylistic homogeneity coupled with a wide geographical distribution. Compositional analyses, however, have shown a significant regularity in pastes, suggesting the use of localized sources of raw materials and/or specific production centers—indicative of a well-defined recipe and style. Provenance studies have identified a locus of...

Tecnología lítica y movilidad durante el poblamiento temprano del Desierto de Atacama Meridional (Chile) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rodrigo Loyola. Isabel Cartajena. Lautaro Núñez.

Actualmente se reconoce que los grupos humanos que colonizaron el Desierto Meridional de Atacama (22-25°S) desde la transición Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno temprano (12.6-10.2 ka AP) accedían a la amplia diversidad de ambientes disponibles en este árido paisaje. Desde los oasis de borde de salar, los paleohumedales y quebradas de la precordillera, hasta los paleolagos de la alta puna, estos espacios fueron articulados a través de circuitos de movilidad estacional. Por otro lado, la colonización...

PROJECT Uploaded by: Colin Hirth

Photos 2700-2766

Temporal Persistence of Spear-Thrower Use in Uruguay: Evidence from the Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rafael Suárez.

This is an abstract from the "The Global “Impact” of Projectile Technologies: Updating Methods and Regional Overviews of the Invention and Transmission of the Spear-Thrower and the Bow and Arrow" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The plains of Uruguay are an appropriate place to investigate different aspects of lithic projectile technology used with spear-thrower and bow and arrow. During the initial settlement, we have recorded an interesting...

“Temporal, temporal, allá viene el temporal”: Memory, Disaster, and Change in Puerto Rico (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isabel Rivera-Collazo.

This is an abstract from the "Living Landscapes: Disaster, Memory, and Change in Dynamic Environments " session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As one of the oldest colonies in the world, Puerto Rico has developed diverse strategies to transfer knowledge about disasters and to stimulate community ties for social resilience. The impact of disasters and the memory of response are present in intangible heritage. An example of this is the song “Temporal”...

Temporalities of Disaster Taphonomy: A Contemporary Archaeological Case Study in Southern Puerto Rico (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caroline Watson.

This is an abstract from the "Taphonomy in Focus: Current Approaches to Site Formation and Social Stratigraphy" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Disaster landscapes dominate Puerto Rico’s Anthropocene, past and present. Yet, since the devastating 2017 hurricane season, climate change and coloniality have materialized unprecedentedly as roofless homes, shifting coastlines, and abandoned lots. As recovery practices become a part of everyday life in...

Ten Years of DINAA: Lessons for Archaeological Methods, Practice, and Ethics from a Decade of Experience Compiling, Organizing, and Publishing Data with the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua J. Wells. David Anderson. Eric Kansa. Sarah Whitcher Kansa. Kelsey Noack Myers.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. On November 13, 2013, the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) published its first set of completely free and open scientific and cultural data for about 86,000 archaeological sites. Ten years later, DINAA provides information for almost one million archaeological sites. This includes vast holdings of primary scientific and cultural data,...

Test Excavations at the African Village of Wallblake Estate, Anguilla (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Farnsworth.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2017, archaeological survey and excavations began at the Wallblake Estate on Anguilla, B.W.I., to examine the plantation landscape and the major activity areas of the estate. The research project is focused on understanding the development of African-Anguillan culture from its origins in the boom and bust plantation economies of the seventeenth and...

Theorizing an Anti-Colonial Bioarchaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ann Kakaliouras.

This is an abstract from the "The Future of Bioarchaeology in Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since the 1970’s bioarchaeology has become both a valid specialization within archaeology as well as a standalone discipline with its own analytical and institutional traditions. Archaeology, though, enjoys a much more robust mosaic of competing theoretical frameworks than does bioarchaeology. From the processual to the postprocessual—to the...

There and Back: An Evaluation of Modeling Pre-sail Seafaring Exchange Routes (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma Slayton.

This is an abstract from the "Modeling Mobility across Waterbodies" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the field of modeling water-based movement, many researchers have focused on modeling colonization or larger migration patterns. However, longer and more exploratory voyages encompasses only part of humanity’s use of sea travel. Evaluating closely connected sea-oriented communities can provide key insights into the everyday nature of sea movement,...

There Are No Chiefs Here: Contrasting Questions of "Marginality" in Kaupō, Maui, and the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry, Hawaiʻi Island (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander Baer.

This is an abstract from the "Rethinking Hinterlands in Polynesia" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While core-periphery studies have long been employed to highlight distinctions between areas within a shared sociopolitical sphere, less articulated is what it means to actually be "peripheral." Or, for that matter, "liminal," "a hinterland," or "marginal," among others. This paper uses examples from two regions, the district of Kaupo, Maui, and the...

There's Sugar in Them There Hills: Bio-prospecting in the 18th-century Caribbean (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edith Gonzalez.

In an effort to discover the next big viable cash crop, the Codrington family of Antigua hired a botanist to implement a strategic introduction of species from the four corners of the British empire to Barbuda as an 18th-century living laboratory. This paper draws on historical documents to explore the dynamic and sometimes conflicting motives for agricultural experimentation - those of food security in times of drought or war versus finding the next "sugar."

Thermal Analysis as a Means to Understand Prehistoric Heat Treatment and Performance Differences in Tool Stone (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Dudgeon. Charles Speer. Beau Craner. Rebecca Hazard.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Thermal analysis (TGA/DTA/STA) has seen sporadic use as an archaeometric technique. Recent papers on archaeological mortars, plasters, ceramic pigments, and paints have sought to understand recipes or mineralogical components by thermal decomposition, especially where traditional chemical analysis by mass spectrometry is limited due to the multiple forms a...

Thermal Processes on Tropical Archaeological Shell: An Experimental Study (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Annette Oertle.

Tropical archaeological shell middens throughout Australasia provide valuable information about subsistence practices, environmental changes, and human occupation. One of the major anthropic processes that can occur in any midden site is burning or heating of the shell, either from cooking or heat-treating shell for working. Thermal influences on marine shell are poorly understood across all disciplines, including archaeology. Burning or heating may not always show any visual signs and rather...

The thermal properties of textured ceramics: an experimental study (1990)
DOCUMENT Citation Only L C Young. T Stone.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

They are what they eat: A need to know more about diet through residues, hieroglyphic texts, and images of the Classic Mayas (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Loughmiller-Cardinal.

Among the various sources of information about what foodstuffs comprised the Classic Mayan diet, we lack resolution on daily, domestic, and the various ritual and event foodstuffs. Beyond the archaeologically recovered macrofossil and faunal data, the identifications of drugs and ritual foodstuffs are less well established. Speculative and presumed behaviors that surround these goods tend to bias methods of analysis towards known substances and preconceived interpretations, thereby potentially...

Thieves, Stowaways, Hitchhikers, and Hangers-On: The Commensal Niche in the Prehistoric Caribbean (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christina M. Giovas.

Prehistoric commensal animal relationships are understudied for the Caribbean, with little explicit consideration for the defining attributes of the insular commensal niche or what taxa may be rightly considered commensal. Here, I address these issues by clarifying the nature of Caribbean commensalism with respect to synanthropy, domestication, animal management, and phoresy. I consider which vertebrate and invertebrate taxa most likely enjoyed commensal relationships with humans in the...

Things Forgotten: The Unique of the Hell Gap Site (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marcel Kornfeld. Mary Lou Larson.

Forager campsites are commonly thought of as locations where social activities occur, but most archaeologists focus on subsistence (butchery, processing), stone tool production and use, and how these systems relate to mobility strategies. The record is often silent when it comes to the behaviors incidental to what appears central economic endeavors. Often camps yield information beyond subsistence. Ochre, needles, beads, bone rods, structures, and context of various activities provide more...

Things People Do with XRF (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Speakman.

This is an abstract from the "2019 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of M. Steven Shackley" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the past 15-20 years, archaeological chemistry has moved largely from centralized laboratories of interdisciplinary expertise to decentralized laboratories where expertise often times is lacking. This shift is most pronounced in the widespread adoption and use of inexpensive, compact, highly portable XRF...

Thinking of Starting a Stewardship Program? Lessons Learned from the National Site Stewardship Network Survey 2022 (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Rubinson.

This is an abstract from the "Site Stewardship Matters: Comparing and Contrasting Site Stewardship Programs to Advance Our Practice" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the last 15 years, there have been several surveys of cultural site stewardship programs. None, however, reach the scale of the 2022 National Site Stewardship Network Survey, which included over 30 programs across the US and one in Scotland. This provided an opportunity to...

Thinking outside the map: Alternative approaches to data visualization (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren Kohut.

One of the more promising applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in archaeology is the potential to incorporate aspects of human perception and experience of the landscape. Visibility analysis has been applied extensively to archaeological contexts, and models of movement, acoustics and other sensory experiences have recently received greater consideration. But despite the promise of moving beyond measurements of geographic space, most applications of experiential modeling continue...

Thirty-Eight Years a Mentor: Bob Kelly’s Steady Guidance, Abundant Kindness, and Thoughtful Insights (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Philip Carr.

This is an abstract from the "Three Sides of a Career: Papers in Honor of Robert L. Kelly" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Bob came to the University of Louisville in my third year, and literally changed the Anthropology Department and my life. Coursework, field school, directed studies, and senior thesis, taught and/or guided by Bob, propelled me to graduate school. Consistent conversations over time and specific guidance at the 1991 SAA in NOLA...

Those Flowering Waters: Reconstructing 1,200 Years of Human Adaptation to Hydroclimatic Changes in Central Nicaragua (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Irene Torreggiani. Lina Cabrera Sáenz. Eldetelllo Castilla. William Harvey. Alexander Geurds.

This is an abstract from the "Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Central Nicaragua is highly susceptible to hydroclimatic variations, which are affecting the subsistence economies of local populations. To what extent hydroclimatic changes impact prehispanic adaptation strategies in the Mayales River Valley (MRV)? This presentation will show the final result of the Interdisciplinary Archaeological...

The Three Phases of Sans-Souci: An Architecture of Remembering and Forgetting in the Kingdom of Hayti (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. Cameron Monroe.

This is an abstract from the "Crafting Archaeological Practice in Africa and Beyond: Celebrating the Contributions of Ann B. Stahl to Global Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Following three centuries of colonial rule, the Haitian Revolution ushered a period of political change, one in which ex-slaves, maroons, and free hommes de couleur united to forge new political institutions on the island of Saint Domingue. Henry Christophe was...

Three-Dimensional Spatial Evidence of the Development of Agriculture in the Sigatoka River System, Viti Levu, Fiji (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Dudgeon. Rebecca Hazard. Julie Field. Christopher Roos. Amy Commendador.

This is an abstract from the "Geospatial Studies in the Archaeology of Oceania" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The transition from coastal foraging to inland/upland horticulture in Viti Levu, Fiji appears to be marked by the early incorporation (~3000 BP) of fruit arboriculture in the primary tributaries of the Sigatoka River, with later (~2500 BP) evidence for the development of more intensive agriculture involving root and tuber farming and pond...