District of Columbia (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

626-650 (1,326 Records)

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0285 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.8 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, West facade, main block, looking north/northeast. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0286 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.9 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, kitchen wing, showing circa 1942 open porch (Room 1.10) and enclosed porch (Room 1.8) on south elevation. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0287 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.10 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, interior of Room 1.8, looking southeast. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0288 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.11 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, kitchen wing, rear porch (Room 1.7), looking southwest. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0289 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.12 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, interior of Room 1.7, looking east. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0290 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.13 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.1, showing partial removal of later covering of rear door, looking north. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0291 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.14 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.1, detail of circa 1942 bathroom under stairs, looking west/southwest. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0292 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.15 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.2, looking west. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0293 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.16 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.2, looking east. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0294 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.17 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.3, looking southwest, showing circa 1942 door installed in western window of south wall. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0295 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.18 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.3 east wall. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0296 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.19 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.3, east wall at fireplace, showing original brick hearth and flooring. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0297 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.20 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows Room 1.4, east wall fireplace, investigation pit at hearth area. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0298 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.21 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.4, looking southwest. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0299 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.22 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.4, east wall. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0300 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.23 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 2.2, bathroom installed circa 1942, looking northeast. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0301 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.24 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 2.3, southwest corner, showing circa 1942 gypsum drywall finishes at walls and ceiling. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0302 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.25 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 2.4, east wall, showing original circa 1805 fireplace and late-nineteenth-century cupboard. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0303 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.26 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 2.5, east wall, detail of exposed brick hearth. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0304 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.27 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 2.5, east wall, original circa 1805 fireplace flanked by late-nineteenth-century cupboards. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0305 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.28 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 3.1 attic, looking southeast, showing circa 1942 finishes. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0306 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.29 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 3.1, attic, looking west/northwest, showing original stair rail and later circa 1942 finishes. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0307 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.30 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 3.1, attic, west gable, showing original plastered wall and roof framing. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0308 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.31 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 3.1, attic, detail of roof and framing at ridge. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160

Photograph, Ballast House, BPI_0309 (1985)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Photograph of the Figure 4.32 from the final report "Architectural, Historical, and Archaeological Investigations at Blossom Point Farm, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County." The figure shows the Blossom Point Farm House, Room 1.5, looking north, showing circa 1942 finishes. Final Report can be found at: https://core.tdar.org/document/439160