Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,001-1,003 (1,003 Records)

Zooarchaeological Evidence of Dietary Impacts from Contact at Maima, Jamaica (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shea Henry.

Recent field research at the Taino village of Maima on the north coast of Jamaica has revealed a complex late prehistoric and contact era village settlement.  Occupied during the late prehistoric era, Maima was impacted by Columbus and his crew when they were stranded on the island for a year in 1503.  After that initial contact, the villagers were forced into labour at the nearby Spanish settlement of Sevilla la Nueva.  Faunal evidence, including shell and vertebrate bone, show that the impact...

Zooarchaeology of Marginality: An Investigation of Site Abandonment in Hegranes, North Iceland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grace Cesario.

The settlement of Iceland, a previously uninhabited landscape, began a series of human-induced environmental changes that have had lasting effects on not just the land but on social organization as well. As land claims were made for household farms, hierarchy developed and some were pushed to settle on the margins. In Hegranes, a region in Skagafjörður, northern Iceland, the sites that are on the margins are often much smaller than the others and may not have been farms at all but rather...

Zooarchaeology, Shifting Baselines and a Rapidly Changing Climate (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George Hambrecht.

Anthropogenic climate change will both aggravate existing and create new situations in which local communities encounter the power of larger networks looking to either exploit or manage resources in their area. This paper will discuss a variety of ways in which zooarchaeological data investigated in a historical ecological mode might be useful in such circumstances. Zooarchaeology creates a deep context for human and animal dynamics. It investigates anthropogenic as well as environmental...