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Appendix 3: Obsidian Source Determination of Archaeological Specimens from Oiyer Springs and PI PI Campground Archaeological Test Excavations. in Archaeological Test Excavations at Ioyer Springs and PI PI Valley, By Susan G. Lindstrom (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul D. Bouey.

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Appendix 3: Sample Extraction and Counts of Fossil Palynomorphs for CA-Nap-261: Tentative Evaluation of Any Evidence of Environmental or Cultural Conditions. in Final Report of Archaeological Investigations at the River Glen By T.L. Jackson (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pollen Research Associates.

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Appendix 3: Vertebrate Remains from 25 Historic Sites in the New Melones Project Area (1983)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Virginia L. Butler. Robert D. Leonard. D. K. Grayson.

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Appendix 4: Analysis of Molluscan Remains from CA-Cco-297 and CA-Cco-298. in Investigations of Cultural Resources Within the Richmond Harbor Redevelopment Project 11-A, Richmond, Contra Costa County.., By Peter M. Banks and Robert I. Orlins (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only H. D. Van Velduizen.

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Appendix 4: Geomorphic and Soil Investigation, Oiyer Spring and PI PI Valley Archaeological Test Excavations. in Archaeological Test Excavations at Ioyer Springs and PI PI Valley, By Susan G. Lindstrom (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alan J. Busacca.

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Appendix 5: Rock Art of the East Mojave Desert (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carol Rector.

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Appendix 5: Source Determination of Obsidian Specimens Recovered from CA-Cco-297 and -298. in Investigations of Cultural Resources Within the Richmond Harbor Redevelopment Project 11-A, Richmond.., By Peter M. Banks and Robert I. Orlins (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert J. Jackson.

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Appendix 5: Test Excavation at Site Iny-372 Conducted in 1961 (1963)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James T. Davis.

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Appendix 5: Vertebrate Faunal Analysis: the Oiyer Springs and PI PI Campground Archaeological Sites. in Archaeological Test Excavations at Ioyer Springs and PI PI Valley, By Susan G. Lindstrom (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark E. Basgall.

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Appendix 6: Obsidian Hydration Analysis of Specimens from CA-Cc0-298. in Investigations of Cultural Resources Within the Richmond Harbor Redevelopment Project 11-A, Richmond, Contra Costa County.., By Peter M. Banks and Robert I. Orlins (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert J. Jackson.

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Appendix 6: Obsidian Sourcing Analysis (1985)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Landis. Robert L. Sappington.

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Appendix 7: Floral Analysis of Flotation Samples. in Archaeological Test Excavations at Ioyer Springs and PI PI Valley, By Susan G. Lindstrom (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Honeysett.

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Appendix 8: Pollen Analysis of Archaeological Sites CA-Cco-297 and CA-Cco-298, Richmond, California. in Investigations of Cultural Resources Within the Richmond Harbor Redevelopment Project 11-A.., By Peter M. Banks and Robert I. Orlins (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James G. West.

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Appendix 9: Seeds Recovered from Archaeological Sites CA-Cco-297 and CA-Cco-298, Richmond, California. in Investigations of Cultural Resources Within the Richmond Harbor Redevelopment Project 11-A.., By Peter M. Banks and Robert I. Orlins (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth A. Honeysett.

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Appendix a - Cottonwood Meadows Archaeological Survey Report (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Carrico.

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Appendix a Archaeological / Historical Survey Report (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Carrico.

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Appendix a to the Historic Properties Inventory Fo the Proposed Deerfield Water Pump Plant Results of the Archaeological Records Search (1978)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erce.

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Appendix A, Archaeological Survey of High Country West Units 1-4 (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Carrico.

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Appendix A, Original Archaeological Survey Report, 10-MPA-140, P.M. 0.0 / 51.8 (10102-200101). (1974)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William E. Soule.

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Appendix A, Part I: Archaeological Investigation at Aspen Grove Campground, Eagle Lake, Lassen County, California. in Preliminary Case Report On the Cultural Resources At the Proposed Pikes Point Marina Complex, By James D. Johnston (1976)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Janet Friedman.

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Appendix A. Fish Remains, Primarily Otoliths, from a Ventrua, California, Chumash Village Site (Ven-3) (1967)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John E. Fitch.

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Appendix A. Obsidian Trace Element Studies. in Archaeological Investigations at the Blodgett Site (CA-Sac-267) Sloughhouse Locality, California, Edited By Jerald J. Johnson (1976)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tom Jackson.

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Appendix A: An Archaeological Impact Evaluation of a Five Acre Disposal Site On the Noyo River, Mendocino County, California. in Noyo River Harbor Ae&D Study: a Cultural Resource Survey of Dredge Disposal Sites.., By Edward Kandler (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ronald F. King.

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Appendix A: Ceramics. in Excavation at Thirteen Historic Sites In the Cottonwood Mining District, Volumes I & II, By Judith D. Tordoff and Dana M. Seldner (1986)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Vance G. Bente.

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Appendix A: Confidential Site Forms - Preliminary Cultural Resource Inventory OF the Hedges / Tumco Gold MIning Town in the Cargo Muchacho Mining District, Imperial County, California (1989)
DOCUMENT Citation Only C. Michael Elling. Stephen R. Van Wormer.

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