North America (Geographic Keyword)

1,076-1,100 (3,602 Records)

Eighteenth-Century Life Along Delaware’s Cart Roads: The Noxon Tenancy (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Wilkins. John Bedell.

On behalf of the Delaware Department of Transportation, The Louis Berger Group completed an archaeological data recovery at the Noxon Tenancy, a circa 1740 to 1770 domestic site in St. Georges Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware. The site was part of the Noxon’s Adventure parcel, patented in 1734 and owned by two generations of the Noxon family. However, the Noxons did not reside on the property, and site was likely a tenant-occupied farm. Phase III test unit and feature excavations yielded a...

The Ekanachattee Trading Post in the Choctawhatchee River (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ivor R. Mollema.

In March 2017, we received a call from a local property owner and archaeologist suggesting that they may have located an old Anglo-Native American Trading Post in the eastern edges of Chocctawhatchee Bay in Florida. While this part of the bay had never before been surveyed, the proximity of previously identified sites and historical research suggested that this was a likely location for the maritime end of the Ekanachattee Trading Trail from Florida's British Period. During the following months,...

"El Lanchon": Investigation of an Industrial Relic at Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nathan Richards. Devin Urban.

Known to the people of Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica as El Lanchon (the barge) this intertidal structure was one subject for study at the Program in Maritime Studies’  2015 summer field school.  What began as an opportunity to experiment with photogrammetric techniques soon turned into a more detailed examination of the site’s various functions and multi-layered history.  This presentation will outline the present day use of "El Lanchon" as well as its connection to successful and failed industries...

El Presidio de San Francisco: Investigating Daily Life on the Spanish Frontier (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Montserrat A. Osterlye.

In 1776, Spain sent thirty families from what is now Mexico to establish El Presidio de San Francisco as the northernmost outpost of their empire. Presidial soldiers defended adjacent Catholic missions and policed California Indians in the San Francisco Bay Area. The historical record is largely silent on the lives of colonial families and their relationships with indigenous people. This paper summarizes research at the archaeological site of El Presidio de San Francisco since its discovery in...

Elbow Reef’s Landscape of Salvage (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew S. Lawrence. Jay V. Haigler.

Jutting into the Gulf Stream, Elbow Reef has claimed numerous vessels, particularly steamships, over the last 150 years. Today, these shipwrecks attract hundreds of divers and snorkelers visiting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Archaeological research has revealed the histories of several Elbow Reef shipwrecks, but time has shrouded the identities of others until recently. The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) is partnering...

Electrifying Independence Valley: Waterpower and Mining in Nevada’s Northeastern Frontier. (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacob N. Pollock. Christopher Merritt.

In 1896, mine interests revived Tuscarora, a struggling busted silver town in Northeastern Nevada. With the incorporation of a new mining company, the consolidation of existing claims, and the construction of a technologically forward-thinking stamp mill, Tuscarora was primed for resurgence.  Like other mining districts in Nevada, the newly formed company needed energy to power its stamp mill, surface and underground lights and other mining ephemera, but they were faced with the remarkable lack...

Elephant-Hunting with D. Stanford (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gary Haynes.

Dennis Stanford’s work at the Dutton, Selby, Lamb Spring, and Inglewood sites was a major part of his lifelong search for breakthrough evidence about North America’s earliest human encounters with mammoths. He encouraged me to study the megafaunal bones from those sites, and gave me room to disagree with him. His support allowed me to start looking into new ways to understand how the bones were modified and how such sites came to be. This presentation ties together data from those fossil sites...

Elizabeth Ann Morris: Dishwasher, Digger, Instructor, Professor (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly Pool.

This is an abstract from the "Female Firsts: Celebrating Archaeology’s Pioneering Women on the 101st Anniversary of the 19th Amendment " session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Liz Morris (1932–2012) grew up surrounded by artifacts and archaeologists as the daughter of Earl and Ann Axtell Morris, renowned Southwestern and Mesoamerican archaeologists. She launched her own archaeological career in 1951 when she attended field camp at Pine Lawn, NM, where...

The Elk Horn and the Miller Whose Front Name Was George: Places and People Without History (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Schuyler.

Most places and people who have existed in world history have left few if any primary or personal records (archtectural descriptions, ground plans, inventories, personal letters, journals, diaries, or memoirs). The excavation of a standard 19th Century saloon in Utah and the biography of its owner serve as an example of how multiple ranges of information can be used to reconstruct many average past institutions on both a physical and human level. Only one saloon owner on the Western frontier...

The Elusive Fort Shackelford: The Brief Life and Long Legacy of a Lost Seminole War Fort (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David W Scheidecker.

Secluded within a remote cattle pasture on the Big Cypress Seminole Reservation sits a concrete marker from the 1940’s declaring it to be the location of Fort Shackelford, a US Army outpost built in 1855 during the prelude to the Third Seminole war. Investigations to verify the location however turned up a complex history. Historical research not only cast doubt on the marker’s accuracy, but revealed a cautionary tale of misinformation, looting, site tampering, and tribal sovereignty. Now,...

The Embedded Landscapes of 28 Dock Street: Materiality, Mobility, and Enslavement in 18th-Century New York City (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Striebel MacLean.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Historical Archaeology of Cities: Unearthing Complexity in Urban Landscapes", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. An assemblage of small triangular-mouthed Hessian crucibles was disposed of in a cellar midden at 28 Dock Street in Lower Manhattan circa 1724. The Dock Street dwelling was associated with the home and workshop of a Huguenot silversmith and family, his Huguenot apprentice, and an enslaved black man....

The Embodiment of Identity: an Archaeological Perspective on Race and Self-Representation in18th -century Virginia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. Hope Smith.

Institutionalized slavery helped to create the concept of race in the American mind and forced people into new social categories based on superficial bodily characteristics. These new social categories resulted in the formation of identities that were continuously negotiated, reinforced or challenged through daily bodily practices of self-presentation that included ways of dress, adornment and physical action. Because slavery was defined on the body, an embodiment approach to plantation...

Embodying Identities: The Human Figure in Pre-European Native American Art (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katharine Fernstrom.

Two- and three-dimensional human figures, and disembodied parts of figures, are commonly found across North America, and are considered important dimensions of Native American art. Figures appear in diverse media and sizes including stone, copper, shell, earthen effigy mounds, and petroglyphs/petrographs. In the literature, they are most frequently addressed as examples of art for the regions in which they are found, but rarely as pan-North American phenomena. A solely regional perspective...

Embracing Anomalies to Advance Frontiers (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Nassaney.

The field of historical archaeology is indebted to its founders who charted a path for inquiry into the post-Columbian world. Among them was George Irving Quimby who developed a relatively robust database that he used to order sites chronologically in the western Great Lakes region. However, he struggled to rectify observations that contradicted his theoretical framework of acculturation such as the persistence of Native subsistence and settlement practices despite Native adoption of European...

Embracing the Ndee Past as the Present: Ndee Cultural Tenets as Practice (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Laluk.

In 2004 the White Mountain Apache Tribe approved the Cultural Heritage Resources Best Management Practices (Welch et al.). However, since the tribe’s adoption of the practices little has been done in reference to the application of such tenets/concepts found within the guidelines. Tribal programs, contractors, and researcher’s might adhere to the guidelines during project activities but only as "guidelines," when there is much more embedded in such tenets as respect and avoidance that can be...

Emerald Bay Project: Digital Monitoring of the Two 19th-century Submerged Barges (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Piotr T Bojakowski. Katie Bojakowski. Perry Naughton. Michael Bianco. Antonella Wilby.

Excavated and recorded in 1989-1990, the two 19th-century submerged barges of the Emerald Bay require continuous attention and monitoring. Located along the south-west shoreline of the Lake Tahoe, California, the barges are of a considerable archaeological, historical, and recreational significance in the area. As they are also part of the interpreted shipwreck site within the California State Parks system, the goal of this 2014 survey was to perform a non-disturbance assessment of the site to...

Emergent Materialities of 19th c. Nipmuc Basketry (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Law Pezzarossi.

This paper examines a collection of iron artifacts from the Sarah Burnee/Sarah Boston Site, a late 18th- and early 19th-century Nipmuc homestead in Grafton, Massachusetts. While the objects recovered have a broad range of purposes, the assemblage is assessed for its utility in the practice of woodsplint basketmaking, an emerging Indigenous industry in 19th-century New England, and the purported trade of one of the homestead’s inhabitants. Native woodsplint baskets were valued by Anglo-American...

Empires of Displacement: Native American Spatial Encounters at Postbellum Fort Davis and Russian Fort Ross (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Perez.

While recent scholarship gives attention to Native American agency as it relates to the Spanish mission system, the same may not be said about military forts on the nineteenth-century American ‘frontier.’ Using archival material from Fort Davis, Texas and Fort Ross, California, this paper argues for a comparative approach in studying how groups from the Comanche/Apache and Kashaya Pomo tribes employed geographic mobility as a form of resistance in the face of Euro-American fortified occupation....

The Emplacement of the First Cathedral or "Iglesia Mayor" in the Capital of New Spain (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lorena Medina Martínez.

The transformation and the reuse of the urban landscape of the capital of Mexico Tenochtitlan, by the Spanish in the sixteen century is an event that continues to raise questions as well as provides new data through archaeological interventions around the area that in the past was occupied by the Aztec capital. In 2016, an ongoing archaeological investigation conducted by the Urban Archeology Program (PAU) of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) uncovered a series of walls,...

Employing Innovative Approaches to Curation and Collections Management: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Archaeological Curation Program (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrea Farmer. Michael K. Trimble.

The recognition that our field is based on scientifically curated national collections has re–emerged as a core value of the archaeological community.  While most archaeologists recognize curation and collections management as being integral to our field, resource allocation for these collections have never adequately addressed our national need.  The preservation and digitization of collections is now seen as key to the survival of the field and the science of archaeology.  The U.S. Army Corps...

Empowering Communities: Democratizing Knowledge Production in Science Communication through “The Community Archaeologist” (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Horvey Palacios. Delaney Cooley. Bonnie Pitblado.

This is an abstract from the "Democratizing Heritage Creation: How-To and When" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Science communicators are in an unprecedented time of digital innovation and global connectivity that has given rise to accessible and engaging projects, including podcasts, TikToks, apps, and interactive websites. These platforms have demonstrated how the power to create and disseminate narratives can shift from a select few to the...

Empowering Social Justice And Equality By Making Minority Sites And Intersecting Power Dynamics Visible (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Suzanne Spencer-Wood.

Feminist critical intersectional theory emancipates constructions of the past from the symbolic violence of minority group exclusion perpetrated by historical narratives and archaeologies focused on the dominant social group of elite white men. Social justice and equality are empowered by historical markers, districts, heritage trails, statues, conferences, and K-college lesson plans that bring to light historic sites, experiences, and voices of minorities and women who were lost to history....

The Empty Cup: Identity, Alcohol, and Material Culture in the Civil War Era (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maggie L. Yancey.

During the Civil War, alcohol use and abuse took on a new life. Soldiers went on drunken rampages, civilians took "sprees" sometimes ending in death, the Union imposed a whiskey tax, and the Confederacy experimented with prohibition. But what did it really mean? From a general’s beloved brandy flask, and a southern lady’s wineglasses, to a disheartened soldier’s identifying himself as an empty cup, gendered attachments to the material culture of alcohol show how Civil War era Americans...

Encountering Mannahatta: The Archaeological Search For New York's Past (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacob S Kayen.

Considering the archaeological process within the City of New York and comparing two excavations from lower Manhattan landfill sites excavated thirty years apart, this paper analyzes how New York archaeology is carried out in practice, how the process has changed over time, and the capacity for the vast accumulation of material to (re)instantiate contemporary understandings of the past. How does archaeological research reflect a sociocultural disposition of the present? The dominant narrative of...

Encounters or Exposures? A Methodical Approach to Coastal Resiliency. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leah Colombo.

Climate change is unequivocal and recently the federal government has developed collaborative initiatives between the Departments of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, NOAA, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to identify natural and historic resources that require conservation and restoration to ensure they are more resilient to changing climate. Coastal resiliency, in particular, implies the need to maintain appropriate storm barriers, such as sand...