Canada (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

651-675 (1,517 Records)

Guidelines for Creating a Typology for Mass-Produced Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Burial Container Hardware (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeremy Pye.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The analysis and historical study of burial container hardware and other mortuary artifacts is crucial in establishing a useful discourse between the multiple lines of evidence recorded and recovered in historical cemetery investigations. Exact identification of types and styles of burial container hardware is vital in defining the chronology of burial,...

"Hanging in shreds": HMS Investigator’s Copper Hull Sheathing (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Moore.

The wreck of HMS Investigator presents a remarkably well-preserved example of copper-sheathing applied to a Royal Navy ship. It is particularly interesting given that most Royal Navy ships engaged in the search for a Northwest Passage, and without exception those entering the Arctic via Hudson Strait and Davis Strait, were fitted with bottom felt and doubled planking but were unsheathed. The planned voyage of the Investigator and HMS Enterprise into the Arctic via tropical waters and the Bering...

Hearth and Home at Sabbath Point: A Beothuk Housepit on Red Indian Lake, Newfoundland (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Donald Holly. Christopher Wolff. James Williamson. Jessica Watson.

This is an abstract from the "Hearth and Home in the Indigenous Northeast" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We report on recent excavations at an unusual Beothuk housepit feature located on Red Indian Lake, in the interior of the island of Newfoundland, Canada. The housepit is remarkable for its large size and hexagonal shape, for having escaped destruction from logging, flooding, and earlier avocational investigations, and for the fact that it does...

Hearth Features in High-Latitude Environments (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caitlin Holloway.

The depositional context of many high-latitude archaeological sites often inhibits preservation of hearth features and associated organic remains. When preserved, subsurface hearth features provide insight into the role of plant resources in prehistoric hunter-gatherer economies. This research addresses questions of taphonomy, paleoecology, and prehistoric plant use with archaeobotanical analysis of hearth features from sites located in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve and Gates of the...

Hello from the Other Side: Knowledge Dissemination from CRM Archaeology in Ontario (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caitlin Coleman.

This is an abstract from the ""Is There Gold in that Field?" CRM and Public Outreach on the Front Lines" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For the last five years I have been working on disseminating knowledge about heritage and archaeology through my role as assistant manager of communications at ASI, Ontario’s largest cultural resource management company. My goal has been to make information about our current work accessible, by tailoring the...

Heritage Management in Nunatsiavut: Policy in Action (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Deirdre Elliott. Corey Hutchings.

This is an abstract from the "Current Research and Challenges in Arctic and Subarctic Cultural Heritage Studies" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The heritage landscape in Nunatsiavut, and in the north more generally, is changing rapidly and in ways that demand changes in how we approach heritage management. Nunatsiavut holds 7,000 years of human history, and the importance of protecting and promoting this history is attested to in the Labrador...

Heritage, Healing, and Coming Home: An Archaeologist Encounters Her Ancestors (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kisha Supernant.

Archaeologists in the Americas rarely study their own history; rather, the bulk of archaeology in this region is done on Indigenous histories. Non-indigenous archaeologists studying Indigenous history can contribute to the erasure of Indigenous peoples from the accounting of their own past by centering the scientific study of material culture as the best or only way of knowing the truth. So what happens when an Indigenous archaeologist encounters her own ancestors in the archaeological record?...

The Hess Creek Site and Implications for Livengood and Yukon River Archaeology (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kate Yeske. Thomas Allen. Robert Bowman. Holly McKinney.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology of Alaska, the Gateway to the Americas" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Hess Creek Site (LIV-00001) is a multicomponent site 36 km southeast of the Yukon River within the Yukon-Tanana uplands. It was initially located in 1969, tested and partially excavated in 1970, and revisited in 1975, 2016, 2020, and 2021. Extensive excavation in 2021 shows a potential separation between two cultural zones, Cultural...

Hidden Battlefields: Power, Memory, and Preservation of Sites of Armed Conflict (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Button Kambic.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Hidden Battlefields: Power, Memory, and Preservation of Sites of Armed Conflict" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. For over 20 years, the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program has funded projects devoted to planning, interpreting, and protecting battlefields and other sites associated with armed conflicts that shaped the growth and development of the United States. This symposium...

Hidden Histories: Using Archaeology to teach Slavery in the Secondary Classroom (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsay Randall. Bethany Jay.

There are many challenges that educators face when teaching slavery in middle and high school classrooms. Archaeology-centered activities offer unique ways to talk about and incorporate histories often left out of the historical record in a manner that can engage students in important and meaningful conversations on the subject. The authors will share their experiences and strategies in using archaeology as a lens to talk with students and teachers about this important period in American...

Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Early Maize in the Eastern Woodlands (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patrick Druggan.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Maize was ubiquitous in eastern North America at the time of European contact; however, the timing and trajectory of its introduction and adoption by communities across the region remain unclear. Recent redating of collections previously reported to support Middle Woodland maize have rejected original interpretations by either yielding dates centuries...

High Elevation Land Use in the Cougar Pass Region of the Absaroka Mountains of Northwest Wyoming (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Brush.

Historically, high elevations have been considered as peripheral to past human cultures. Indeed, high elevation areas are somewhat marginal given their increased energy demands and generally low productivity; yet, archaeological evidence shows that human use of high altitudes reaches far into prehistory. Here I present an analysis of human land use through time and its relationship to major environmental and climatic shifts to determine the conditions under which humans make more or less...

Hips Don’t Lie: A Validation Study of the Albanese Metric Sex Estimation Method for the Proximal Femur on a Modern North American Population (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katelyn Frederick.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sex estimation is a key component of the biological profile used in skeletal studies for bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology. In the crucial need for non-pelvic sex estimation methods, Albanese (2008) introduced a new method that implements measurements between three newly defined landmarks on the proximal femur. These landmarks create a triangle which...

Historic Cultural Perspectives Through Cemetery Landscape (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paige Peterson. Elisa Moes.

The Jewish cemetery in Victoria, BC is home to approximately 300 interments and is one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Canada and the second largest in western Canada. This study explores the Jewish community of Victoria during its earlier period of use from 1914 – 1918 using four individuals from a variety of economic, social, political, and gender specific backgrounds. The goal of this research was to investigate the biographies of four people buried at Emanu-El cemetery who died during the...

Historic Preservation and the Indian Division of the Civilian Conservation Corps (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carolyn Dillian. Charles Bello.

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and other federally sponsored work programs, provided much needed employment during the Great Depression and have been examined extensively by scholars in a range of fields. However, few are aware that a parallel program, Indian Emergency Conservation Work, later subsumed into the CCC as the Indian Division (CCC-ID), offered similar programs for Native American young men and performed extensive conservation work on reservations. These men built roads,...

Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserve and National Guard Installations from World War I Through the Cold War - Report, 2011 (Legacy 09-431) (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jayne Aaron.

This architectural history and context of aviation and hangar development in the Reserve and National Guard provides a framework that the National Guard and Reserves can use in the National Register eligibility determination process.

Historical and Bioarchaeological Investigation of the Evansville State Hospital Cemetery (12VG598), Vanderburgh County, Indiana (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexandra Bybee.

In 2014, Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc., conducted the archaeological relocation of graves from the Evansville State Hospital Cemetery. At the request of Beam, Longest, and Neff, LLC, on behalf of the City of Evansville and the Indiana Department of Transportation, the graves of 31 individuals who were patients at the reform-era hospital between circa 1890 and 1928 were relocated in advance of construction of a pedestrian bridge. The population consisted primarily of young to middle adults,...

Historical Archaeology of Capitalism and Climate Change (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only LouAnn Wurst. Stephen Mrozowski.

Much of the climate change literature focuses on whether it is an empirically verifiable process or how individual’s behavior can ameliorate the impacts. Our common approach abstracts the environment, economy, society, and individuals as external relations that posit the cause and effects of global warming as categorically separate from endemic global poverty, starvation, and income disparities. Instead, we argue that discussions need to bring together all the social and natural aspects that...

The Historical Ecology of Laxgalts'ap – a Cultural Keystone Place of the Gitga’ata of Northern British Columbia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Spencer Greening. Dana Lepofsky. Mark Wunsch. Nancy Turner.

For many Indigenous Peoples, their traditional lands are archives of their histories, from the deepest of time to recent memories and actions. These histories are written in the landscapes’ geological features, the plant and animal communities, and associated archaeological and paleoecological records. Some of these landscapes, recently termed "Cultural Keystone Places" (CKPs), are iconic for these groups and have become symbols of the connections between the past and the future, and between...

A History Cast in Stone: Geochemical Chert Sourcing Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (PXRF) in Southern Ontario (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Cullison.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. To test the validity of portable X-Ray Fluorescence (PXRF) for chert sourcing, thirty-two chert artifacts from the Waterloo Regional Museum in southern Ontario were compared to chert source samples. The use of PXRF in archaeology has raised questions about the method’s validity. The portable versions of XRF have lower energy outputs which in turn produces...

The History of Archaeology: Looking to the Past to Unravel Sexual Harassment in the Present (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren Jablonski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In archaeology, sexual harassment has become a defining part of our culture and affects many professionals across all subfields. This paper is a part of ongoing research that focuses on the history of archaeology as a way to understand sexual harassment in our culture, and to find ways to change this aspect of our culture moving forward. Our field, like...

The History We Remember: Race, Law, and Understanding the Archaeological Landscape (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Schumann.

Law works in ways to promote specific interests of those with power, often leading to racial and economic marginalization. Through an examination of 18th and early 19th century Virginia laws, I investigate the relationship between law and race. I explore how laws help shape racial categories and forms of structural racism, and promotes economic inequality. These historical economic and and racial inequalities impact how we understand archaeological landscapes and whether sites meet the criteria...

Hitchhiking to the New World: Archaeoentomology and the Study of Introduced Insect and Ectoparasite Species. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Allison Bain. Mélanie Rousseau.

This paper presents an overview of North American archaeoentomology, focussing on the study of introduced species. Seminal works on the introduction of plant and animal species during colonization suggested multiple parameters allowing for the colonization of the Americas by Old World species (Lindroth 1957) and introduced the term "European biological imperialism" (sensu Crosby 1972) to our vocabularies in environmental archaeology. Research in archaeoentomology, focussing primarily on beetles...

HMS Erebus Artifacts: In-Context finds and Future Potential (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Dagneau.

The discovery of Sir John Franklin's lost ship HMS Erebus by Parks Canada’s Underwater Archaeology Team and its partners in September 2014 promises long-waited answers to the great mystery of the Franklin expedition. The initial archaeological studies of the site in 2014-2015 clearly demonstrate a great potential for in-context, intact artifact group discoveries. This paper describes the artifacts raised so far and some others yet to be mapped and raised, in an effort to demonstrate the enormous...

HMS Erebus Material Culture: Reaching Out to Individuals in Shipwreck Historical Archaeology (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Dagneau.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "The Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site of Canada: 2016-2019 Underwater Archaeological Investigations" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The discoveries of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror promise long-waited answers to lingering mysteries of the 1845 Franklin Expedition. Archaeological study of the HMS Erebus wreck site (as well as initial exploration of the HMS Terror wreck) demonstrate the...