Soconusco region (Geographic Keyword)
1-7 (7 Records)
These are the raw data files associated with the analysis of archaeobotanical remains recovered from excavations of the Middle Formative La Blanca and Late Formative El Ujuxte, Guatemala. Aside from the raw botanical data, these files include the 1996,1997, and 2000 informes from El Ujuxte and the 2005 and 2008 informes from La Blanca.
Cosmology in the New World
This project consists of articles written by members of Santa Fe Institute’s cosmology research group. Overall, the goal of this group is to understand the larger relationships between cosmology and society through a theoretically open-ended, comparative examination of the ancient American Southwest, Southeast, and Mesoamerica.
Exploración Arqueológica en El Ujuxte, Retalhuleu Temporada 1997 (1997)
1997 Site report for El Ujuxte, Guatemala.
Investigaciones Arqueológicas en el Ujuxte, Retalhuleu 1995-96 (1996)
Site report for the 1995-1996 excavations at El Ujuxte, Guatemala.
Proyecto La Blanca/El Ujuxte (PROBLALUX) Investigaciones Arqueológicas de La Blanca, Guatemala 2003 -2004 Informe Final (2005)
Edited volume of the field report for the 2003-2004 excavations of La Blanca, Guatemala
Proyecto La Blanca/El Ujuxte (PROBLALUX) Investigaciones Arqueológicas de La Blanca, Guatemala, Temporada 2006 Informe Final (2008)
Site report for the 2006 excavation season at La Blanca, Guatemala.
The Storm God, Feathered Serpents, and Possible Rulers at Teotihuacan (2007)
In this paper, George Cowgill focuses on how Mesoamericans used worldviews and ideologies in sociopolitical ways. More specifically, Cowgill argues that specific sociopolitical ideologies arise when there is a shared worldview.