Keweenaw County (County) (Geographic Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Archeological Excavations at the Manitou Fish Camp, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 1983 (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey J. Richner.

This report documents archeological investigations at the Manitou Fish Camp near the southwest tip of Manitou Island, within Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. This historic EuroAmerican fishing camp was constructed in stages beginning about 1895. Most of the structures date to the early decades of the twentieth century. The camp has had essentially continuous use throughout its history, both as a fishing camp and as a weekend retreat. The historic importance of the camp is underscored by its...

Archeological Inventory of Ghyllbank, an 1890s Copper Mining Settlement, Isle Royale National Park (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Stadler.

A pedestrian inventory was undertaken in the area occupied by the 1890s copper mining settlement of Ghyllbank, located on the western end of Isle Royale National Park near the Wendigo Ranger Station. Five features from this period were identified: the foundation of the Wendigo Copper Company headquarters; the company dock; a road remnant; part of the existing store; and one structural depression. A pre-1941 stone-lined well that may date to the mining period was also located and mapped.

Archeological Testing for Proposed Campground Expansion, Wright Island, Isle Royale National Park (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William J. Hunt, Jr..

The Wright Island investigation location has been identified as a good location for a new campground. Development will involve some ground disturbance and is near the ruins of a 20th century fishery and on or near the Wright Island site (20IR181). This National Register eligible site incorporates a 19th-20th century fishery and a Terminal Woodland component dating to circa 1300 (Clark 1995: 149-152). In 1990, MWAC Archeologist Caven Clark shovel tested the flat beach area west of the ruins and...

Mott Sauna Beach Excavation and Site Survey at Isle Royale National Park (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Caven P. Clark.

The 1991 archeological projects on Isle Royale included the final phase of excavation at the Mott Sauna Beach site, a Terminal Woodland Juntunen phase site, which will be disturbed by the continued construction of housing units on Mott Island. In addition, the investigation of a grave-robbing incident on Cemetery Island and a number of small compliance surveys are reported as contributions towards the documentation and interpretation of Isle Royale's archeological record.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

A copper harpoon recovered in situ at a Nipissing beach habitation site (McCargoe Cove Site MC.02N) in close proximity to the Minong mine was submitted for protein residue analysis to determine its use.