Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

526-550 (1,000 Records)

The Inuit of Southern Labrador in Archaeological and Historical Context (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisa Rankin.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Comparative Perspectives on European Colonization in the Americas: Papers in Honor of Réginald Auger" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Understanding the history of the Inuit in southern Labrador, Canada was significant among the many archaeological contributions made by Réginald Auger. This work, undertaken early in his career, began to piece together an often confusing record of Inuit arrival, settlement...

Inuit Sod Houses on a Contested Coast (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marianne P. Stopp.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Comparative Perspectives on European Colonization in the Americas: Papers in Honor of Réginald Auger" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Anchored in Reginald Auger’s foundational research on Inuit presence in southern Labrador, and in the conference’s theme of revolution, this paper considers late 18th century Inuit resistance, loss, and persistence at a time when much of eastern North America was in upheaval....

Investigating the Emergence of Ute Culture on the Uncompahgre Plateau, Colorado (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Delaney Cooley.

The Numic Expansion (A.D. 900 to 1300) and other explanatory models that have been used to explain the distribution of Numic speakers across the American West often fall short of providing specific methods for identifying peoples, such as Ute, in the archaeological record. This paper expands on previous investigations of this Numic Expansion narrative through the detailed reanalysis of lithics from two excavated sites: Christmas Rockshelter (5DT2) and Shavano Spring (5MN40). I compare lithic...

Investigating the Population History of Western North America: Implications for the Peopling of the New World (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Kuzminsky.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Western North America has emerged as a key region of focus in studies addressing the migration routes and demographic processes involved in the peopling of the Americas. Archaeological investigations in this region have resulted in the discovery of several of the earliest human skeletons and archaeological sites on the North American continent. Given that this...

Investigating the Sex Selectivity of Middle Iroquoian Salmonid Fisheries through Ancient DNA Analysis (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thomas Royle. Eric Guiry. Trevor Orchard. Dongya Yang.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lake Ontario once supported large populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). However, by the mid-19th century populations of these salmonid species had collapsed as a result of overharvesting and habitat alteration by European settlers. Prior to this collapse, it has been hypothesized Indigenous peoples were able to...

Invisible Women in a World of Men: The Textile Trade in the North Atlantic, AD 1000–1600 (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michele Hayeur Smith.

This is an abstract from the "Social Archaeology in the North and North Atlantic (SANNA 3.0): Investigating the Social Lives of Northern Things" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Waterlogged or deeply buried deposits from medieval harbors in certain northern European towns have produced large and well-preserved textile assemblages that contain a surprising number of non-indigenous textiles. Some of these appear to have originated in the North...

Involve Me and I Learn: Archaeology, Experiential Education, and Collaborative Research with SUU Undergrads (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Dean.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. By partnering with federal land agencies, local landowners and developers, regional non-profit organizations, state museums, and county libraries, Southern Utah University (SUU) archaeology students gain access to valuable experiential learning opportunities, build their professional resumes, practice service learning, and help educate the public about the...

"Irishness" and Tea Consumption: The Materiality of Ethnicity (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander Anthony.

Excavations at the McHugh Site (47WP294), a mid-to-late Nineteenth Century homestead in Wisconsin, resulted in the recovery of a large material culture assemblage. Historical documents reveal the site’s occupants to have been pre-famine Irish emigrants who settled in Ohio before moving to Wisconsin in 1850. However, analyses of the material culture have thus far failed to uncover evidence of an Irish identity distinct from an American identity. This paper presents results of an analysis of the...

Iron Production at Marginal Settlements in Northern Iceland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Zeitlin.

The environment of Iceland was rapidly and severely affected by the Norse Settlement, in particular by deforestation. In Iceland’s changing environment the production of iron, an essential material, became limited not by access to iron ore but by availability of wood to make charcoal fuel. The large-scale production of iron may be one of the primary processes that led to deforestation in Iceland due to the large need for charcoal. Investigations at Stekkjarborg on the farm of Keldudalur in...

Is Archaeology Up to the Pepsi Challenge?: The Identification of Marginalized Populations in CRM Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Beaudoin.

This is an abstract from the "Recognizing and Recording Post-1492 Indigenous Sites in North American Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The determination of the ethnic or cultural affiliation of an archaeological site, Indigenous or otherwise, is often considered one of the primary starting points for the interpretation of 19th-century archaeological sites. This determination is a significant step in the archaeological process and...

Is It All Just Faïence and Honey-Colored Gun Flints? Examining the Material Record of Eighteenth-Century French Culture in Multiregional Perspective (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Beaupre.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Colonial Archaeological Research in the American Midcontinent" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. By the first quarter of the eighteenth century, the “blue crescent” of French land claims and settlement had spread across North America from the Acadian coast to southern Louisiana. While French colonial settlements existed contemporaneously throughout the middle of the continent, historians and archaeologists have...

Isotopic Perspectives on Spatial and Temporal Variability in British Columbia Paleodiet (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph Hepburn. Brian Chisholm. Michael Richards.

This study aggregates and re-evaluates all available stable isotope data from archaeological human remains in British Columbia. Isotope signatures for coastal individuals correspond well with the heavy marine specialization attested to by archaeological and ethnographic studies of traditional Northwest Coast diets. Within this marine specialization, the data for coastal BC demonstrate a high degree of regional dietary variability, although high trophic level marine prey species are of ubiquitous...

It Brings Me No Joy to Tell You All This, but We Actually Found Gold Once: A Discussion of Visitor Engagement Using Historical and Archaeological Interpretation in Alaska Public Lands (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thomas Thompson.

This is an abstract from the ""Is There Gold in that Field?" CRM and Public Outreach on the Front Lines" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While they usually do not work in the capacity of Public Information Officers or interpretive staff, cultural resource managers and archaeological technicians are often the ones who are literally "fielding" questions from the public. These questions invariably deal with what "grand discoveries" we have made with...

It’s Complicated: Additional Insight into the Source(s) for Poverty Point Copper (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Hill.

This is an abstract from the "*SE Not Your Father’s Poverty Point: Rewriting Old Narratives through New Research" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As the largest and most complex archaic period earthwork site in Eastern North America, and the center of an extensive exchange network covering a wide region of eastern and central North America, Poverty Point has been the subject of considerable research efforts. Among this body of research, Hill and...

It’s Our Mess Now: Changing Values, Problematic Legacies, and Visioning Change in Archaeological Collections Management (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren Bussiere.

This is an abstract from the "Ideas, Ethical Ideals, and Museum Practice in North American Archaeological Collections" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In recent years, many leadership positions at archaeological repositories and museums have been filled by a new generation of archaeologists, collections managers, and curators. These early- and mid-career professionals’ education and training has taken place since the enactment of NAGPRA, and our...

Jesuits Missionaries Establishment in French Guiana: Archaeological Potential and Research Perspectives (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Antoine Loyer Rousselle.

This is an abstract from the "Jesuit Missions, Plantations, and Industries" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. From 'flying' missions, to more fixed establishment, Jesuits missionary activities have had a profound impact on the development of the colony of Cayenne and its inhabitant, more particularly to the Natives groups. For now, Jesuits plantations have been documented from the archaeological perspectives. But concerning mission's sites, none...

Keeping Track of it All: Building a Repository Database from the Ground Up (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heidi Van Etten. Chase M. Mahan. Marieka Arksey.

This is an abstract from the "How to Conduct Museum Research and Recent Research Findings in Museum Collections: Posters in Honor of Terry Childs" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist (OWSA) and the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office are shifting towards digital-only submissions for professional archaeological projects through new and interconnected database-and-web-interface systems going live in...

Keeping Up Productivity: Persistence of "Lost" Crops in the Trans-Mississippi South (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gayle Fritz.

This is an abstract from the "Enduring Relationships: People, Plants, and the Contributions of Karen R. Adams" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most crops in the Eastern Agricultural Complex were no longer members of Native American farming systems when Europeans first took note. Reasons usually proposed for the fall-off entail advantages of maize over the pre-maize cultigens, with heightened defensibility of close, compact fields being another...

Kleidung und Schmuck (1988)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brigitta Hauser-Schaublin.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Kotið: An Integrated Geoarchaeological Investigation (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Speller. Karen Milek. Kathryn Catlin. Douglas Bolender.

This is an abstract from the "Small Dwellings on the Viking Frontier: New Research from Kotið, North Iceland" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The site of Kotið, in Skagafjörður, northern Iceland, consists of several interposed components ranging from medieval outbuildings to a small dwelling from the first period of settlement in the region (ca. 870–930 CE). To understand how the inhabitants of Kotið constructed and reconstructed the buildings...

Labrador: Inuit and Europeans, more than just a trade (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laurence Pouliot.

Labrador, an important crossroad for cultural and material goods in America, has known many social changes during the 18th century. The inhabitants of this vast and cold territory have changed their way of living during this period by transforming their winter houses, by adopting new objects and by changing their social organization. European and Inuits have lived side by side at this time, trading together. All these exchanges have created more than just a trade network. New objects and new...

Large Interpretations from Small Things: The Potential and Need for Large-Scale Microwear Studies (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Rockwell.

This is an abstract from the "Old Technology, New Methodology" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since its broad application in the 1980s, a core critique of microwear analysis of lithic tools in North America has been its examination of very small sample sizes. This has often relegated microwear to the fringes of prehistoric studies—a curiosity, or an anecdote that does not add true substance to site interpretations. While our European colleagues...

Late Pleistocene Faunal Utilization: Some Current Thoughts on Paleoindian Diet and Tool Source Selection (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only C. Hemmings.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Accumulated evidence regarding the range of prey utilization and tools made from animal remains is rapidly growing and overdue for a summary consideration of Clovis and Pre-Clovis sites in North America. This discussion is heavily weighted with data from Florida sites along the Wakulla and Aucilla Rivers, and the Old Vero Site. Recent proboscidean data from...

Lawrence C. Todd: Biographical Sketch and Introduction (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Hill. Jason LaBelle.

This is an abstract from the "A Tribute to the Contributions of Lawrence C. Todd to World Prehistory" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the course of a five-decades-long career, Lawrence C. Todd, Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University, has made substantive contributions to the practice and theory of anthropological archaeology and world prehistory, introduced thousands of undergraduate students to the discipline in his classes, and...

Lead Isotope Analysis of Bronze Bells from Spanish Colonization Era (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexandra Edwards. Robert Speakman. Alice Hunt. David Thomas. Anna Semon.

This study focuses on using analytical techniques, such as Multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) and X-ray Florescence (XRF), to determine lead isotope levels of bronze bells from the Spanish colonization era within South Carolina and New Mexico. These values are compared both against one another geographically and against ore isotopic data within regional and possible imported geographic regions. The goal is to both discern whether these bells are locally...