District of Columbia (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

1,851-1,875 (8,252 Records)

Crafting the Nomination for the Cornplanter Grant TCP, Warren County, Pennsylvania (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chris Espenshade.

This is an abstract from the ""We Especially Love the Land We Live On": Documenting Native American Traditional Cultural Properties of the Historic Period" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Cornplanter Grant was the first TCP nominated in Pennsylvania.  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania issued the Grant to Chief Cornplanter of the Senecas in the 1790s, but the lands had been occupied back into the Paleoindian times.  The nomination was...

Craftsman Sollberger [Solly J.B. Sollberger][interview by E.C.] (1978)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Errett Callahan.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Craftsmen: an Interview with Jeff Flenniken (1978)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Errett Callahan.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Crafty Thinking: Measuring Skill Across Time and Space (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benjamin Kolb.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Apprenticeship systems are essential to the development of craft specialization, yet archaeologists have only recently begun to advance general models of these systems in addition to measurements of skill. This presentation will use a blacksmith shop at the Chittenango site located in upstate New York as a case study. Developing criteria for the measurement of skill was key in...

Crashing the Unreachable 500 Foot Barrier (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Wescott. David Wescott.

J. Whittaker: Distance records by Wayne Brian: 616'11.5" on record, personal best 664'. Whippy flyrod atlatl, "tuned" with weight, unfletched 50" aluminium dart.

Craters, Coral Heads, and Capitol Ships: The Submarine Landscape of Bikini Atoll (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael L. Brennan. Art Trembanis. James P. Delgado. Carter DuVal.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Mapping Crossroads: Archaeological and High Resolution Documentation of Nuclear Test Submerged Cultural Resources at Bikini Atoll" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. An expedition to Bikini Atoll conducted the first comprehensive sonar survey of the target area from Operation Crossroads that detonated two nuclear weapons against a moored fleet of warships. In addition to documenting the 12 shipwrecks sunk by...

Creating a Frontier Community: Ceremony and Political Elites in a Middle Appalachian Mississippian Village (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Taylor Greene.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Carter Robinson (44LE10) is a Mississippian mound site in use from the mid-14th century to the mid-15th century in the Appalachian Mountains of modern-day Southwest Virginia. This paper examines the roles of potential political elites within the community, first examining the artifact assemblage associated with the only excavated multi-phase structure at...

Creating a Militarized Landscape at the Brimstone Hill Fortress, St. Kitts (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gerald F. Schroedl. Todd Ahlman.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Military Sites Archaeology in the Caribbean: Studies of Colonialism, Globalization, and Multicultural Communities" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Brimstone Hill Fortress (1690-1854) on the northwest coast of St. Kitts constitutes a militarized landscape that protected the harbor at Sandy Point, provided covering fire for nearby Charles Fort, afforded refuge for the island’s inhabitants, and suppressed...

Creating a Research Community at Mission San Jose in Fremont, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Allen. Scott Baxter. Jun Sunseri. Lee Panich. Charlotte K Sunseri.

Recent construction of affordable housing in Fremont provided the funding and staffing to excavate a significant archaeological site associated with Mission San Jose. When preservation is not possible, careful consideration of creative outreach becomes more critical. To fully realize the research and interpretive potential of this important resource, many voices and long periods of study are needed. Researchers from a CRM firm, three university campuses, and representatives from a descendant...

Creating A Unified Database Of New York City Artifacts (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Camille Czerkowicz.

The Museum of the City of New York and Landmarks Preservation Commission partnered in 2013 to develop an inventory of archaeological artifacts owned by the City of New York. At the Museum, we have developed a database that maintains the hierarchy of Projects, Contexts and Artifacts within each archaeological project, while also allowing users to search at the individual artifact level. Artifact level searches allow comparison across all sites within the City’s holdings – opening up new research...

Creating Colonial Williamsburg (2002)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anders Greenspan.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Creating Community at Singer-Move: Feasting and Craft Production in a Residential Precinct (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam Coker. Kimberly Swisher. Jennifer Birch. Stefan Brannan. Tiffany Yue.

During its estimated 400-year history of occupation, Singer-Moye was a focal point of prehistoric settlement and socio-political development in the Lower Chattahoochee River Valley of southwestern Georgia (USA). Between A.D. 1300 and 1400, the site was a focus of regional settlement aggregation that included the expansion of the site’s monumental core and the deposition of a dense occupational midden surrounding that core. In 2016 and 2017, excavations at Singer-Moye were focused on...

Creating Machine Learning Models Using Historical Maps to Identify the Places In-Between (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsey Cochran. Grant Snitker. K. C. Jones.

This is an abstract from the "*SE The State of Theory in Southeastern Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Historical archaeology lies at the intersection of the written word, the spoken word, and material things. We extend and enhance that purview by incorporating machine learning algorithms to create more dynamic assessments of places documented on historical maps, thus engaging more deeply with sociocultural and environmental...

Creating Space for a Place: The River Street Public Archaeology Project (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William White.

Community-based public archaeology projects seek to reclaim aspects of the past while addressing the needs and concerns of local communities. Sometimes this work places archaeologists in a position where we are forced to tack between the desire to conduct original research and the need to simultaneously navigate complex economic, social, and political constructs. All of this takes place in spaces, geographic, systemic, and paradigmatic, that both constrain and enable archaeological research. The...

The Creation of an In-House, Interactive, Bottle Identification Guide for Students (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma Verstraete.

     During the 2015-2016 school-year, the Lindenwood University Archaeology Laboratory undertook an extensive examination of bottles that had been recovered from our campus excavation project and a donated collection. The data were compiled into a spreadsheet that included manufacturer, date range of production, place of manufacture, and contents of the bottle when discernable. In order to assist future lab workers with the identification of common bottle types and their makers in the Midwest,...

The Creation of the New York City Archaeological Repository (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda Sutphin.

Dozens of archaeological excavations have made important discoveries about the almost four-hundred year history of New York City and the people who have inhabited the area for thousands of years.  In 2014, a climate controlled archaeological repository was established in Midtown Manhattan to appropriately curate the city’s collections. Previously, they were dispersed, often inaccessible, and kept in non-ideal conditions which meant they were often at risk and rarely used for research.  Many...

Creative Continuity:Tradition and Community Reproduction on the Margins of Western Ireland (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryan Lash.

Local pilgrimage or an turas traditions in western Ireland provide a valuable opportunity to critique and nuance the common association of geographically marginal communities with cultural stasis. Emerging archaeological evidence suggests that modern pilgrims not only re-used older monuments, but also reproduced certain patterns of movement and memory initially developed for monastic liturgies in the early medieval period (c. 400-1100 CE). Such apparent long-term continuities of practice evoke...

A Creole Synthesis: An Archaeology of the Mixed Heritage Silas Tobias Site in Setauket, New York (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher N. Matthews.

Research on the Silas Tobias site in Setauket, New York has identified a small 19th century homestead with a well-preserved and stratified archaeological context. Documentation of the site establishes that the site was occupied from at least 1823 until about 1900. Based on documentary evidence, the Tobias family is considered African American, though the mixed Native American and African American heritage of the descendant community is also well-known. Excavations in 2015 exposed both...

Creolization in the Frontiers: Apalachee Identity and Culture Change in the 18th Century (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michelle M Pigott.

By the early 18th century, the Northern Gulf Coast was a nexus of cultural exchange; home to many displaced native peoples. After the destruction of their homeland of Tallahassee in 1704, the Apalachee became dispersed across the American Southeast, contacting numerous cultures including the Creeks, several Mobile Bay and Mississippi Valley Indian groups, and French and Spanish colonists. The Pensacola-Mobile region developed into a cultural borderland which facilitated creolization and...

Crew Photograph, 2000.030_0044 (1995)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

A crew photo at a hotel for the Baltimore COE - White Oak project.

Crewman "Miller" - Man of Mystery (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephen P Weise.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Lives Revealed: Interpreting the Human Remains and Personal Artifacts from the Civil War Submarine H. L. Hunley" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 2000, Civil War submarine H. L. Hunley was raised from the seabed off Charleston, S.C. As recovered, the sub was a well-preserved time capsule for the crew of eight men, who conducted a successful attack on USS Housatonic February 17, 1864. One crew member,...

Crime and Criminality in 18th Century Virginia (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica L Barry.

The definition of a criminal has always been "a person who commits a crime," but the definition of a crime has been fluid through time. There are levels of severity of crimes and they all don’t carry the same weight in the justice system or in society. In Colonial Virginia, there were prisons in every county as well as a courthouse where the trials were held. This small conglomeration of buildings were at the heart of the county seat where the civil and social lives of the citizens flourished....

Critical Public Archaeology as Social Change: Five Years of Public Outreach at the Anthracite Heritage Program (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only V. Camille Westmont.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Community Archaeology in 2020: Conventional or Revolutionary?" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Archaeologists from the University of Maryland have been carrying out excavations in Northeastern Pennsylvania coal company towns since 2009. Since 2013, there has been a concerted effort within this work to use public archaeology and archaeological interpretations to effect social change in the surrounding...

A Critical Reevaluation of Radiocarbon Ages from the Berdoll Site (41TV2125), in Support of Refined Site Spatial and Contextual Analyses (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Karbula.

This is an abstract from the "Bayesian Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Berdoll site is a deeply buried early Archaic campsite in the floodplain of Onion Creek in Travis County, Texas. It presents direct evidence of plant food processing at approximately 7606–8291 BP (conventional). Seventeen charred botanical remains including onion bulbs from earth ovens were submitted to two different radiocarbon labs for analysis. Considered...

A Critique of ‘The Geniculate Bannerstone as an Atlatl Handle’ by Orville H. Peets (1962)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dan F Morse. Phyllis A Morse.

J. Whittaker: Experiments are NOT dead in archaeology. [Then gives trivial examples and acts as if experimentation is just to help classify artifacts]. How long did Peets spend on atlatls [Implying waste of time]. What did Peets prove? “Demonstrating an object can function does not mean a priori that it did so function.” [The last is true but otherwise an obtuse discussion which misses the point of experimentation entirely]. Artifact names may be useful even if not reflecting function....